Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Strength through joy
Baba, shouldn't that be in the "Meaningless fluff" thread?

breaking news ( just for bbsam )......................

The good news for liberals is that even though nobody has been able to turn up the official document, they have sworn testimony by several people who just happened to have been in the Honolulu delivery room on Aug. 4, 1961. They include Rahm Emanuel, Harry Reid, Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett, Henry Waxman, Bill Maher and Chris Matthews. The attending physician was Dr. Keith Olbermann, and the head nurse was Nancy Pelosi.


Strength through joy
Update on state eligibility bills

1. TX-filed.
2 GA- filed.
3. Mo- filed
4.MT- filed.
{ Tx, Ga, Mo, Mt ; Republican majority in both houses and Republican Governor. Eligibility bill is expected to pass and be confirmed }

5 PA announced planned filing.
6. AZ announced planned filing
7. OK- past eligibility bill in the state Assembly last year


Staff member
Are you saying that it is OK with you that someone who does not qualify constitutionally can be elected the President of the USA?
I mean that if the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court swore him in (twice) then I am satisfied that he does qualify constitutionally. That can't be too hard for an objective mind to fathom.
I mean that if the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court swore him in (twice) then I am satisfied that he does qualify constitutionally. That can't be too hard for an objective mind to fathom.
Is it the duty of the Chief Justice to verify the incoming "president's" qualifications?
Yes. I believe it is. Or if he considered it a legitimate question he could expedite it straight to his bench, no?
How about some back up for that assumption?
I'm not sure the SCotUS can expedite cases through the process, this could be a dangerous standard to set. To my knowledge all the suits to force presentation of the president's actual birth certificate have stalled in lower courts. I have never heard of the top court interceding on any case in that status. I could be wrong about this, I do not know all things and don't keep a close vigilance on the SC. I am far from being a Constitutional expert.


Staff member
How about some back up for that assumption?
I'm not sure the SCotUS can expedite cases through the process, this could be a dangerous standard to set. To my knowledge all the suits to force presentation of the president's actual birth certificate have stalled in lower courts. I have never heard of the top court interceding on any case in that status. I could be wrong about this, I do not know all things and don't keep a close vigilance on the SC. I am far from being a Constitutional expert.

I think you have heard of it happening. I belive Gore v. Bush is an example.


Staff member
How about some back up for that assumption?
I'm not sure the SCotUS can expedite cases through the process, this could be a dangerous standard to set. To my knowledge all the suits to force presentation of the president's actual birth certificate have stalled in lower courts. I have never heard of the top court interceding on any case in that status. I could be wrong about this, I do not know all things and don't keep a close vigilance on the SC. I am far from being a Constitutional expert.

Also on 12/8/2008 the court rejected without comment a petition to review the matter. That is far different than to suggest that it did not have jufisdiction.


Strength through joy
Check out the different Obama COLBs posted online by Obama's campaign. Also, if you missed it, meet the only 2 people to examine the COLB(s), and one of them wasn't Bill O'Reilly or Anderson Pooper;

1) Daily Kos COLB;

2) Fight the Smears COLB;

3) COLB with seal;

4) COLB without seal;

All should view the research compiled at this site;
The two employees who were granted access to Obama’s bogus Certification of Live Birth (COLB) are NOT document examiners or experts. Joe Miller has a Ph. D. in Political Philosophy — so he’s a political operative — while Jess Henig has an M.A. in English Literature.
Those two are completely unqualified to perform any kind of forensic examination of any document, and knows it — and so do Henig and Miller.
FactCheck does say their, “representatives got a chance to spend some time with the ‘birth certificate,’ and we can attest to the fact that it is real and three-dimensional and resides at the Obama headquarters in Chicago.” In my mind, that clearly shows they were working with and for the Obama Campaign and that Obama and his people are involved in this lie. Much more HERE.


Strength through joy

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[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Items are archived chronologically. Blue titles are hot links to more information . . .[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] Barack Obama is definitely not who you think he is, whatever that is. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Everything we know about Obama comes from "Dreams...," critical historical stuff is disappearing or hidden by lawyers, and all we have left is Obama's idealized version of events. Now, this undocumented stranger, who has repeatedly been rewarded for the work of others, is sitting in the Oval Office -- and that's just fine with the Fourth Estate.

The screen snapshots at the links are from Obama's "Fight the Smears" website. There are three very important facts on this page:
1. Obama describes his citizenship status as "native born" citizen -- second paragraph. Obama never claimed he was a "natural born" citizen.

2. Obama's uses a phony id to do it. I had a better fake ID when I was in high school. Hell, it took three iterations to get it right.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] Obama has lived for almost 50 years without leaving any footprints -- none! There is no Obama documentation -- no bona fides -- no paper trail -- nothing.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] Columbia College[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] Obama's Columbia experience is a complete mystery. No one, absolutely no one, remembers Obama from Columbia -- Fox News asked 400 ex-students and all Fox got was shrugs. There is no picture of him in the yearbook.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] Obama doesn't have any close friends. Obama doesn't have a "best friend," a pal or a buddy, who goes back to Punahou, or Occidental, or Columbia, or Harvard, or the projects -- not one.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]

Is his legal name Barack Hussein Obama II, Barack Hussein Obama (without the designation "II" indicating Barack Obama Jr.), Barry Soetoro or Barack Hussein Obama Soebarkah?

All of these names appear in various documents produced since 2008 regarding Obama's life story and his passport records.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]