Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate

I know that I will not convince you, but how about Karl Rove? He seemed amazed that a guy like Trump would be dumb enough to go down this path if he were serious about running. Interview with Greta by the way. And the tape that Trump speaks of in that quote has been debunked over and over. Seems if anything there may have been a language barrier being bridged.
Which tape has been debunked and by whom? Serious question. I don't know which tape/video you are referencing.

The fellow,Berg, from one of the links above says he's a life long democrat. Funny, I thought someone around here was attaching the "birthers" to republicans. lol


Staff member
Which tape has been debunked and by whom? Serious question. I don't know which tape/video you are referencing.

The fellow,Berg, from one of the links above says he's a life long democrat. Funny, I thought someone around here was attaching the "birthers" to republicans. lol

Seriously I'm gonna learn how to use this computer thingy someday so I can link stuff. Upstate tried to help me once, but there is computer illiterate and then there is computer stupid. I fall into the latter category.

I do know that in the Greta interview, Rove said that on of his own deputies was at Harvard with him, so the idea that no classmates remember him seems easily dismissed.


Strength through joy
(Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania - 01/04/07) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire, [Berg is a former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania; former candidate for Governor and U.S. Senate; an attorney with offices in Montgomery County, PA and an active practice in Philadelphia, PA, who prior hereto has filed a RICO lawsuit against Bush and others for the events of 9/11 and plans to re-file shortly] announced today that he was issuing a call for world leaders to arrest and try Bush and Cheney for the global crimes of 9/11/01.
this story confirms his democratic status


Für Meno :)
bbdsm : seems to me all you need to learn is "copy and paste"

Now try this: Blue hightlight this sentence, by pressing on the left mouse button and at the same time scrolling the mouse over this sentence.

(the whole part of the above sentence should be highlighted now), once that is done, you click on the right mouse button and a little window will pop up (copy, select all, print options etc.), now , again, using the left mouse button, you click on copy.

Now to paste what ever you copied (it's stored in your "mouse" now), you just need to select a a new starting point (where you want to paste it), and right-click on the mouse (new little window appears, again), and - then left-click the mouse on the paste option.

Once you manage the above, your computer will become much easier to operate in the future. (saves a lot of time).
(Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania - 01/04/07) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire, [Berg is a former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania; former candidate for Governor and U.S. Senate; an attorney with offices in Montgomery County, PA and an active practice in Philadelphia, PA, who prior hereto has filed a RICO lawsuit against Bush and others for the events of 9/11 and plans to re-file shortly] announced today that he was issuing a call for world leaders to arrest and try Bush and Cheney for the global crimes of 9/11/01.
this story confirms his democratic status
hmmm, by the time you link both stories, he comes across as a nut job.


Strength through joy
and there is more ..........he employs one Lisa Liberi, a Calif convicted forger, who is on probation which restricts her to Ca, but works for him in Pa. He tried to tell a Pa judge that his L.L. was a different woman yet failed to produced court ordered documented proof .


The Nim
Seriously I'm gonna learn how to use this computer thingy someday so I can link stuff. Upstate tried to help me once, but there is computer illiterate and then there is computer stupid. I fall into the latter category.

I do know that in the Greta interview, Rove said that on of his own deputies was at Harvard with him, so the idea that no classmates remember him seems easily dismissed.

I'm just going to go out on a limb here in that the whole no classmates remember him thing is more for the whole before college time. No one denies Obama spent most of his life in the US, it's the early years that some have doubts on.

Personally as I've said before I don't think Obama was born elsewhere, but he's hiding something.


golden ticket member
"..... I do know that in the Greta interview, Rove said that on of his own deputies was at Harvard with him....."

Oh, but that would've been on FOX, so that's probably totally a lie according to your many previous statements.
I'm just going to go out on a limb here in that the whole no classmates remember him thing is more for the whole before college time. No one denies Obama spent most of his life in the US, it's the early years that some have doubts on.

Personally as I've said before I don't think Obama was born elsewhere, but he's hiding something.
That has been my point all along and I would like to know what it is and why.


Staff member
"..... I do know that in the Greta interview, Rove said that on of his own deputies was at Harvard with him....."

Oh, but that would've been on FOX, so that's probably totally a lie according to your many previous statements.

