Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate

Biden ran with O, thus their election would be voided.
The SCOTUS would have to appoint a temp leader, until another national election could be held.
Frankly people in general would have no faith in the Dem party anymore, making it unlikely that any Dem would try for the office.
If you recall Pelosi signed off that he was the Dems choice, thus she would be in trouble.
Michelle would have to leave, just from the shame of such a scandal. How a smart woman like herself was completely taken by a conman.
Really, I don't know how much retroactive this would get. Even if Bidden became ineligible as you suggest, that would put Boehner in line of succession. His status has nothing to do with that election. IDK, people could do "dream plays" all day long. Unless the SCOTUS makes a ruling in favor of the "birthers" it's all just dreaming.
I still have never said I thought he was illegal, just that there are doubts that could be cleared up. If he has nothing to hide, just produce a verifiable BC. Sounds pretty simple to me.
BTW, I do not hate 0, but I do hate the things he has done.


Lue C Fur

Evil member
I still have never said I thought he was illegal, just that there are doubts that could be cleared up. If he has nothing to hide, just produce a verifiable BC. Sounds pretty simple to me.
BTW, I do not hate 0, but I do hate the things he has done.

+1. Well said. Just show the darn BC and get it over with....and unseal the school records as well.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Maybe he just likes attention....negative, positive, doesn't matter to him.

I think he feels that anyone who has an opinion or belief that does not line up with his is not worth his energy. His energy goes into bulldozing his agenda rather than learning how to lead a diverse country.


Engorged Member
Maybe he just likes attention....negative, positive, doesn't matter to him.

Did any of you ever consider the concept that it wouldn't be very presidential to stoop to this level? What's the deal on the school records? Are you claiming he didn't really go to law school or that he took Marxist classes? Every university I am familiar with has ultra-liberal professors on staff, except for Hillsdale College. Most also have a few conservatives too. I had openly Communist professors, and as long as you could support your disagreement with them, you'd do well in the class. The same deal went for the conservative ones. Write a good paper and you get a good grade, even if you don't agree with their political philosophy. Micheal Savage went to Berkeley, and he certainly didn't end-up liberal. So did Dr. Bill Wattenberg, a very well-known conservative.

Perhaps you should listen to some of the GOP leaders who have put the "birther" issue behind them and actually done something productive with their position. McCain and many other Republicans have said the whole issue of his origins is really a non-issue. Get a hint.

Have you ever seen any President deal with an issue this trivial? If he actually did go on national TV and waste our time showing us a copy of the certificate and his diploma(s), I'd lose respect for him because he has real issues to deal with and not this kind of crap.


Well-Known Member
This is fighting a losing battle. There are other ways to go such as attacking his record and what he does. Also, I don't want Joe Biden as President.
Did any of you ever consider the concept that it wouldn't be very presidential to stoop to this level? What's the deal on the school records? Are you claiming he didn't really go to law school or that he took Marxist classes? Every university I am familiar with has ultra-liberal professors on staff, except for Hillsdale College. Most also have a few conservatives too. I had openly Communist professors, and as long as you could support your disagreement with them, you'd do well in the class. The same deal went for the conservative ones. Write a good paper and you get a good grade, even if you don't agree with their political philosophy. Micheal Savage went to Berkeley, and he certainly didn't end-up liberal. So did Dr. Bill Wattenberg, a very well-known conservative.

Perhaps you should listen to some of the GOP leaders who have put the "birther" issue behind them and actually done something productive with their position. McCain and many other Republicans have said the whole issue of his origins is really a non-issue. Get a hint.

Have you ever seen any President deal with an issue this trivial? If he actually did go on national TV and waste our time showing us a copy of the certificate and his diploma(s), I'd lose respect for him because he has real issues to deal with and not this kind of crap.
Real issues, like where to play the next 18 holes?

hmmm the Constitution is trivial?


golden ticket member
As a community organizer, I picture Borat as a Mickey Rooney character type talking to all the other boys & girls and saying...."C'mon kids, we can put on a big show and Aunt Michelle can sew the costumes, you can be the lead and you can play....yada, yada, yada,..." :raspberry-tounge:


Engorged Member
Real issues, like where to play the next 18 holes?

hmmm the Constitution is trivial?

Right. Libya, Japan, and everything else takes a second seat to golf. I wonder if George Bush would have dealt so openly about some of the issues swirling around him during his presidency?


