Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Staff member

Ad in Washington Times asks whose SS# is Obama using?

So how much money did they sucker you out of.... I mean how much money did you send to "help protect our liberty"?


Staff member

I wasn't talking about the GE's of the country, but the independently owned and operated businesses with one, maybe two locations. At one time there were many more of them than there are today and being over taxed is just one of the reasons they have decreased in numbers.

I will grant that could result in decreased numbers. What are the other possibilities? Bad management? Bought out? Merger? Hostile take-over? Not all businesses are going to exist into the forever. And if government were truly run as a business, what business would insist on balancing the books only on cutting spending and not raising prices? UPS ever do that? Fedex? I understand the myth that cutting taxes spurs economic growth, and perhaps it has for some multi-nationals, but where is it today? Where are all the jobs that companies were waiting to invest in? I think we have entered an era when businesses will extract whatever efficiencies they can from the labor and system that they have and at that point, if there is more market-share or profit to be had, they will add more labor. Would a 2.5% tax increase be something to consider before adding workers? Sure. But it's hardly the make or break point that we've been told it is. Too many other factors.
I will grant that could result in decreased numbers. What are the other possibilities? Bad management? Bought out? Merger? Hostile take-over? Not all businesses are going to exist into the forever. And if government were truly run as a business, what business would insist on balancing the books only on cutting spending and not raising prices? UPS ever do that? Fedex? I understand the myth that cutting taxes spurs economic growth, and perhaps it has for some multi-nationals, but where is it today? Where are all the jobs that companies were waiting to invest in? I think we have entered an era when businesses will extract whatever efficiencies they can from the labor and system that they have and at that point, if there is more market-share or profit to be had, they will add more labor. Would a 2.5% tax increase be something to consider before adding workers? Sure. But it's hardly the make or break point that we've been told it is. Too many other factors.

Of course there are many factors in the rise and fall of the number of companies and to suggest that any one factor makes or breaks a company's future is a simplistic at best. I look at the determining factors like a puzzle with many pieces. Job growth depends on supply & demand, competition, company stability due to profits as well as other factors. When the economy is as erratic as it is now, any missing piece of the puzzle can stop all individual company growth. True enough, there has been a few businesses continue to sustain the last couple of years, by various gov. handouts(tax cuts would go here), laying off employees and lowering wages, etc. People tend to think that any business that is up and running is stable and making lots of money, when in fact many are just one hitch from belly up.

IMO, running the government as a business only is fail waiting to happen. The gov manufacturers no product that is in demand. The services that the gov does supply are many, most created by legislature, instituted to control private business, the gambit exacerbates the growth of the government to an unsustainable level. Every problem the gov tries to fix creates another problem. Just in this administration alone the size of the government has grown exponentially. There is a long list of offices that exist today that never was before and with each one comes a price that has to be paid. No, I'm not saying these offices are the problem but they are a piece of the puzzle.I do have to admit that some of the newly created offices also created jobs, but does the benefit justify cost? BTW, a large portion of what jobs that were created since 0's inauguration have been gov jobs.


Für Meno :)
Now, finally my 2 cents worth !

Trinklepinkle :
So, you love the fact that the rich are getting richer ? That the top 20% and top 5%, in the past 30 years, have up to quadoupled their income, while the middleclass stayed stagment or even decreased income wise.
And how many jobs did that create within the last 30 years ?
Plenty - however all overseas, esspecially to Asia.

30 years ago, not only was the middle class better off, but the government was hardly in any debt.
The US dollar was still worth over 3 Swiss Franks, now it's not even worth 0.9 Franks. Americans back then could travel to Europe and were always seen as being the "rich Americans" and they sure had plenty of money (due to the currency exchange) to prove it, too !

Some of the browncafe people have been or even lived in Germany temporary (military base). They know they were getting up to 3.50 Deutsch Marks in the early 70's for 1 dollar. Now they would only get a 1:1 exchange if the DM was still around.
Simply put: For the average American to travel to Europe or even Austrailia and Canada, has gotten to expensive. And , if they do, they are no longer the big spenders they once were.

