Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


golden ticket member
"O" is in LaLa land and doesn't even realize the country is in trouble. He's in campaign mode and answering challenges from non-candidates. He is not presidential. His important schedule put him in Illinois for Oprah show taping and 3 fundraisers in N.Y. (I believe). His focus is on getting money to spend, spend, spend.


Squeaky Wheel
I'm, once again, sorry for incinuating racism. It is so hard for me to see what else would cause folks to blame one person and his cultural heritage, his wife's # of aides, and whatever they think of next for this country's crisis.

I do believe he "wants input form anyone that doesn't buy his agenda hook, line, and sinker?" You and I disagree and I care for your opinion, where it comes from, and what kinda compromise we can/could come to to be civil, even friendly, with each other. Believe it or not I feel the same about Lue and Baba. See, I think BHO is a good man. I see demonizing him as a tremendous mistake. I think most of the folks here are good ones too, if just for being here and trying to discuss things. Especially those of us who tend toward more extreme emotionality about it all.


Strength through joy
“Can I just say? I was there, so I knew ... that ... I knew I had been born. I remembered it.’’
Obama joked that he remembered being born in Hawaii.


golden ticket member
Obama is like a spoiled child being told, "No"! No more spending sprees!! If we suggest drilling here, he says it'll take a couple years to get, why didn't you start 2 years ago? Why did you put a freeze on the drilling? Why did you take jobs and $$$ to Brazil and not for Americans. If you know there is fraud in Medicare and welfare system, why do you let it continue? Why do you promise immigration refore to get Hispanic votes anf then spend 2 years ignoring them? Why did you wait months to respond to the Gulf Oil Spill?

Too many questions and no answers for me.


Squeaky Wheel
Here's the thing. The more you say negative and continue to infer that the man has no redeeming qualities, the more credibility you lose. You're certainly entitled to your opinion. Just saying.

Bad bad bad Obama but here's our hopefuls now piling outta a clown car.


Strength through joy
The document released yesterday now has an official WH backing.
Should an expert find it to be false, then bhos will be in big trouble.
Case in point; Why is it different from other known BC ?
Why is there in PDF format layers ?
Who the heck was



golden ticket member
I don't infer........I've not seen quality from this man. I'm not one to pusillanimous foot around and walk on eggs. I say what I think and I don't care what anyone thinks about it. Time is short for us older ones and we have to get 'things' said or we won't get the chance.

This man had no qualifications coming in to this job and it shows. He now has a record to run on and I don't think it's a very good record. You accuse people of not liking him cause he's many out there voted for him just because he's black? It works both ways.
I wasn't being sarcastic. I was saying IMO a lot of reactions are fear induced. I was trying to make it clear that this statement by me contains no judgement of any individual. The condition of our country and world should have, IMO, everyone scared poo-less. But there is a time to transcend emotion. One respectable man saying that our president is purposefully driving our nation to ruin can influence a lotta people...
I'm sorry I didn't make myself clear. I wasn't saying your were being sarcastic, I was saying my little ....story of fears was sarcasm. I apologize for not making that more clear.
I agree that everyone in our country should have a respectful fear for the situation we are facing right now.

I don't know what the answers are. I know I haven't read any viable ones here in the BC lately. I don't think the laws are pesky at all, but IMO a lotta ppl are spending a lotta energy trying to find problems with one man when finding problems with our situation THAT AREN'T HIS FAULT is perty darn easy.
I don't know how to fix these problems either. Part of reason we can't is that the problems are not simple, they are complicated and deeply woven into a vast number of other problems. As I see it, there isn't much of a way of solving one problem without creating another one just as involved. If we undo one, a hundred others may fail unintentionally. It is true, 0 didn't start out with a clean slate, but no president has in centuries.

He didn't cause this by any stretch of the imagination. IMO it really doesn't matter who did. It's done and let's fix it. We as adult Americans should be holding ourselves responsible.
The fault lies with politicians of every ilk for generations. As I alluded to, 0 did inherit some of the current mess we are in, but some of this mess is on his shoes as well. What it will take is a vast combination of things to fix the problems.
"We the people, in order to form a more perfect union."

This was one of the tasks we set forth at the beginning of this campaign - to continue the long march of those who came before us, a march for a more just, more equal, more free, more caring and more prosperous America. I chose to run for the presidency at this moment in history because I believe deeply that we cannot solve the challenges of our time unless we solve them together - unless we perfect our union by understanding that we may have different stories, but we hold common hopes; that we may not look the same and we may not have come from the same place, but we all want to move in the same direction - towards a better future for our children and our grandchildren.

In the end, then, what is called for is nothing more, and nothing less, than what all the world's great religions demand - that we do unto others as we would have them do unto us. Let us be our brother's keeper, Scripture tells us. Let us be our sister's keeper. Let us find that common stake we all have in one another, and let our politics reflect that spirit as well.
What a great speech, unfortunately that's all it was or ever will be. This was banter intended to lure "undecided voters" and blue dog democrats to stay with him. I believe he was right when he said we solve our challenges unless we work together, but his and the democrats had no intention in working together outside of their party on the health care bill. He knew dang well he could get it pushed through and he wanted to be "The President that passed a National Health Care Reform Bill". It seems the bill actually being any good didn't matter. I don't really want to get into the health care bill specifically in this thread and take it even further off topic. All I will say here is that there are some good points to the bill and some horrible points.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Obama is like a spoiled child being told, "No"! No more spending sprees!! If we suggest drilling here, he says it'll take a couple years to get, why didn't you start 2 years ago? Why did you put a freeze on the drilling? Why did you take jobs and $$$ to Brazil and not for Americans. If you know there is fraud in Medicare and welfare system, why do you let it continue? Why do you promise immigration refore to get Hispanic votes anf then spend 2 years ignoring them? Why did you wait months to respond to the Gulf Oil Spill?

