Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Staff member
Well this "evidence" will certainly force the Court's hand and bring justice. Just out of curiosity, how does one get around the foreign born status of our first presidents? Did the Constitution arrive after them? The Colonies had been in existence for quite some time by then, so they couldn't really say that there wasn't anyone born in the US who could be elected. Hmmmm.


New Member
We as a people need to focus on bringing jobs back to America, rebuilding our infrastructure. Perhaps we should gather signatures and petition against proverty, injustice, our climate going haywire or lack of human decency and the manipulation of corporatate american and the way they run this country. Is it me? or can we agree the ails of this world, state, city and communities require immediate attention of the ER. kind.


Well-Known Member
We as a people need to focus on bringing jobs back to America, rebuilding our infrastructure. Perhaps we should gather signatures and petition against proverty, injustice, our climate going haywire or lack of human decency and the manipulation of corporatate american and the way they run this country. Is it me? or can we agree the ails of this world, state, city and communities require immediate attention of the ER. kind.

That's all well and good but we as a people would much rather watch American Idol than get actively involved in our government.


Strength through joy
Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) is the only president born of two immigrants, both Irish.
Presidents with one immigrant parent are Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809), whose mother was born in England, James Buchanan (1857-1861) and Chester Arthur (1881-1885), both of whom had Irish fathers, and Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) and Herbert Hoover (1929-1933), whose mothers were born respectively in England and Canada.


Strength through joy
( — This is the perfect tour for those who are interested in helping put an end to the mystery of whether or not President Obama’s birth certificate exists in Hawaii.
Travel arrangements will be made by our team of native Hawaiian tour guides, certified as some of the best on the Island. Activities include island hopping, volcano exploration, a visit to the Pearl Harbor Memorial, a 120-mile journey around the island of Oahu and a traditional luau at Paradise Cove. If the missing Presidential documents are to be found, these are the perfect tours to uncover them on.
The following three tours may be arranged in any order, to best accommodate your travel plans. You may call our office at any time for assistance: (888) 753-7277 or email [email protected].


Staff member
"Beginning in Atlantis and ending at our Area 51 Bed and Breakfast complete servants, come see the Islands and all the mystery west of the Mississippi!


Strength through joy
Donald Trump: “Obama came from nowhere. People, who went to school with him don’t know who he is”

A new poll is shocking the political powers in Washington with indication that only 3 in 10 members of the GOP believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States.
With the issue still disputed in a number of court cases and under review by nearly a dozen states considering laws that presidential candidates document their constitutional eligibility, the poll by Public Policy Polling found that only 28 percent of the Republicans surveyed believe Obama was born in the U.S. while 51 percent do not.
Another 21 percent say they are not sure.


Staff member
Do you realize that if 100% of this claim were true, it would simply illustrate one more event in which the "powers that be" supported by the majority of the public shrugged their shoulders and said, "So? We ignore the Constitution all the time."


Strength through joy
So as a realist, you are perfectly happy to have someone who has never produced any official documentation { birth certificate, immigration records, school records, hospital records, travel passports, nor has a valid SS number } to occupy the highest position this country has ?


Staff member
As a realist I know that John McCain's birth in Panama came up for, oh, about one news cycle.
I know that the Chief Justice swore him in to that position.
I have yet to see John Boehner bring legislation to the floor to challenge the president's legitimacy.
I know that politics in America need not have anything to do with fact.
I know that if the Constitution means what it says, wars would be hard to get into, not to get out of; The Patriot Act would have been Dead on Arrival; and biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons should be available at the corner gun store (you know, for defense against tyrrany).


Strength through joy
As a realist I know that John McCain's birth in Panama came up for, oh, about one news cycle.
I know that the Chief Justice swore him in to that position.TWICE
I have yet to see John Boehner bring legislation to the floor to challenge the president's legitimacy.
I know that politics in America need not have anything to do with fact.
I know that if the Constitution means what it says, wars would be hard to get into, not to get out of; The Patriot Act would have been Dead on Arrival; and biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons should be available at the corner gun store (you know, for defense against tyrrany).
fixed it for you
As a realist I know that John McCain's birth in Panama came up for, oh, about one news cycle.
Then as a "realist" you should also know that he was born on the Coco Solo Air Base on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal Zone, which was United States territory at the time. Thus fulfilling the qualifications for legitimate US citizenship. Nice try.
I know that the Chief Justice swore him in to that position.
Not enough info, swore who into what position, twice?
I have yet to see John Boehner bring legislation to the floor to challenge the president's legitimacy.
I have heard Boehner say that he believed O to be born in Hawaii, why would he bring legislation to the floor?
I know that politics in America need not have anything to do with fact.
That has become more and more obvious.
I know that if the Constitution means what it says, wars would be hard to get into, not to get out of; The Patriot Act would have been Dead on Arrival; and biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons should be available at the corner gun store (you know, for defense against tyrrany).
I reckon that if a frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his butt when he jumped.


Strength through joy
When all the facts are known { all the knowledge that bho is hiding about himself } , the people should demand that he vacate our WH and be prepared to face a criminal court.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
When all the facts are known { all the knowledge that bho is hiding about himself } , the people should demand that he vacate our WH and be prepared to face a criminal court.

Never will end up like Clintons Whitewater with mysterious deaths and suicides...dont forget that your dealing with the Chicago Mafia.