So, here you are trinklepinkle, justifying $800 Billion for tax cuts for the rich (Bush tax cut extension), while the Republican party tries to slash spending everywhere else, for those in need, and for the middle class. - They almost shut down the government last week, only over $39 Billion. But they found $800 Billion to give to the rich !

They better slash another $760 Billion from the budget soon, just to make up to pay for the rich.
That can be done only by cutting SS , Medicare and/or Defence spending, or of course tax the middle class some more.

And in the meantime, you can watch that income scale between the middleclass and the top earners widen even much more apart, in the hopes that these rich, made even richer people will eventually want to spend their money and open up new factories in America.
Dream on !
Apple, Microsoft, Texas Instruments, IBM, etc.... they manufacture all overseas.

The only money you'll see the rich spending in the US are for mansions, yachts, imported cars, and migration workers as house and garden keepers.

You say where is the motivation to grow a business if they get taxed too much.
Well, where is the motivation if they already make enough, and don't need to grow, or risk growing ?
Any smart small manufacturer that does want to grow, will definitly look overseas on production first, which in turn will shut down his/her small establishment here.

Ever watch "Shark Tank" on TV ?
I just did again, this last Friday. They brought an update on a deal (regarding the idea of an elephant toy, being used as a medical despenser for children), well , it's full in production now, and available at all CVS drugstores. All of them being manufactured in China !
That female inventor is now, almost overnight, a new multi-millionaire, and I'm sure she is enjoying those nice US tax cuts for the rich ! While you, and all other middle class Americans subsidize her tax breaks.
But, yes, maybe she might expand in time, and create more jobs ? - I bet China would like that, too !


golden ticket member
You know, you preach to UPS'ers, but they probably don't fall into the "middle class" at all. With their earnings, I'm pretty sure they are in the top percentages of wage earners.....So, technically you are preaching to the rich people.
( the middle class income range $37,675 to $75,350.)


Strength through joy
You know, you preach to UPS'ers, but they probably don't fall into the "middle class" at all. With their earnings, I'm pretty sure they are in the top percentages of wage earners.....So, technically you are preaching to the rich people.
( the middle class income range $37,675 to $75,350.)
then most 22.3 are middle class, since most of us can not get any ot.


Für Meno :)
You know, you preach to UPS'ers, but they probably don't fall into the "middle class" at all. With their earnings, I'm pretty sure they are in the top percentages of wage earners.....So, technically you are preaching to the rich people.
( the middle class income range $37,675 to $75,350.)

So, I suppose the tax cuts for single earners of $250K (500K/family), per year effects every driver ?
And , yes, I do know the long term US drivers on here are considered very much "upper middle class".
But the preloaders, and clerical staff sure aren't.
Canadians or other foreign UPS drivers are not upper middle class in their homeland.

And it's good you are considered rich, because within the next 5 years, you'll need the extra money to pay for self payments on medicare and get little to none social security, as both of those items will be deemed upon your current pension earnings and savings.


Für Meno :)
Kleenex , Your 2 cents worth was spent up past this point.

I bet that's all you can say !
You just couldn't answer me why, a tax break for the rich creates more jobs, then a cut in corporate taxes, can you ?
I guess we shall see who wins this game.
Taxes for the rich stay the same here, but lower corporate taxes have been introduced.

Not only do I think it's motivation for businesses to expand, but also brand new ones to set up, or even relocate to this northern country, where business taxes are soon 10% lower then in the US or Europe.

I truely think it creates more jobs, then just giving all the rich people a tax break, regardless if they are Hollywood Stars, or won a lottery, born rich, or inherited rich, or just live in the US, like many foreign rich people do.

In the meantime.... I hope you don't wait too long for all the above mentioned to start opening up businesses and start employing hundreds of thousands of workers.
The Magic (BIG) Pumpkin... oh... it's called "The trinkle down effect" ! :(
I bet that's all you can say !
You just couldn't answer me why, a tax break for the rich creates more jobs, then a cut in corporate taxes, can you ?
I guess we shall see who wins this game.
Taxes for the rich stay the same here, but lower corporate taxes have been introduced.

Not only do I think it's motivation for businesses to expand, but also brand new ones to set up, or even relocate to this northern country, where business taxes are soon 10% lower then in the US or Europe.

