Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Like a good liberal....instead of answering the question , you change the subject and insult people , too. MrFedEx is good at that..yup a good Liberal.
dubya and trump have released their personal background information.....messiah has several teams of lawyers to prevent any information from being released. What is Barry so afraid of people seeing???
dubya and trump can give a speech without a teleprompter...messiah without his teleprompter just rambles .Uh...Uh...Umm--Umm...Uh...Uh...Umm---Ummm

I could not resist.:wink2::funny:

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Seems lately that the Liberals are really going nuts trying to see who will run against the Messiah. Maybe they are worried and will need as much time as possible to prepare.


golden ticket member
Just need to uproot the spendthrifts. Maybe we'll let B.O. run unchallenged and throw all the $$$ to getting house & Senate.....that would effectively shut him down.


Engorged Member
Just need to uproot the spendthrifts. Maybe we'll let B.O. run unchallenged and throw all the $$$ to getting house & Senate.....that would effectively shut him down.

The GOP grandstand shutdown will actually cost more money in the long run. Republican "logic" at work.


Strength through joy
The GOP grandstand shutdown will actually cost more money in the long run. Republican "logic" at work.

got to agree with you there. keeping barry & wife in the WH will bankrupt the treasury with all of their "vacations " and constant parties.


Engorged Member
got to agree with you there. keeping barry & wife in the WH will bankrupt the treasury with all of their "vacations " and constant parties.

Man, they are one wild couple, aren't they? They're almost as bad as Ron and Nancy, trotting all over the globe. When Dubya was Prez, he'd just mosey down to Crawford and his fake ranch for some pretzel munchin' and mountain biking. He wasn't smart enough to want to learn anything about the rest of the world.


Strength through joy
ya, he was a dumb one alright. No fancy hotels, no 40 car motorcades to go shopping, no using Air Force One to shuttle up to NYC for a play,.
Just a simple country boy who knew how to relax at home.


Staff member

You may denegrate his leadership, despise his positions, hate his politics, but if you mistake your emotions for his abilities, you will lose and in a most profound manner. If in his deficiencies you simply throw out the campaign he ran in '08 you are naieve. Remember, all those "just words" will be well delivered and the Republical leadership has plenty of targets painted on it especially with Paul Ryan's proposal now front and center for the next year.


Staff member
You may denegrate his leadership, despise his positions, hate his politics, but if you mistake your emotions for his abilities, you will lose and in a most profound manner. If in his deficiencies you simply throw out the campaign he ran in '08 you are naieve. Remember, all those "just words" will be well delivered and the Republical leadership has plenty of targets painted on it especially with Paul Ryan's proposal now front and center for the next year.
But don't you think the public learned its lesson from believing all his words last time? It was all BS. If he tries all that "change" and "hope" garbage again it will only hurt him. He is a very lucky man in that the Republicans can't come up with a decent challenge for him.