Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate

He has "Past Practice"! You do not have to prove you were born in the US in order to be President!!!!
That may be so, however past practice isn't always a determining factor where the constitution is concerned. Although, being the staunch union supporter 0 is, he may try that approach. lol

As far as I know, this is the first time it has ever come up. But then as far as I know, this is the first time a canadate for the PotUS has never gotten up in front of a crowd of people and publicly stated he wasn't a citizen of the US and Kenya was his "homeland".


Staff member
I would want my constituency to know, to have no doubt, that I am an American citizen.
A good man would erase the doubt.
This is the litmus test of a good man today? What will it be tomorrow? A good man would make the Bush tax cuts permanant?


golden ticket member
Tomorrow....a good man will have to cry....and the next day he'll have to wear women's underwear....and the next day.....oh, just use your imagination!
This is the litmus test of a good man today? What will it be tomorrow? A good man would make the Bush tax cuts permanant?
IMO, Over can speak for himself, To me a good man would erase the doubt, that is to say he would be upfront and honest in his dealings.


Staff member
IMO, Over can speak for himself, To me a good man would erase the doubt, that is to say he would be upfront and honest in his dealings.

And answer a question no other president before has been asked? Nah. The doubters will not be satisfied. Let them doubt.


Staff member
And answer a question no other president before has been asked? Nah. The doubters will not be satisfied. Let them doubt.

If it were just a few doubters, it wouldn't matter. In this case there are millions of doubters.

In my case, I believe he was born in Hawaii. I just want to know what is on that longform bc that he doesn't want known. He's hiding something, we can be sure of that.


Staff member
I like the cockiness, the "Go friend--- yourself" attitude on this one. The people concerned aren't going to vote for him anyway and the ones who will vote for him don't care. Dangle it in front of the doubters and let the gnash their teeth in vain.


Staff member
It wouldn't surprise me if he thinks it's in his interest to keep the whole thing going right through the election. He knows the birthers are never going to vote for him anyway so he gains nothing by giving in, and keeping their deranged conspiracy theory in the headlines makes the republicans look a bit loony which could help push some independents into his camp.


Strength through joy
The law in NH has no teeth.
It only requires a signature , under penalty of law , that a person is qualified to run for office.
It is the job of every Sec of State to verify all documents that every person submits, but the in reality they just assume everything is ok.