Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Strength through joy
your logic is strange MrFedx.
how does been a non-citizen automatically make one a muslim ?
My question has always been if bho's records are all sealed, has anyone to prove that he was properly vetted.
Just because some other elected leaders have stated that they think he is ok, does not mean that they agree with it, what it means is that they don't want to be the one to risk their careers on this gamble.


Engorged Member
your logic is strange MrFedx.
how does been a non-citizen automatically make one a muslim ?
My question has always been if bho's records are all sealed, has anyone to prove that he was properly vetted.
Just because some other elected leaders have stated that they think he is ok, does not mean that they agree with it, what it means is that they don't want to be the one to risk their careers on this gamble.

It doesn't make him a Muslim. I'm just mocking those who think the worst of him. As in he's a "Kenyan-born Socialist who might be a Muslim". I'm sure you've seen the emails with these kind of claims. Lots of Republican elected leaders have stated that he is American-born, and that the whole "birther" issue is a waste of time. I get them all the time from Right Wing friends and family.

Yeah, I'd like to see him come on national TV, hold up the certificate, and then tell all of you what a bunch of fools you are. That wouldn't be Presidential, would it? Then you'd find some other reason to belittle the man.

Here's the real deal, and that's the idea that a black man is POTUSA, and it sticks in your craw just like it does Limbaugh's, as he dances around calling Obama everything but the N-word. Get over it.


golden ticket member
I'm tired of being called a racist......we may not like Obama, but it's not because he's 1/2's because he's full idiot!!! You bring up the race thing all the time. Usually when you run out of ammo to debate with, you fall back on the race card. It's old. I hate the ploy.


Staff member
I'm tired of being called a racist......we may not like Obama, but it's not because he's 1/2's because he's full idiot!!! You bring up the race thing all the time. Usually when you run out of ammo to debate with, you fall back on the race card. It's old. I hate the ploy.

Racist, racist, racist!. Don't really think you are one, but I get the feeling you like to have something to be outraged about. There ya go.:wink2:


Strength through joy
I judge a man by his actions, not his skin color.
Since day one, I have repeatly stated that he is nothing but a con man.
Go and re-read some of his stories that he has publicly spoken about.You will notice that he can't seem to keep the facts straight.
I again ask you was he properly vetted if all of his records were sealed by court orders ? And who does that {sealing your records } ?


Engorged Member
I'm tired of being called a racist......we may not like Obama, but it's not because he's 1/2's because he's full idiot!!! You bring up the race thing all the time. Usually when you run out of ammo to debate with, you fall back on the race card. It's old. I hate the ploy.

Interesting how you say he's 1/2 black, which is irrelevant since he identifies as black. Barack Obama is far more intelligent and capable than any candidate you might choose to replace him. Sorry that he's not a gun-toting good old boy or girl, but it does take a few smarts to get a JD from Harvard. Think Palin could have even have been admitted? My dog would be a better candidate than most Republicans.


Strength through joy
How can you prove that he has a JD from Harvard, since all of his records have been sealed ?
Oh, because he said so ?
Funny how he no longer has a license to practice law, care to explain to the class why that is ?


Strength through joy
Israel can no longer rely on the White House and must trust only itself due to a lack of leadership on the part of President Obama, declared a Knesset member from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud party.
“We have to understand that if, God forbid, we will be in the case of trouble, we can trust only ourselves because we see a lack of leadership coming from the U.S. today,” said Likud Knesset Member Danny Danon.
“And we should be worried about it, because we always think, well, we have a friend in the White House, we can call them when we are in need, and we see that is not the case,” said Danon, the deputy speaker of Israel’s parliament.
Danon added, “Frankly speaking, unfortunately we see a lack of leadership coming from Washington. They don’t actually take decisions. They follow, and they look at the news and then they deliver statements to the media.”


Staff member
Ya gotta admit, the race card is pretty frayed around the edges.

So is my Visa, but that doesn't keep me from reaching for it.:wink2: Also, ya gotta admit that just because someone is claiming that another person is playing the "race card" 1. doesn't mean the "race card" doesn't mean it is and 2. doesn't mean the first person is not a rasist. Let's not pretend all talk of racism in this country is political point scoring and racism doesn't exist still at many levels.
Ok. Then I would think (back to previous statement) Chief Justice John Roberts who swore Obama in to the presidency twice would have the court look into that. It's been suggested that it's held up in lower courts. I find that very hard to believe. Remember how fast Bush v. Gore hit the Supreme Court? Takes 4 justices to grant cert. Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, Alito. If the court saw a constitutional issue, it would have been there by January 19, 2009.
I don't think it is up to the SC to vett a presidential candidate.
Just finished reading up on the process that cases go through before being heard by the SC. There could be any number of reason BHO's place of birth verification hasn't been heard and few of them are simple.