You confuse/pigeon-hole me yet again with MFE. Your narrow-mindedness does you great dis-service. Could you provide a link that suggests Rove was lying? I would love to see you dis-prove a statement made on Fox by Rove. Oh, the delicious irony!


golden ticket member
You confuse/pigeon-hole me yet again with MFE. Your narrow-mindedness does you great dis-service. Could you provide a link that suggests Rove was lying? I would love to see you dis-prove a statement made on Fox by Rove. Oh, the delicious irony!
I'm sorry I confused you with MF. You both have me running around in circles. It's still strange to me that you would use a Fox reference
since Fox is considered so one-sided.


Staff member
I'm trying to use a source that you say is not one-sided. The only source you seem to have faith in has Karl Rove saying the whole thing is crap and Trump is a fool for going down that path. Refute Rove. Or tie him into the conspiracy to hide Obama's true nature and aims.
I'm trying to use a source that you say is not one-sided. The only source you seem to have faith in has Karl Rove saying the whole thing is crap and Trump is a fool for going down that path. Refute Rove. Or tie him into the conspiracy to hide Obama's true nature and aims.
Of course Rove has no reason to be biased, does he?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Rove is lying nor am I pushing for Trump by any means. Trump certainly would not be my choice of a reasonable presidential candidate but that's a 'whole nuther' subject. On the other hand I wouldn't call him a fool for pursuing the quest for the release of 0's personal documents, the same kind of documents that are open for everyone else. That pursuit may well have the effect of shooting himself in the foot, but evidently we will see how that plays out.
It would be very hard to prove or disprove if what Rove stated is fact or fiction. First of all, Rove may well be telling the truth and the story could still be false, it could be Rove's deputy(?) that is lying. Second, without knowing the deputy's (?) name, it would be close to impossible to find any info on the matter. Again, I'm not saying anyone is lying and the story may well be true, but it could also be false.
The only irony I can see is your quoting Rove, maybe that is what you meant.


Staff member
Part of the irony is my quoting Rove. The other is moreluck and Baba not quoting Rove. It all just drips irony, no? But there is no motivation for Rove as an establishment republican to speak negatively of Trump or other "Birthers" since the winner of the republican nomination will have to court that segment of the party at some time.
Part of the irony is my quoting Rove. The other is moreluck and Baba not quoting Rove. It all just drips irony, no? But there is no motivation for Rove as an establishment republican to speak negatively of Trump or other "Birthers" since the winner of the republican nomination will have to court that segment of the party at some time.
There will be plenty of mud slinging before the primaries. At this point it seems fairly obvious that Trump is going to run for the nomination and didn't rove file a statement of discovery (or whatever it's called) to see if there is enough support to run? Honestly there has been so much speculation lately by so many people I tend to lose tract of all the possibilities. Rove's statement could have been nothing more than a preemptive CYA.
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Lue C Fur

Evil member
I find it disturbing that any American citizen would not be upset or curious as to why our president hides his BC info and school records and pays lawyers to keep it secret. Even if you are a huge supporter of Obama does it no bother you that he goes to great lengths to keep something secret? If the tables were turned and it was a Republican president that was hiding his BC and school info i would be curious as to why he would not release that info...what would he have to hide. Not everyone that wants this info released is a "Birther"...people just what to know what he is hiding. WTF!!!


Staff member
I find it disturbing that any American citizen would not be upset or curious as to why our president hides his BC info and school records and pays lawyers to keep it secret. Even if you are a huge supporter of Obama does it no bother you that he goes to great lengths to keep something secret? If the tables were turned and it was a Republican president that was hiding his BC and school info i would be curious as to why he would not release that info...what would he have to hide. Not everyone that wants this info released is a "Birther"...people just what to know what he is hiding. WTF!!!

LOL. That, my dear Lue, is called a "fishing expedition". Don't let your hatred of "liberals" mask itself as concern for the country. Historically speaking, Obama like most of the last several presidents has been very "middle of the road". Don't worry though. Trump's investigators are on the scene.


Für Meno :)
Trump will have the country completly in chaos within a year !

Trade battles with China and OPEC aren't good for the US right now.
What will the US tell OPEC, lower the price of oil, or else ?
Or else what ?

Adding a 25% tarif to all chinese made goods. Consider that your new Vat Tax, then.
And don't count on China to loan you any more money either.
That will automatically lead the US to loosing it's AAA credit rating, and the outcome of that is disaterous on it's own !
(From paying much more money back on interest, to losing the US dollar as the world currency, which will put the US dollar into a free fall, and the US will need to buy high priced Euro's for all it's imports, as the Euro will probably take over commodity trading).


golden ticket member
Mine was just a play on the old Hillshire Farms Commercial......yours is a real argument. Go Meat !!
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