Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


golden ticket member
Fox news is allowed to have guests on a regular basis....Wednesdays With Juan is an example. They don't need your approval or your viewership and they wipe the floor in the ratings with the other so called news shows.
You dont have to, your defense of the "argument' of those convinced he was born in another country speaks volumes for you. I am not sure you understand this.

Just what I thought, you can't show I said or even implied that, because it didn't happen. I did say I wanted him to produce the BC and I defended the idea there should be a law supporting the ambiguous constitutional requirement. It only makes sense to do so. However, I never once said that I didn't believe he wasn't born in the USA. What I said was I believed there was something the man was/is hiding to seal all his personal info that is a matter of public record for everyone else. I still believe there are volumes he is hiding. What and why is the question in my mind. So in the long run, unless someone agrees with you 100% you want to do your best to demean, insult and make fun of them. Many people come oh these threads to voice their opinions in a civil manner without flaming anyone. Then if their opinion is the slightest bit on the right side of politics, they are slammed to the mat with the insults, etc. from you, MrFredEx, Klein and to a lesser degree bbsam. But when you are met with the same, you are somehow offended.

I dont get it?

LOL, of course you don't. How convenient .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Fox news is allowed to have guests on a regular basis....Wednesdays With Juan is an example. They don't need your approval or your viewership and they wipe the floor in the ratings with the other so called news shows.

They are not called "guests' on fox news, they are called "surrogates". The difference would be, a "guest" would come on and say something revelent, newsworthy or interesting whereas, a "surrogate" merely comes in, speaks in talking points, bashes obama over and over, makes hypothoses based on political leanings

The list is long on Fox channel.... andrea tantaro, dick morris, karl rove, stephen moore, juan williams, karen hanratty, bernie goldberg, dennis miller...blah blah blah...

These are not guests but political operators. They have a consistent message to get out, and that mesage is : FILL THE AIR WITH TALKING POINTS.

Then, those that watch learn to only hear talking points, and dont bother to fact check any of them.

Bill Orielly is the best example of a surrogate whore. Rather than him having to say anything bad on air about the president, he differs to "surrogates" to come on and say whatever they want completely unchallenged while he tries to play the centrist role.

If a "guest" who speaks to the contrary attempts to complete a sentence, Orielly jumps all over it so the points cant be heard, a phoney tough guy, yet, dennis miller can come on a spout for 8 minutes without interuption or challenge. Its even worse when they bring that closet lesbian Ann Coulture on the show and she rambles for up to 15 minutes completely unchallenged.

These are not guests, they are "herders" and the audience are the sheeple.



golden ticket member
They are not called "guests' on fox news, they are called "surrogates". The difference would be, a "guest" would come on and say something revelent, newsworthy or interesting whereas, a "surrogate" merely comes in, speaks in talking points, bashes obama over and over, makes hypothoses based on political leanings

The list is long on Fox channel.... andrea tantaro, dick morris, karl rove, stephen moore, juan williams, karen hanratty, bernie goldberg, dennis miller...blah blah blah...

These are not guests but political operators. They have a consistent message to get out, and that mesage is : FILL THE AIR WITH TALKING POINTS.

Then, those that watch learn to only hear talking points, and dont bother to fact check any of them.

Bill Orielly is the best example of a surrogate whore. Rather than him having to say anything bad on air about the president, he differs to "surrogates" to come on and say whatever they want completely unchallenged while he tries to play the centrist role.

If a "guest" who speaks to the contrary attempts to complete a sentence, Orielly jumps all over it so the points cant be heard, a phoney tough guy, yet, dennis miller can come on a spout for 8 minutes without interuption or challenge. Its even worse when they bring that closet lesbian Ann Coulture on the show and she rambles for up to 15 minutes completely unchallenged.

These are not guests, they are "herders" and the audience are the sheeple.

WoW !! I'm impressed. You must watch FOX 24/7 !! Juan is a defender of Obama by the way , and so is Bob Beckel....both hopelessly so, I might add.

