Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Staff member
Cheney had to disclose and then sell his stock in Haliburton did he not? Maybe Obama will have to disclose...oh wait, he is above all else plus the liberal media will cover it up for him.
No. That was before becoming vice president. I am talking about the secret meetings he then held with oil company executives to decide the nation's energy policy. Executive priviledge does indeed cover those meetings, but you can't really believe at least an appearance of impropriety does not exist. Ex-oil exec in secret energy policy meetings to discuss energy policy going forward? That's akin to Elliott Spitzer in charge of taking down vice in New York City.


Strength through joy
Great news.
The final designs for the BHO Presidential Library have been chosen.
It will be able to hold the entire collection of all the papers from bho's historic career.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
OK, you've convinced me. He's a Socialist from Kenya who supports Muslim causes when he's not advocating for burning the Constitution and/or worshipping Satan. Is it any wonder that the far Right media (especially FOX) is such a money-maker? You folks take the bait, the hook, the line, and the pole. If you could swallow the reel, you'd take it too. Amazing.

I could never understand why a FedEx guy would post on a primarily UPSer site (?)..... but now I get it!! Thanks for enlightenment.


golden ticket member
OK, you've convinced me. He's a Socialist from Kenya who supports Muslim causes when he's not advocating for burning the Constitution and/or worshipping Satan. Is it any wonder that the far Right media (especially FOX) is such a money-maker? You folks take the bait, the hook, the line, and the pole. If you could swallow the reel, you'd take it too. Amazing.

You forgot...."SMOKER" !!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
That's OK, what Bush 1 and Bush 2 accomplished could fit in a matchbox. And the Nixon and Reagan Libraries? Don't even go there.

I appreciate your "Progressive" view on the subject matter. As Johnny Carson would say.... "May the fleas of a diseased camel nest in your shorts"... :surprised:


Strength through joy
According to the Traditional Values Coalition, since 2009 the Kennedy Institute has received three rounds of major appropriations from the [COLOR=green ! important][FONT=inherit ! important][COLOR=green ! important][FONT=inherit ! important]federal [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=inherit ! important][COLOR=green ! important][FONT=inherit ! important]government[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR]. In the 2009 federal budget, $5,813,000 was appropriated to the project through the Labor Department and Department of Health & Human Services spending bill. In the 2010 budget, $13,600,000 was funneled through the from the Department of Labor and the Department of Health and Human Services and another $18,900,000 through the Defense Department spending bill.
According to the Traditional Values Coalition, since 2009 the Kennedy Institute has received three rounds of major appropriations from the [COLOR=green ! important][FONT=inherit ! important][COLOR=green ! important][FONT=inherit ! important]federal [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=inherit ! important][COLOR=green ! important][FONT=inherit ! important]government[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR]. In the 2009 federal budget, $5,813,000 was appropriated to the project through the Labor Department and Department of Health & Human Services spending bill. In the 2010 budget, $13,600,000 was funneled through the from the Department of Labor and the Department of Health and Human Services and another $18,900,000 through the Defense Department spending bill.
There is a cut back that wouldn't fix the problem but would help. If any of the other past Pres "Institutes" are getting money from the feds, cut those too.


golden ticket member
There is a cut back that wouldn't fix the problem but would help. If any of the other past Pres "Institutes" are getting money from the feds, cut those too.

Edward ISN'T a past president....that's what makes this double disgusting !!! He wasn't even a mediocre senator......he was however a womanizer coward who let a woman die on his watch.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Huckabee on the bandwagon

Funny what the sock puppets say about each other. Be even funnier if they weren't holding a gun to our heads when they said it.

Funny how things get blown out of porportion...kinda like the Messiahs 57 states comment...cause we know he cant be that stupid right? So if you listen or read the whole interview you will notice that Huckabee states that Obama is an American citizen...just do a search away from the Liberal blogs and media and you will find the whole interview. But yes Huckabee did speak incorrectly.


Engorged Member
Funny how things get blown out of porportion...kinda like the Messiahs 57 states comment...cause we know he cant be that stupid right? So if you listen or read the whole interview you will notice that Huckabee states that Obama is an American citizen...just do a search away from the Liberal blogs and media and you will find the whole interview. But yes Huckabee did speak incorrectly.

These are the two words that ensure Huckabee will never be President. "Maurice Clemmons".


golden ticket member
My opinion is that Huckabee's heart isn't in it. He likes being at Fox. He hates the 'process' and all the money needed to run. He like to play his music....he's just happy where he is. He'd make a great advisor on how not to lose your cool to whatever candidate is the GOP pick.


Strength through joy
I agree also but the current presidents "two words" Jerimiah Wright or Bill Ayers and yet he became the Messiah...go figure.

according to barry (1) he may have been his preacher for 20 yrs, but he never really listened to him and ( 2) he may have been someone years ago , but now he's just a guy from his neighborhood. baa-baa-baa


Engorged Member
I agree also but the current presidents "two words" Jerimiah Wright or Bill Ayers and yet he became the Messiah...go figure.

You say you don't listen to Rush, but "The Messiah", Rev. Wright, and Bill Ayers are pretty exclusive to Limbaugh. Yeah, Ayers is an ex-Weatherman, but he's become a highly respected educator. Wright is a flake, but Obama has written him off, which even Wright admits. I'd be willing to bet a case of any beer you choose that Obama wins in 2012 with at least 55% of the popular vote.

Huckabee can't win because of Clemmons, Romney can't win because he wears "magic underwear", Palin is just plain ignorant, and Newtie has a whole train of nasty baggage, including ethics violations and a questionable personal history. BHO would beat any of them going away. Please come-up with a viable GOP candidate. And don't say Ron Paul, because he doesn't have a prayer. Rand is too extreme.