Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate

Lue C Fur

Evil member
You say you don't listen to Rush, but "The Messiah", Rev. Wright, and Bill Ayers are pretty exclusive to Limbaugh. Wrong...i got it from the only new station that did not bury it...FOX news. Yeah, Ayers is an ex-Weatherman, but he's become a highly respected educator. You mean respected by Left wing nut jobs? Wright is a flake, (funny it took the Messiah 20 years to figure that out) but Obama has written him off, (he only wrote him off when he felt it might affect his campaign as he defended him to the very end) which even Wright admits. I'd be willing to bet a case of any beer you choose that Obama wins in 2012 with at least 55% of the popular vote. If MSM keeps going to bat for the Messiah its going to be tough...but many people are now watching FOX so ya never know.

Huckabee can't win because of Clemmons, ( i agree plus he is to fake) Romney can't win because he wears "magic underwear", (umm...Romeny care to much like Obamacare and he is a Mormon) Palin is just plain ignorant, (dont want her to run but she is good a rallying the she is a MILF) and Newtie has a whole train of nasty baggage, including ethics violations and a questionable personal history. (im not a Newt much of a bible thumper) BHO would beat any of them going away. I agree and it wont be any of them or Ran or Ron Paul. Please come-up with a viable GOP candidate. Whoever runs against the Messiah just has to mention ramming Obamcare when the economy was in the tank and it should not be to hard.And don't say Ron Paul, because he doesn't have a prayer. Rand is too extreme.


Strength through joy
A long list of state lawmakers are marching forward on a number of legislative fronts to ensure candidates for president on their election ballots are eligible to hold the office.
But state Rep. Mark Hatfield, R-Ga., is taking it one step further with his proposed eligibility requirement – making it illegal for an elector to cast a ballot for an unapproved candidate.
The state's Presidential Eligibility Assurance Act would specify, "It is unlawful for any presidential elector from this state to cast his or her electoral college vote for a candidate who is not approved by the Secretary of State as having submitted adequate evidence of eligibility. Any person who violates this Code section shall upon conviction be guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature."
The bill also specifies the evidence needed and authorizes "any elector of this state" to challenge the qualifications that a candidate would offer as proof. It calls for a long-form birth certificate that includes details of the candidate's birth, or "the candidate's birth records, adoption records, baptism records, Social Security records, medical records, school and college records, military records, and passport records." Computer-generated facsimiles won't do.
"The candidate shall not attach certified or other copies of nonoriginal documents or records," the law requires.
It also requires affirmations that the candidate never was a citizen of another country and never had dual or multiple citizenships.



Engorged Member
A long list of state lawmakers are marching forward on a number of legislative fronts to ensure candidates for president on their election ballots are eligible to hold the office.
But state Rep. Mark Hatfield, R-Ga., is taking it one step further with his proposed eligibility requirement – making it illegal for an elector to cast a ballot for an unapproved candidate.
The state's Presidential Eligibility Assurance Act would specify, "It is unlawful for any presidential elector from this state to cast his or her electoral college vote for a candidate who is not approved by the Secretary of State as having submitted adequate evidence of eligibility. Any person who violates this Code section shall upon conviction be guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature."
The bill also specifies the evidence needed and authorizes "any elector of this state" to challenge the qualifications that a candidate would offer as proof. It calls for a long-form birth certificate that includes details of the candidate's birth, or "the candidate's birth records, adoption records, baptism records, Social Security records, medical records, school and college records, military records, and passport records." Computer-generated facsimiles won't do.
"The candidate shall not attach certified or other copies of nonoriginal documents or records," the law requires.
It also requires affirmations that the candidate never was a citizen of another country and never had dual or multiple citizenships.

More "birther" crapola. You just eat it right up.


Staff member
If laws such as these existed three to five years ago, we wouldn't even be having this debate and the term "Birther" wouldn't exist.

Wouldn't it be more informative to have detailed legal, financial, and medical records "unsealed" for all to pour over and disect?
Wouldn't it be more informative to have detailed legal, financial, and medical records "unsealed" for all to pour over and disect?
Of course it would, all records should be open, regardless of the candidate. If that had been the law, maybe even an amendment to the constitution, we wouldn't be debating 0's eligibility today.


Engorged Member
not "birthers" , just concerned citizens trying to clarify another federal law mistake.

Sorry, but you are a classic "Birther". I've read enough of your posts to get the message. And I could really care less if you are "Natural Born Citizen". Oh, it should be Naturally Born Citizen, as in Barack Obama is a naturally-born citizen. Get over it, and work on destroying public education and the evil unions.

Also, are you a union member? If so, please relinquish your card and offer to work for what you're really worth, which, according to the GOP, isn't very much.


Engorged Member
Of course it would, all records should be open, regardless of the candidate. If that had been the law, maybe even an amendment to the constitution, we wouldn't be debating 0's eligibility today.

If BHO were a Republican, none of this would be happening.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Perhaps you're right, if B.O. was a Republican he would've been properly screened, found to be disqualified from running, and would never have been elected!!

And the MSM would have slammed him for hiding his school records and hanging around Bill Ayers. They would have grilled him when he said he went to church for 20years and listened to Reverend Wright but never heard him say anything bad. Yep the big O would never had been nominated in the first place with all that baggage and community organizer experience...if he was a Republican.



Engorged Member
And the MSM would have slammed him for hiding his school records and hanging around Bill Ayers. They would have grilled him when he said he went to church for 20years and listened to Reverend Wright but never heard him say anything bad. Yep the big O would never had been nominated in the first place with all that baggage and community organizer experience...if he was a Republican.

Turn-in that Commie union card, won't you?


Strength through joy
That's what I like about you, no matter how many times some one proves you in error you keep demanding some social justice taken right from the left's current playbook.


Engorged Member
That's what I like about you, no matter how many times some one proves you in error you keep demanding some social justice taken right from the left's current playbook.

Nope. Please surrender your union card immediately or you'll be removed from the Birther/Tenther/ Truther club. You are a union member, aren't you? Doesn't that make you something of a hypocrite?