In this thread there have been more than one link provided to news stories that some court decided that BHO must provide a valid birth certificate...yadda yadda yadda and the case has be appealed, then the case goes to a higher court. What happens to the case after that may or may not make the news, some may not have even been heard again yet.
Now, as far as I have heard no court has said BHO was not a citizen, just that he needs to show his proof of birth.
I'm not now, nor have I ever said BHO is not a citizen but I do think he should prove the detractors wrong. There is enough doubt to warrant solving the issue, which should be easy to do.
So is my Visa, but that doesn't keep me from reaching for it.:wink2: Also, ya gotta admit that just because someone is claiming that another person is playing the "race card" 1. doesn't mean the "race card" doesn't mean it is and 2. doesn't mean the first person is not a rasist. Let's not pretend all talk of racism in this country is political point scoring and racism doesn't exist still at many levels.
Don't be silly, of course racism still exists in the USA and it always will. However, the over use of the "card" has gotten just plain stupid. As More said, if anyone says something against BHO, some butthole jumps up waving the race card without any justification.

I don't like Obama, haven't liked him since about the third speech I heard him give. IT sure has nothing to do with his race, color or even his religion. I don't like his policies, his back ground, his choice of advisers or how he is running this country. And I don't like that he had most, if not all, of his past records sealed.


Staff member
I agree that it is not up to the SC to vett a candidate unless there is a constitutional question as to the validity of the candidate. There are those who say there is. If the SC agrees that the case has merit all that would have to happen is for the SC to grant cert and they would have jurisdiction. I would even go so far to suggest that whatever court allowed Obama's records to be sealed, the SC could overturn that ruling on appeal as well. The SC hears the cases they want to hear. Here the kicker: for now, I don't think either side wants the case anywhere but where it is. Democrats see the whole issue as a way of painting the far right as birther crazies with their hands in the Chamber of Commerce's pockets and Republicans get to use it to rile up the base about the foreign-secretly-Muslim-plant. I doubt that anyone truly believe the future of the United States is in peril. Except Baba, that is.


Staff member
Don't be silly, of course racism still exists in the USA and it always will. However, the over use of the "card" has gotten just plain stupid. As More said, if anyone says something against BHO, some butthole jumps up waving the race card without any justification.

I don't like Obama, haven't liked him since about the third speech I heard him give. IT sure has nothing to do with his race, color or even his religion. I don't like his policies, his back ground, his choice of advisers or how he is running this country. And I don't like that he had most, if not all, of his past records sealed.

I am simply saying that the use of the claim of using the "race card" is beginning to be over-used as well and in itself just plain stupid.
I am simply saying that the use of the claim of using the "race card" is beginning to be over-used as well and in itself just plain stupid.
How many times would the claim of the race card being used would there be if people like our purple poster didn't say things like he did a few posts ago? The "claim" is a reaction to the toss of the "card". One creates the other, ten or so years ago I didn't even know the term "race card", I can remember the first time I realized there was such a thing as racism.


Staff member
How many times would the claim of the race card being used would there be if people like our purple poster didn't say things like he did a few posts ago? The "claim" is a reaction to the toss of the "card". One creates the other, ten or so years ago I didn't even know the term "race card", I can remember the first time I realized there was such a thing as racism.

I'm sorry. I tend to gloss over 90% of what our "purple poster" said. He's not a bad guy really. I find I have to weed through the rhetoric to get to the point with him on most occasions.
I'm sorry. I tend to gloss over 90% of what our "purple poster" said. He's not a bad guy really. I find I have to weed through the rhetoric to get to the point with him on most occasions.
I've tried and tried to do that also, I just must be missing something because other that pushing a very leftist agenda I can't find a point. However I supposed people could say I push a very rightist view point.


Engorged Member
How can you prove that he has a JD from Harvard, since all of his records have been sealed ?
Oh, because he said so ?
Funny how he no longer has a license to practice law, care to explain to the class why that is ?

He was a professor at Harvard, and does have a JD. All you'd need to do is check with the University. You people are nuts if you think he faked his degree. Just how would one teach law without a law degree? Be logical.


Strength through joy
Ok, you're right, but then again you're wrong.
He was a lecturer or commonly known as an adjunct professor at the Univ. of Chicago Law.