I truely think it creates more jobs, then just giving all the rich people a tax break, regardless if they are Hollywood Stars, or won a lottery, born rich, or inherited rich, or just live in the US, like many foreign rich people do.

In the meantime.... I hope you don't wait too long for all the above mentioned to start opening up businesses and start employing hundreds of thousands of workers.
The Magic (BIG) Pumpkin... oh... it's called "The trinkle down effect" ! :(

Do you not realize that when they say raise taxes on the wealthy, they ARE talking about corporations also(that is unless they get a backroom pass from 0)? I don't worry too much about someone whose personal income is over, let's use, $250k annually paying a higher tax % than someone earning $2.5k. Anytime I talk about tax breaks for higher incomes I am talking mainly about corporations that provide jobs.
BTW, that's another 2 cents you owe.


Für Meno :)
You switched your answer to fit your needs. That's not how those Bush tax cuts work though !
Looks like Obama will tackle those costly $800 billion in the rich tax cuts , again.

He should follow my idea (or Canada's way), and give the reps something to think about.
Lower corperate taxes by 1% and raise the taxes for the rich to prior Bush cuts. Should save $600 to $400 billion.
No need for pop and hollywood stars, pro athelets, and soo many more "non business people" benefiting von lower taxes.
Even a CEO, he/she doesn't invest personally to create more jobs.


golden ticket member
Raise taxes on the NEED to watch this gets real interesting ......Ours is a spending problem, not a taxing problem

Eat the Rich Demo........

You switched your answer to fit your needs. That's not how those Bush tax cuts work though !
Looks like Obama will tackle those costly $800 billion in the rich tax cuts , again.

He should follow my idea (or Canada's way), and give the reps something to think about.
Lower corperate taxes by 1% and raise the taxes for the rich to prior Bush cuts. Should save $600 to $400 billion.
No need for pop and hollywood stars, pro athelets, and soo many more "non business people" benefiting von lower taxes.
Even a CEO, he/she doesn't invest personally to create more jobs.
I did not switch my answer, I clarified my answer.... The last thing I want the PotUS to do is take advice from you.
Raise taxes on the NEED to watch this gets real interesting ......Ours is a spending problem, not a taxing problem

Eat the Rich Demo........

I do agree that the biggest part of the problem is spending, but once it gets as bad as it is now, there may need to be some revenue increase also.


Für Meno :)
Well, more and trinkle, if you believe so highly for tax cuts for the rich, then why not even give them even some more tax cuts ?
That should speed up the economic recovery, and create millions of more jobs, right ?

Tiger Woods can use it, to pay for his divorce settlement.

I seen that video MOre.
It's much too late to even eat the rich. But getting $800 Billion back would be a start.
A few cut backs on SS and Medicare, and maybe give up the healthcare subsidy for company insurance plans (premiums to be paid from net pay - not gross pay), will lead all in the right direction.

Not to forget, a new Vat (federal tax), of 5-10% must be instated, too.
Well, more and trinkle, if you believe so highly for tax cuts for the rich, then why not even give them even some more tax cuts ?
That should speed up the economic recovery, and create millions of more jobs, right ?

Tiger Woods can use it, to pay for his divorce settlement.

I seen that video MOre.
It's much too late to even eat the rich. But getting $800 Billion back would be a start.
A few cut backs on SS and Medicare, and maybe give up the healthcare subsidy for company insurance plans (premiums to be paid from net pay - not gross pay), will lead all in the right direction.

Not to forget, a new Vat (federal tax), of 5-10% must be instated, too.

Never advocated for tax cuts for rich individuals, never. However, I do for corporations. It would be nice if those corporate cuts came with stipulations for the creation of new jobs, but that could be a Constitutional problem, IDK. Corporate tax cuts do help in the job creation/maintenance, may not create the jobs we need but can well help keep existing jobs we don't need to loose.

Kleenex, I can't believe you are wanting decreases in medicade/care and SS, that hurts the old and the poor, people that already have a hard time financially and have paid into those systems all their working lives. I don't support that and I have let my Congressman know my feelings on the issue.

I suggest you re-watch the video and pay attention to the actual message.