Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Strength through joy

Immigration document listing Barack Obama Sr.'s birthdate as June 18, 1934


Strength through joy
Died 1982; car crash.
Actually he had three crashes from 1969-1982, first one damaged a leg , second one took both legs, third killed him.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


golden ticket member
He was called African because son's birth cert. says "father's race" African. So are you saying Barry's cert. is wrong ??? Back in the 60's race wasn't a country was white, negro, asian, etc.


Squeaky Wheel
Good opinion essay here.

On November 4, 2008 Barack Hussein Obama II was elected President, the nation's first black President and the first President who is a racial minority. Obama's election shattered the widely-held belief that the United States was too racist to elect a black man, or anyone who was not white to the Presidency. Today, as Obama released his long form birth certificate, some of those gains were reversed. By doing so, Obama has finally paid the extra racist price levied upon him by several million, or tens of millions of racist Americans had levied upon him: that due to his skin color, he must jump through some additional hoops and debase himself to their satisfaction.

Black people have surely lost today. They have been once again relegated towards "the blacks" (as Trump so eloquently put it), second class citizens and not really American (as W.E.B. Du Bois (the one whose name I borrow) put it). He's also taken away the honor of all Americans who are not black as well, saying that they too are racist, that they needed this n****r or this black to pass a literacy test, because "the blacks" are not to be trusted and their intelligence and integrity are circumspect by nature.

The United States of America lost today.


Hey BABA, notice it has him listed as BRITISH and not AFRICAN like you keep calling him. Can we at least get you to correct that using your own source??

This would help in your recovery...Its a start anyway.

For the purpose of Baba's argument. does it really make any difference? British, Kenyan, African...all translate to not American. Has there ever been any question as to the fact that Sr. was not American? As far as the date goes, clerks make typing errors all the time.
That is a very eloquently written piece of ....fabrication. Sure they are people out there that hate black people, I'm not one of them. I do question his eligibility based on where his father was a citizen, not his race. I would have the same questions if his father was lilly white and born in Ireland. My opposition to 0 is rooted in more than just his "eligibility", his idea's of what is good for America, his obvious multiple lies, his lack of leadership and the fact that I believe he is hiding something (no I don't know what) from the American voters that we should know.
I remember the first time I heard him say in a pre-election speech of the transparency that his administration was going to exude. Not only has that not happened but he has gone extra lengths to prevent transparency. A large portion of the health care bill that was rammed through congress, at break neck speed, at his insistence was formulated behind closed doors that only democrats were allowed to go through. That is anything but transparent. That isn't where the problems with the health care bill end. The health care bill isn't where the lack of transparency end. Transparency isn't where my objections to 0 end.
I know the usual suspects on here are gonna jump on this and ridicule, call names and sling be it. What those suspects refuse to recognize is that they are just as biased to the left as they say I am to the right.
All of this is to explain why I feel personally insulted by the article from an obvious extreme left source. It is articles like this (and the ones that are reversed from the extreme right) that contribute to my natural cherub like demeanor. :)


Strength through joy

Arrival-Departure card, with record of visa extensions, listing Barack Obama Sr.'s birthdate as June 18, 1934.

"Alien Registration Fingerprint Chart" listing Barack Obama Sr.'s birthdate as June 18, 1934.
An INS official, William Woods, handwrote a memo dated Aug. 31, 1961, that referred to Barack Obama Jr. being born Aug. 4, 1961, in Hawaii.
"They have one child born Honolulu on 8/4/1961 – Barack Obama II, child living with mother (she lives with her parents & subject resides at 1482 Alencastre St.)," Woods wrote

In some instances, also, Barack Obama Sr.'s nationality is listed as British, instead of Kenyan.
In an application to extend his visa that was approved July 28, 1960, officials notated: "presents valid British passport 84764 until 4/29/64.
That passport number, 84764, was entered on a June 6, 1963, application to extend his stay that stated he held a Kenyan passport. But this can likely be explained by the fact that Kenya was a colony of the United Kingdom until 1963.
Curiously, on an Aug. 17, 1962, application to extend his visa, Obama Sr. filled in a line asking him to list the names and addresses of children. The only child he listed was Roy Obama, a son from his Kenyan wife, Kezia. At that time, Barack Obama Jr. was 1 year old.
On that application he also listed his mailing address as c/o the Koinoinia Foundation in Pikesville, Md. The organization, according to a website, was a "spiritual community" with "strong Quaker influences" that sought to "take literacy, agriculture, health, and similar practical skills into the undeveloped world."

Read more: Birth certificate conflicts with father's real birthday?