I happen to love Dennis Miller and I think he's a comic genius and have seen him in person. He's an intellectual's comic. He's also a pretty decent actor too.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Just what I thought, you can't show I said or even implied that, because it didn't happen. I did say I wanted him to produce the BC and I defended the idea there should be a law supporting the ambiguous constitutional requirement. It only makes sense to do so. However, I never once said that I didn't believe he wasn't born in the USA. What I said was I believed there was something the man was/is hiding to seal all his personal info that is a matter of public record for everyone else. I still believe there are volumes he is hiding. What and why is the question in my mind. So in the long run, unless someone agrees with you 100% you want to do your best to demean, insult and make fun of them. Many people come oh these threads to voice their opinions in a civil manner without flaming anyone. Then if their opinion is the slightest bit on the right side of politics, they are slammed to the mat with the insults, etc. from you, MrFredEx, Klein and to a lesser degree bbsam. But when you are met with the same, you are somehow offended.

LOL, of course you don't. How convenient .


no matter how you put your thoughts in words, you still show your hidden annimous. The president produced the birth certificate and told everyone including you to move on. Yet, you feel that further scrutiny is required because "you feel" that there is more he is hiding, yet NOT ONE of the 43 president before him were ever required to produce the same information that you would seek.

Now a simple question could be, "is it because he is black?" Why not come out and say what is really bothering you? If 43 presidents before him NEVER had to surrender any info about them, why subject this president to scrutiny never before placed on any other president?

You think people didnt want this same information about BUSH? But they left it alone once he took office. You think Bush's school records showing him at the bottom of the class at yale and almost failing grades and poor attendance would have assisted in keeping him out of office?

The democrats didnt go there.

Move on trip, you cant subject this president to scrutiny that no other has been subjected to OR everyone from this point on should release anything that is requested from them.



golden ticket member
If I was as upset as you are about Fox TV, I would certainly exercise an important option as a viewer and turn the damn channel.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
WoW !! I'm impressed. You must watch FOX 24/7 !! Juan is a defender of Obama by the way , and so is Bob Beckel....both hopelessly so, I might add.

I happen to love Dennis Miller and I think he's a comic genius and have seen him in person. He's an intellectual's comic. He's also a pretty decent actor too.

Since becoming a mouthpiece for the right wing, dennis miller cant find a job in hollywood as a background actor. I know, local 399 here in so cal wont work with him. Yea he's so smart he talks his way out of work.



golden ticket member
"is it because he is black?"

There you go !!! If anyone even questions anything about this prez., they're racist. Well, it isn't because he's black.....because he isnt. He's only half black.


Well-Known Member

no matter how you put your thoughts in words, you still show your hidden annimous. The president produced the birth certificate and told everyone including you to move on. Yet, you feel that further scrutiny is required because "you feel" that there is more he is hiding, yet NOT ONE of the 43 president before him were ever required to produce the same information that you would seek.

Now a simple question could be, "is it because he is black?" Why not come out and say what is really bothering you? If 43 presidents before him NEVER had to surrender any info about them, why subject this president to scrutiny never before placed on any other president?

You think people didnt want this same information about BUSH? But they left it alone once he took office. You think Bush's school records showing him at the bottom of the class at yale and almost failing grades and poor attendance would have assisted in keeping him out of office?

The democrats didnt go there.

Move on trip, you cant subject this president to scrutiny that no other has been subjected to OR everyone from this point on should release anything that is requested from them.


You're a very scared person; I'm not sure what it is, but there is something there- Mr FedEx is the same. It shows in your argumentative skills and resorts to name calling and reaching for the race card when you have nothing else. Why are you so scared and closed minded?

no matter how you put your thoughts in words, you still show your hidden annimous. The president produced the birth certificate and told everyone including you to move on. Yet, you feel that further scrutiny is required because "you feel" that there is more he is hiding, yet NOT ONE of the 43 president before him were ever required to produce the same information that you would seek.
Since I don't know what an annimous is(it isn't in the M-W dictionary, I don't know if I have a hidden one or not. Is it my shirt, pants or socks that hide it?
From the start of this mess I have been constant that all his secret sealed personal records be open, just like they are for everyone else. Don't think for one second that his providing a BC settles my questions.
His birth place wasn't that much of a concern to me as the fact that when asked for the BC, it took this long to provide the long form certificate. His excuse of why it wasn't provided before is BS, if he can ask that it be released yesterday, he could have done it 2 years ago.

