Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


Squeaky Wheel
The document released yesterday now has an official WH backing.
Should an expert find it to be false, then bhos will be in big trouble.
Case in point; Why is it different from other known BC ?
Why is there in PDF format layers ?
Who the heck was


When you tire of this, don't forget you still have the "he says he's a Christian but he's not really a Christian" issue.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

So what you are saying is, Fox is the same thing as MSNBC only from the other side of the fence.

No, what you are saying is that FOX is exactly as i described and you are pointing out that another cable news network operates in the same fashion as to the end , I agree. thanks for your understanding.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

you say you are not a part of the BC problem, is like saying a person wasnt bit by a dog because there is no bleeding. The depth of the teeth into the skin doesnt separate a dog bite from a dog bite. Whether or not the skin is broken, when a dog places his teeth and jaw on a humans leg and closes it, its a dog bite. You may not cause bleeding with your points (bites) but its still a dog bite. Baba draws blood with his points (bites) and to that end i agree you are not the same.

Either way, your quest to find out the secrecy of our american black/white president only perpetuates the problems in this nation.

Sheppard Smith said it correctly on fox....this thinking process comes from CRAZYLAND. Hear, listen to him for himself and ask if he is talking about you and the others of similiar thinking.



Squeaky Wheel
thank you for pointing out the facts Hub. People just dont want to believe the truth, its better "water cooler" conversation to pretend Obama is the only president with a non american parent.


Yeah, but I can hear it now: "Bbbbbut it's not the same. His father was Kenyan and these ppl were English, Irish, and Canadian. They were closer to being American b/c of their language/skin color/culture/whatever."

Translation:"I can't identify with someone who looks/believes/behaves so differently than me and that scares me."
Nothing else? What else is there? What is it about this half black president that frightens YOU so much that you would encourage anyone to put his much effort into a birth certificate that proved to be legitimate?

I am not frightened by our president, I am frightened by those on the right wing fringe whos intention of creating and maintaining a divide between americans. This is what is scary.

The democrats are as dividing as any republican. Proof...0bama care...ram it through, WE will fix it later. case closed.

Your obvious hate for anyone right of Pelosi tells as much as anything you claim to be coming from the right. Do you love 0bama so much because he is black, sorry, half black?

Do you really want to know what scares me about 0bama? He scares me because I believe that his intention is to drive this country into such economic despair that we will have no choice but to join the world bank, opening the door for a one world order. Which in turn will eventually drive us and the rest of the world into one huge socialist environment where everyone is dependent on the government for everything. Where individualism is not only discouraged but punished. Now, how's that for a conspiracy theory


Squeaky Wheel
Do you really want to know what scares me about 0bama? He scares me because I believe that his intention is to drive this country into such economic despair that we will have no choice but to join the world bank, opening the door for a one world order. Which in turn will eventually drive us and the rest of the world into one huge socialist environment where everyone is dependent on the government for everything. Where individualism is not only discouraged but punished. Now, how's that for a conspiracy theory..

That's a lotta fear, and even more speculation. I ain't sayin yellow and I ain't sayin bad.
I'm saying very common/ popular way to view things. Fear-based.

A fear that Obama WANTS to drive this country to despair is a sad reason to nit-pick all the reasons one thinks he shouldn't be president rather than put the same energy into helping him find solutions.
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No, what you are saying is that FOX is exactly as i described and you are pointing out that another cable news network operates in the same fashion as to the end , I agree. thanks for your understanding.


Are you taking twist lessons from FredEx? It's starting to look like it. I never said fox was or wasn't anything, just asking if you were saying fox was the same as msnbc.


Squeaky Wheel
And all y'all just go ahead and say I hate everything right of whatever. Change my words and give me all the bad rep you wanna. You have no basis. I'm a lover not a hater.

you say you are not a part of the BC problem, is like saying a person wasnt bit by a dog because there is no bleeding. The depth of the teeth into the skin doesnt separate a dog bite from a dog bite. Whether or not the skin is broken, when a dog places his teeth and jaw on a humans leg and closes it, its a dog bite. You may not cause bleeding with your points (bites) but its still a dog bite. Baba draws blood with his points (bites) and to that end i agree you are not the same.

Either way, your quest to find out the secrecy of our american black/white president only perpetuates the problems in this nation.

Sheppard Smith said it correctly on fox....this thinking process comes from CRAZYLAND. Hear, listen to him for himself and ask if he is talking about you and the others of similiar thinking.