Strength through joy
This story was posted in 2009.


by John Charlton
(Oct. 20, 2009)

Attached to this email was the following Certificate of Live Birth of Barack Hussein Obama, which contains no file number:
The Blaine Document, in PNG Format.
The above image is a PNG format, cropped from the original PDF. (Download the Image for enlargment and clearer visibility of details) The PDF file indicates it was created by a Canon iR5065 scanner/printer, scanning a document which appears to have been a fax. The form seems similar to others available on the web.
The witnesses on the Document are Madelyn Payne Dunham and Martin Blaine Enriscon (Erickson?). The registrar’s name is not discernable. In the opinion of The Post & Email the signatures of the first two witnesses are similar forms of handwriting.

The missing file number could be because it was accepted by the local registrar, in the bottom left box...but not the general registrar, bottom right, which may have been the point in the process where the doc is assigned a number. The issue regarding the Hawaiian it possible that the delayed filing occurred after that date? The divorce may have been the catalyst to make delayed filings or amendments because the proceedings generally required a BC to establish custody of the minor children.
Do we have a copy of Maya Soetoro's? She supposedly has one and we know she was born in Indonesia but it would be interesting to know when it was amended and how it reads.

I am not certain but I know that in 1961 the age of maturity was 21. You couldn't put a car, a home or anything in your name unless you were 21. That is why Stanley Ann"s signature is not on this.
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Arrival-Departure card, with record of visa extensions, listing Barack Obama Sr.'s birthdate as June 18, 1934.

"Alien Registration Fingerprint Chart" listing Barack Obama Sr.'s birthdate as June 18, 1934.
An INS official, William Woods, handwrote a memo dated Aug. 31, 1961, that referred to Barack Obama Jr. being born Aug. 4, 1961, in Hawaii.
"They have one child born Honolulu on 8/4/1961 – Barack Obama II, child living with mother (she lives with her parents & subject resides at 1482 Alencastre St.)," Woods wrote

In some instances, also, Barack Obama Sr.'s nationality is listed as British, instead of Kenyan.
In an application to extend his visa that was approved July 28, 1960, officials notated: "presents valid British passport 84764 until 4/29/64.
That passport number, 84764, was entered on a June 6, 1963, application to extend his stay that stated he held a Kenyan passport. But this can likely be explained by the fact that Kenya was a colony of the United Kingdom until 1963.
Curiously, on an Aug. 17, 1962, application to extend his visa, Obama Sr. filled in a line asking him to list the names and addresses of children. The only child he listed was Roy Obama, a son from his Kenyan wife, Kezia. At that time, Barack Obama Jr. was 1 year old.
On that application he also listed his mailing address as c/o the Koinoinia Foundation in Pikesville, Md. The organization, according to a website, was a "spiritual community" with "strong Quaker influences" that sought to "take literacy, agriculture, health, and similar practical skills into the undeveloped world."

Read more: Birth certificate conflicts with father's real birthday?

Again, whats the relevance? They story is over.



Squeaky Wheel
That is a very eloquently written piece of ....fabrication. Sure they are people out there that hate black people, I'm not one of them....All of this is to explain why I feel personally insulted by the article from an obvious extreme left source. It is articles like this (and the ones that are reversed from the extreme right) that contribute to my natural cherub like demeanor. :)

How can an opinion based on one's personal feelings be fabrication? You have every right to your feelings, as does this gentleman. I did not begin the post with Dear Trplnkl, or anyone for that matter, and it was in no way intended to offend. I would suggest a re-reading with an open heart if the mind thing is too much of a challenge.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This story was posted in 2009.

This document, already proved to be a fake and originally produced by ORLY TAINZ was circulated over and over...until the hoax was unraveled.

Please, do yourselves a favor and move on to bigger and more important topics.. His birth and his citizenship are NO LONGER issues.



by John Charlton
(Oct. 20, 2009)

Attached to this email was the following Certificate of Live Birth of Barack Hussein Obama, which contains no file number:
The Blaine Document, in PNG Format.
The above image is a PNG format, cropped from the original PDF. (Download the Image for enlargment and clearer visibility of details) The PDF file indicates it was created by a Canon iR5065 scanner/printer, scanning a document which appears to have been a fax. The form seems similar to others available on the web.
The witnesses on the Document are Madelyn Payne Dunham and Martin Blaine Enriscon (Erickson?). The registrar’s name is not discernable. In the opinion of The Post & Email the signatures of the first two witnesses are similar forms of handwriting.

The missing file number could be because it was accepted by the local registrar, in the bottom left box...but not the general registrar, bottom right, which may have been the point in the process where the doc is assigned a number. The issue regarding the Hawaiian it possible that the delayed filing occurred after that date? The divorce may have been the catalyst to make delayed filings or amendments because the proceedings generally required a BC to establish custody of the minor children.
Do we have a copy of Maya Soetoro's? She supposedly has one and we know she was born in Indonesia but it would be interesting to know when it was amended and how it reads.