Too many questions and no answers for me.

Thats cause they are not legitimate questions to start with. Merely the same old tired talking points based on the rhetorical asking of fox news "guests".


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The democrats are as dividing as any republican. Proof...0bama care...ram it through, WE will fix it later. case closed.

Your obvious hate for anyone right of Pelosi tells as much as anything you claim to be coming from the right. Do you love 0bama so much because he is black, sorry, half black?

Do you really want to know what scares me about 0bama? He scares me because I believe that his intention is to drive this country into such economic despair that we will have no choice but to join the world bank, opening the door for a one world order. Which in turn will eventually drive us and the rest of the world into one huge socialist environment where everyone is dependent on the government for everything. Where individualism is not only discouraged but punished. Now, how's that for a conspiracy theory

I have no idea how old you are, or how politically astute you are, but based solely on your communications, it doesnt appear as if history is something you recollect with any accuracy. You believe that he wants to drive this country into economic depsair?

Lets see, under bush, the GDP SHRANK every quarter for the last 3 years and went NEGATIVE in mid 2007 pushing us into a recession that deepened in 2008 with 2 wars unpaid, a prescription drug bill unpaid, 150 dollar a barrel oil, and a tax cut that wiped out federal reserves and a growing unemployment rate losing 250 thousand jobs a month for the last 18 months bush was in office.

Under Obama, we have seen POSITIVE growth in GDP in every quarter since he took office, oil stayed steady under 80 bucks a barrel for almost two years until the republicans took control of congress, then a 180% increase in the price of oil since the repubicans took office. We have seen job creation in consecutive months now for 1.5 years. Our trade deficit is shrinking, Our deficit has grown by 3.63 trillion to save our banking industry,wall street, insurance companies, everyones pensions, jobs, our housing industry and our auto industry.

If you had to make the choice today using these two explanations on leadership, you want us all to believe you would chose BUSH over OBAMA?

And if you chose Bush, would you still want us to take you seriously on anything you said on this board?


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
With respect to the world bank, do you recall when BUSH appointed Paul Wolfowitz as president of the world bank and he embezzled tens of thousands of dollars and smuggled them to his libyan girlfriend? If you dont, then you better do some research and see who really wants us involved in the world bank and stay away from Glenn Beck theories. Oh yeah, Wolfowitz had to resign after embarrassing our country.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
When talking to a birther, its tough to get a straight answer. They want to be right so bad, they cant listen. When given the opportunity to answer direct questions, they dodge, duck and distract...or the three D's.

And that aint a cup size!

Here is an example:


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I will give anyone a chance to explain, then convince us how any of these rediculous requests for information will change anything. Lets start with a premise of best case scenarios. I will concede that you find your "truth".

Tell me in a list, what those questions are? then, what answers you would like to "find" and how that plays out with obama.

Remember, you are given a green light without argument that what you "find" is the truth. Spell it out for us. What is it that you think you will find, why it is bad, and how you use the information.

List the question first, then the answer.


(ie: Q- where are his school records/ A-they dont exist, so that means he never went to school here)


Engorged Member
Hate to say this, but I have known a few Hawaiians and it wouldn't surprise me that someone would name their child that, No that isn't racism, it's observation.

Think there are a few Chinese people on Hawaii? Ever been there? You are interpreting a signature with your own highly biased myopia. My signature is an unrecognizable scribble, and it could be viewed (and interpreted) many different ways. Do you really think that someone forging a birth certificate would insert a prank name? (Theme from "Deliverance" playing in the background). This is for the OP, not trplnkl.


golden ticket member
Bush, Bush,....don't you ever hold your guy accountable for anything? He's the teflon pres. I've made my opinions clear. I don't have to repeat them. You can go on ranting and raving like a tree huggin' lunatic if you have to. And you know you have the hots for Ann C. !!!!! Out!


Engorged Member
Bush, Bush,....don't you ever hold your guy accountable for anything? He's the teflon pres. I've made my opinions clear. I don't have to repeat them. You can go on ranting and raving like a tree huggin' lunatic if you have to. And you know you have the hots for Ann C. !!!!! Out!

We all know Ann Coulter is really a man.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Bush, Bush,....don't you ever hold your guy accountable for anything? He's the teflon pres. I've made my opinions clear. I don't have to repeat them. You can go on ranting and raving like a tree huggin' lunatic if you have to. And you know you have the hots for Ann C. !!!!! Out!

Its charming to see that no one has a clue as to what they are looking for, what to find, how to use it, where it is....even given the opportunity "carte blanche" to say anything from whats on "the list" and what they are going to find out and what they would do with it.

Its easy to see when people are led to a conclusion, then dont bother to understand what they are looking for, they just know they want to support it no matter what.

I really enjoyed the "i already said my opinion".... Ummm, no. You said you had a list, I asked whats on it. You wont answer the question. Enlighten us with your fears of Obama and how any investigation is going to expose his "lies" or "secrecy" as stated by someone else.

Maybe you might change our minds.

Its easy, not one of you supporters of this investigate obama world will go on record with what your quest is. You all say its not racism, ok, lets accept that as a reason... Then what is it then? Specifically?

What is so scary?

The birther movement "ripped" off its followers through donations and made millions. They knew what PT barnum knew," there is a sucker born every minute."



Well-Known Member
I'm not anti-Obama, he is just not doing anything for me to support or cheer him on. Show me some progress and I could change my mind. I wasn't fond of Clinton either, but by gosh, he was the first president to show a budget surplus; stuff like that I can work with.

I'll start with the questions:
1. Why the two years to release the BC?
2. Why the Connecticut based SS number of someone born in 1892?
3. Why the seal on personal records?