Strength through joy
Nothing is going on here folks, just keep moving along.
Shh! Obama gets anti-secrecy award

President Obama finally and quietly accepted his “transparency” award from the open government community this week — in a closed, undisclosed meeting at the White House on Monday.
Obama met quietly in the Oval Office with Gary Bass of OMB Watch, Tom Blanton of the National Security Archive, Danielle Brian of the Project on Government Oversight, Lucy Dalglish of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, and Patrice McDermott of, without disclosing the meeting on his public schedule or letting photographers or print reporters into the room.
Right. Libya, Japan, and everything else takes a second seat to golf. I wonder if George Bush would have dealt so openly about some of the issues swirling around him during his presidency?
It would take all of five minutes to call up one of his flunkies and instruct them to release his BC , school records and while at he was at it, come up with something to explain his ss card issues that have been brought up. It's not like he would have to go to Hawaii, spend hours going through records or even dig through boxes and boxes to clear all this up.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Nothing is going on here folks, just keep moving along.
Shh! Obama gets anti-secrecy award

President Obama finally and quietly accepted his “transparency” award from the open government community this week — in a closed, undisclosed meeting at the White House on Monday.
Obama met quietly in the Oval Office with Gary Bass of OMB Watch, Tom Blanton of the National Security Archive, Danielle Brian of the Project on Government Oversight, Lucy Dalglish of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, and Patrice McDermott of, without disclosing the meeting on his public schedule or letting photographers or print reporters into the room.

Transparency Award.....LMAO!!!!! Almost as funny as his Nobel Peace prize.:rofl:


Strength through joy

Name: Donald John Trump
Age: 63
Born: June 14th, 1946
Place of Birth: Jamaica Hospital, Queens, NYC, NY
Citizenship of Father at Birth: American
Citizenship of Mother at Birth: American
Years Residence in America: 63
Documentation Provided:


Particulars about Parents:
Name: Fred C. Trump
Date of Birth: October 11, 1905
Place of Birth: NYC, NY, USA
Citizenship at Birth: American
Name: Mary Anne (Mac Leod) Trump
Date of Birth: May 10, 1912
Place of Birth: Stornoway , Scotland, UK
Citizenship at Birth: British
Naturalized on: March 10, 1942
Jurisdiction of Naturalization: US District Court, Brooklyn NY
Naturalization Number: 5175295
Documentation Provided:

Congratulations Donald, you are the first prospective Presidential Candidate to qualify as a natural born citizen.
March 29, 2011 by


golden ticket member
Re: Trump.....Oprah is trying to schedule a 'special' show for her last show in May. She wants to have Donald on and do a make-over on him.


Engorged Member

Name: Donald John Trump
Age: 63
Born: June 14th, 1946
Place of Birth: Jamaica Hospital, Queens, NYC, NY
Citizenship of Father at Birth: American
Citizenship of Mother at Birth: American
Years Residence in America: 63
Documentation Provided:


Particulars about Parents:
Name: Fred C. Trump
Date of Birth: October 11, 1905
Place of Birth: NYC, NY, USA
Citizenship at Birth: American
Name: Mary Anne (Mac Leod) Trump
Date of Birth: May 10, 1912
Place of Birth: Stornoway , Scotland, UK
Citizenship at Birth: British
Naturalized on: March 10, 1942
Jurisdiction of Naturalization: US District Court, Brooklyn NY
Naturalization Number: 5175295
Documentation Provided:

Congratulations Donald, you are the first prospective Presidential Candidate to qualify as a natural born citizen.
March 29, 2011 by

But where was his hair born? Do you think that perhaps all of this is catering to the lunatic fringe might buy him some votes in 2012?


Staff member
I must be on the lunatic fringe. I'd vote for him today if my only other option was BHO.

I think the country needs a businessman at the helm. Unfortunately, the "establishment" makes them out to be nuts to save themselves. Ross Perot comes to mind.

My pick for President would be Mitt Romney, but the backwards country we live in makes too much of his religion (or any religion).

We need a good Atheist to run, and forget all the religious drivel!!


golden ticket member
I'd vote for Trump if he was the only other choice.

I like Romney.

Can't we have multiple candidates? Trump for business dealings & China. Romney for looking good at functions. Pailin for Military Training & Survival.
West for Integrity and war command. Huckabee for booking entertainment. Pawlenty for budget. Newt for debates. Etc, etc,....

Vote A.B.O. Anyone but Obama !!!