I am not certain but I know that in 1961 the age of maturity was 21. You couldn't put a car, a home or anything in your name unless you were 21. That is why Stanley Ann"s signature is not on this.
How can an opinion based on one's personal feelings be fabrication? You have every right to your feelings, as does this gentleman. I did not begin the post with Dear Trplnkl, or anyone for that matter, and it was in no way intended to offend. I would suggest a re-reading with an open heart if the mind thing is too much of a challenge.
Your right, it didn't say Dear anyone. I didn't take you posting it as an offense, I took offense that the author's version of the truth.
Maybe, instead of reading with your heart you should try reading with you mind. The whole article was written, not as an opinion, but as documented fact. The fact the author was pushing was the birth certificate was based solely on the fact that 0 is black. As I stated, my objections on 0 has nothing to his being black. My interest in the BC thing was based on if indeed is a "natural born citizen", I'm still not convinced that Constitutionally he is. Lucky for him, I don't get to make the decision, because he may have never spent the night in the white house. Today, my interest is not on 0 as much as it is the constitution, what the intent was and what the intent of the 14th amendment was. It still has nothing to do with his race. As I said earlier, I would feel the very same way if he was a white Irishman. The insulting part of the article was saying that all of 0's doubters were racist and that just isn't true.


Well-Known Member
Your right, it didn't say Dear anyone. I didn't take you posting it as an offense, I took offense that the author's version of the truth.
Maybe, instead of reading with your heart you should try reading with you mind. The whole article was written, not as an opinion, but as documented fact. The fact the author was pushing was the birth certificate was based solely on the fact that 0 is black. As I stated, my objections on 0 has nothing to his being black. My interest in the BC thing was based on if indeed is a "natural born citizen", I'm still not convinced that Constitutionally he is. Lucky for him, I don't get to make the decision, because he may have never spent the night in the white house. Today, my interest is not on 0 as much as it is the constitution, what the intent was and what the intent of the 14th amendment was. It still has nothing to do with his race. As I said earlier, I would feel the very same way if he was a white Irishman. The insulting part of the article was saying that all of 0's doubters were racist and that just isn't true.

Isn't there a case to be made, though, that as an American citizen and a resident in a representative democracy, that whatever the majority votes you are subject to? That is to say, he is President because the majority of people believed he was eligible, won the election, and therefore is, without equivocation, President?

I'm not saying you don't personally have the right to dissent; however, I would also be quick to point out that the President and his party have no personal obligation to prove anything to you individually; they won the election. This is how it has been for centuries now, and is probably the way it will continue to be. There are a lot of things I feel Bush did wrong, but he was the President and he won the election twice; so I can dissent, but I could not expect GW to cater to what I feel he should or should not have proved about anything.


Strength through joy
[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Online 'birth certificate' document 'was changed'

[/FONT] [FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Analysis raises possibility content of text was altered

[/FONT] It was analyzed by Ivan Zatkovich of Tampa-based eComp Consultants, which consults on intellectual property for telecommunications, web publishing and ecommerce and has provided services for corporations such as McGraw-Hill, Houghton-Mifflin, Citicorp and Zatkovich has 28 years experience in computer science and document management and for more than 10 years has been an expert witness providing testimony in federal court in both criminal and civil litigation.
He confirmed that the multiple layers of the PDF document are anomalous.
"When a paper document is scanned on a scanner and saved as a PDF file it normally contains only a single layer of graphical information. The PDF that appears on the White House website however, contains multiple layers of graphic information. Multiple layers usually appear in a document like this when it is being edited or modified in some fashion.
"It is possible to take a single layer PDF and inadvertently create multiple layers, without changing the image in any fashion. But that does not appear to be the case here. The multiple layers in the PDF document are a result of changes made to the image," his report said.

[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]


Strength through joy
Is Obama wagging the dog today before he is going down tomorrow???

Posted on | May 1, 2011

A week ago I announced to the nation on CNN, that Obama is committing Social Security fraud and showed Obama’s Selective Service Certificate and Social Security verification, showing him illegally using Connecticut Social Security number 042-xx-xxxx, which was never asigned to him. On Wednesday, just 3 working days before trial, he released his “true and correct copy of the original BC”, which is nothing but creative computer graphics.
I can tell, that someone high up decided that enough is enough and Obama must go. Maybe, too many people are about to be indicted, if he does not go? I noticed, that suddenly I was granted 2 oral arguments in eligibility cases. Suddenly Obama’s father’s immigration file was released. It is hard for me to believe that all of this is random. Usually those things are not random. It seems the decision was made high up.
There were rumours that U.S. has the body of Osama Bin Ladin for quite some time and will wheel it out, when a perfect diversion, perfect crisis is needed. Our court hearing is scheduled to start in just a few hours. Major networks are supposed to be there with cameras rolling. Suddenly, Obama announces that the body of Osama Bin Ladin is found and we need to prepare for a possible terrorist act. Perfect timing!