Now a simple question could be, "is it because he is black?" Why not come out and say what is really bothering you? If 43 presidents before him NEVER had to surrender any info about them, why subject this president to scrutiny never before placed on any other president?
True it is a simple question and the answer is even more simple...No.

Which other of the former 43 presidents had known "other than American" parents? McCain had to prove he was born in a military hospital during the election because of the country he was born in. I can't wait to see if MrFredEx comes in here to accuse you of useing talking points. What am I thinking, of course he won't. As long as they are liberal talking points it's okie dokie.

You think people didnt want this same information about BUSH? But they left it alone once he took office. You think Bush's school records showing him at the bottom of the class at yale and almost failing grades and poor attendance would have assisted in keeping him out of office?
People were given all the info they asked for concerning this selective memory on your part? Even my old feeble mind can remember that. Were Bush's personal records sealed? Nope.

The democrats didnt go there.
Oh hell yea they did.

Move on trip, you cant subject this president to scrutiny that no other has been subjected to OR everyone from this point on should release anything that is requested from them.
It's a free country, I can subject him to any scrutiny I please. What are you afraid of? What do you think would come out?



Strength through joy
The document released yesterday now has an official WH backing.
Should an expert find it to be false, then bhos will be in big trouble.
Case in point; Why is it different from other known BC ?
Why is there in PDF format layers ?
Who the heck was



Strength through joy
If this was a certified copy of the 1961 original, then why doesn’t it look like a 1961 long form?
This is nothing more then another attempt to pass off a forgery with additional information to make it appear that it is authentic. The COLB that was pawned off before this one, has the registration as ‘FILED’ this one says ‘ACCEPTED’, there can be no difference. As the COLB is supposed to be ‘EXACTLY’ the same data as the original it’s supposed to represent.
Where is the Director of Health’s name and signiture?
Where is the Registrar General’s name and signiture?


Squeaky Wheel
trplnkl said:
Which other of the former 43 presidents had known "other than American" parents?

Why is this an issue? Is he less of an American b/c his father is Kenyan?

Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) is the only president born of two immigrants, both Irish. Presidents with one immigrant parent are Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809), whose mother was born in England, James Buchanan (1857-1861) and Chester Arthur (1881-1885), both of whom had Irish fathers, and Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) and Herbert Hoover (1929-1933), whose mothers were born respectively in England and Canada.

Obama is the (sic) 7th POTUS with at least one immigrant parent.

The most notable difference between our current prez and these gentlemen is his skin color.

They are not called "guests' on fox news, they are called "surrogates". The difference would be, a "guest" would come on and say something revelent, newsworthy or interesting whereas, a "surrogate" merely comes in, speaks in talking points, bashes obama over and over, makes hypothoses based on political leanings

The list is long on Fox channel.... andrea tantaro, dick morris, karl rove, stephen moore, juan williams, karen hanratty, bernie goldberg, dennis miller...blah blah blah...

These are not guests but political operators. They have a consistent message to get out, and that mesage is : FILL THE AIR WITH TALKING POINTS.

Then, those that watch learn to only hear talking points, and dont bother to fact check any of them.

Bill Orielly is the best example of a surrogate whore. Rather than him having to say anything bad on air about the president, he differs to "surrogates" to come on and say whatever they want completely unchallenged while he tries to play the centrist role.

If a "guest" who speaks to the contrary attempts to complete a sentence, Orielly jumps all over it so the points cant be heard, a phoney tough guy, yet, dennis miller can come on a spout for 8 minutes without interuption or challenge. Its even worse when they bring that closet lesbian Ann Coulture on the show and she rambles for up to 15 minutes completely unchallenged.

These are not guests, they are "herders" and the audience are the sheeple.


So what you are saying is, Fox is the same thing as MSNBC only from the other side of the fence.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You're a very scared person; I'm not sure what it is, but there is something there- Mr FedEx is the same. It shows in your argumentative skills and resorts to name calling and reaching for the race card when you have nothing else. Why are you so scared and closed minded?

Nothing else? What else is there? What is it about this half black president that frightens YOU so much that you would encourage anyone to put his much effort into a birth certificate that proved to be legitimate?

I am not frightened by our president, I am frightened by those on the right wing fringe whos intention of creating and maintaining a divide between americans. This is what is scary.