First of all there would have been no problem if 0 had simply provided the BC to start with, right off the bat without delay. By delaying it so long it gives excuses for claims of forgery etc. Actually I never thought the BC in of it's self was all that important, but the reluctance to offer it up in a timely manner when questioned brought about doubts. I was always more concerned about all the other records that were suddenly sealed from public view that are normally open to public view. If McCain had sealed all his personal records except the ones he thought would help him, wouldn't you be just a bit suspicious? Do you remember who started all the "birther" crap?, it was a life long democrat.
For the record, my opposition to 0bama came long before anyone (that I had heard) even suggested that he might not be constitutionally eligible to run for president. I didn't like the messages he was putting out during his campaign for the nomination, I did listen to him for himself and I didn't want him to be my president. In fact, early on, before he announced his candidacy I had said that he might be one I could vote for. The more I listened the more I changed my mind. Once again, the question of his birth place came from democrats. Again, BTW, you are the one that keeps pointing out 0 is black. Personally, I don't give a ...well I don't care.
That's a lotta fear, and even more speculation. I ain't sayin yellow and I ain't sayin bad.
I'm saying very common/ popular way to view things. Fear-based.

A fear that Obama WANTS to drive this country to despair is a sad reason to nit-pick all the reasons one thinks he shouldn't be president rather than put the same energy into helping him find solutions.


Strength through joy

A fear that Obama WANTS to drive this country to despair is a sad reason to nit-pick all the reasons one thinks he shouldn't be president rather than put the same energy into helping him find solutions.

What solutions ?
I could help him with his golf game, but no one is allowed to film it.
He could show that he would be willing to decrease the budget by firing his wife's staff of 26, but he lacks the backbone.
Why is this an issue? Is he less of an American b/c his father is Kenyan?

The most notable difference between our current prez and these gentlemen is his skin color.

Now that you've brought up, yes legally that could make him less than a natural born citizen.

OK, this is gonna sound like I am saying 0 isn't a natural born citizen, that isn't what I am trying to do. What I am trying to do is point out that the list of 6 previous presidents with foreign born parents may be an apples vs. oranges comparison. Without knowing the citizenship status of these foreign born parents it is hard to tell if their children were legal to be president. I haven't been able to find proof one way or the other. The difference is not as much where the parent was born but where their citizenship was. If, for example, the foreign born parents had been naturalized citizens then their offspring are natural born citizens of the USA. From what I can tell, to be a natural born citizen, both parents must be citizens of the USA. If there were ever any challenges of the first 6 presidents natural born status, I haven't been able to find them. That doesn't mean it didn't happen nor what the outcome was.

That's a lotta fear, and even more speculation. I ain't sayin yellow and I ain't sayin bad.
I'm saying very common/ popular way to view things. Fear-based.

A fear that Obama WANTS to drive this country to despair is a sad reason to nit-pick all the reasons one thinks he shouldn't be president rather than put the same energy into helping him find solutions.
LOL< I was lol ing so much I missed your second paragraph. So I'll address that now.

First of all, if he shouldn't be president for those pesky little laws, then he shouldn't be president period. Or do the laws and the Constitution not matter? Is it good policy to never look at a person's qualifications? I don't mean just some of them, but all of them. Hell, TOS is all excited about Palin's husbands actions to judge her qualifications. And here you are saying I'm nit-picking?

Help him find solutions? How do you purpose I do that? I tried email and land mail but never got a reply. what else can I do? What if my solutions are contradictory to his ideals? Do you really think 0 wants input form anyone that doesn't buy his agenda hook, line, and sinker? He's already proven he does not. In fact, anyone who disagrees with him are called obstructionists.


Squeaky Wheel
I wasn't being sarcastic. I was saying IMO a lot of reactions are fear induced. I was trying to make it clear that this statement by me contains no judgement of any individual. The condition of our country and world should have, IMO, everyone scared poo-less. But there is a time to transcend emotion. One respectable man saying that our president is purposefully driving our nation to ruin can influence a lotta people...

I don't know what the answers are. I know I haven't read any viable ones here in the BC lately. I don't think the laws are pesky at all, but IMO a lotta ppl are spending a lotta energy trying to find problems with one man when finding problems with our situation THAT AREN'T HIS FAULT is perty darn easy.

He didn't cause this by any stretch of the imagination. IMO it really doesn't matter who did. It's done and let's fix it. We as adult Americans should be holding ourselves responsible.

"We the people, in order to form a more perfect union."

This was one of the tasks we set forth at the beginning of this campaign - to continue the long march of those who came before us, a march for a more just, more equal, more free, more caring and more prosperous America. I chose to run for the presidency at this moment in history because I believe deeply that we cannot solve the challenges of our time unless we solve them together - unless we perfect our union by understanding that we may have different stories, but we hold common hopes; that we may not look the same and we may not have come from the same place, but we all want to move in the same direction - towards a better future for our children and our grandchildren.

In the end, then, what is called for is nothing more, and nothing less, than what all the world's great religions demand - that we do unto others as we would have them do unto us. Let us be our brother's keeper, Scripture tells us. Let us be our sister's keeper. Let us find that common stake we all have in one another, and let our politics reflect that spirit as well.
Actually, you're both obstructionists and racists.
Actually you couldn't be more wrong. I'm neither and I find it quite insulting to be called a racist. Obstructionist doesn't really fit me either, I am more than willing to listen to an alternative idea and possibly compromise on some issues. That's more than can be said for 0.