Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Squeaky Wheel
I wonder how they're going to go after Obama now? This is a major victory for all Americans, even those that hate the President. He got the job done.

They were already crawling his butt in chat. It's all a campaign ploy, he's taking all the credit for it, he's lying about when the go-ahead was given, and on and on. I am trying to delay posting anymore about politics based on my own emotional reactions. The arguments have just gotten way too nasty.

Cheers. Glad we've got each other brother.


Engorged Member
They were already crawling his butt in chat. It's all a campaign ploy, he's taking all the credit for it, he's lying about when the go-ahead was given, and on and on. I am trying to delay posting anymore about politics based on my own emotional reactions. The arguments have just gotten way too nasty.

Cheers. Glad we've got each other brother.

Amen, I feel your pain. They won't know what to do until Rush tells them what to think tomorrow morning. There will be a unified talking point by around 10:00 Eastern Time. They're like bees waiting for instructions from the Queen.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Is Obama wagging the dog today before he is going down tomorrow???

Posted on | May 1, 2011

A week ago I announced to the nation on CNN, that Obama is committing Social Security fraud and showed Obama’s Selective Service Certificate and Social Security verification, showing him illegally using Connecticut Social Security number 042-xx-xxxx, which was never asigned to him. On Wednesday, just 3 working days before trial, he released his “true and correct copy of the original BC”, which is nothing but creative computer graphics.
I can tell, that someone high up decided that enough is enough and Obama must go. Maybe, too many people are about to be indicted, if he does not go? I noticed, that suddenly I was granted 2 oral arguments in eligibility cases. Suddenly Obama’s father’s immigration file was released. It is hard for me to believe that all of this is random. Usually those things are not random. It seems the decision was made high up.
There were rumours that U.S. has the body of Osama Bin Ladin for quite some time and will wheel it out, when a perfect diversion, perfect crisis is needed. Our court hearing is scheduled to start in just a few hours. Major networks are supposed to be there with cameras rolling. Suddenly, Obama announces that the body of Osama Bin Ladin is found and we need to prepare for a possible terrorist act. Perfect timing!

Oh boy, more ORLY TAINZ nonsense..... Tomorrow morning, the courts will bounce this pyscho hopefully directly to your house BABA. There, you can shelter each other and fight the birth fight from the comfort of your home.

Maybe you could marry and together travel the country peddling the birth certificate nonsense?

You seem to be one of the few that want to keep the story alive.

Ill tell you what, at noon on monday, come back on this board and explain why, with all of ORLY TAINZ evidence, she was bounced from the courts.

Ill hold my breath.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Amen, I feel your pain. They won't know what to do until Rush tells them what to think tomorrow morning. There will be a unified talking point by around 10:00 Eastern Time. They're like bees waiting for instructions from the Queen.

You know this is a fact. The RNC will be up all night trying to put together a talking point that limits the credit towards president obama, and somehow find a way to give credit to a staff sgt for the raid.

campaign promise fullfilled. Obama promised to enter pakistan and get usama, and thats what he did. Kudos.



The Nim
They were already crawling his butt in chat. It's all a campaign ploy, he's taking all the credit for it, he's lying about when the go-ahead was given, and on and on. I am trying to delay posting anymore about politics based on my own emotional reactions. The arguments have just gotten way too nasty.

Cheers. Glad we've got each other brother.

I brought up the whole thing about the go ahead timing. The reports said it happened a week ago, but during the speech he said it was earlier today. Someone got something wrong.

I also mentioned the campaign bit, love or hate Obama you can't deny he'll use it for his fundraising.


Staff member


The Nim
I brought up the whole thing about the go ahead timing. The reports said it happened a week ago, but during the speech he said it was earlier today. Someone got something wrong.

I also mentioned the campaign bit, love or hate Obama you can't deny he'll use it for his fundraising.

And indeed we are getting different reports vs last night. The dna tests have not been completed and will take days for the results instead of they had been completed since it was days ago it started.

This kinda stuff is part of the reason I prefer to reserve judgement and comments until better information is available.


Well-Known Member
They were already crawling his butt in chat. It's all a campaign ploy, he's taking all the credit for it, he's lying about when the go-ahead was given, and on and on. I am trying to delay posting anymore about politics based on my own emotional reactions. The arguments have just gotten way too nasty.

Cheers. Glad we've got each other brother.
That is exactly why I left chat last night, I thought finally with all our differences, the killing of Osama was one thing we could all agree on and celebrate. Sadly, it went partisan


Strength through joy
: From Obama’s late-night speech:
I directed Leon Pannetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority”
I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden”
I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden”
I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action and authorized an operation to get Usama bin Laden and bring him to justice”
“Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad Pakistan”
I have made clear, just as President Bush did shortly after 9/11, that our war is not against Islam; bin Laden was not a Muslim leader”
That is exactly why I left chat last night, I thought finally with all our differences, the killing of Osama was one thing we could all agree on and celebrate. Sadly, it went partisan
There are some people on this forum that are so polarized they cant help themselves. I have to admit, it doesn't take much to draw me into the debates.I try to resist, but them BAM...I'm in there.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
And indeed we are getting different reports vs last night. The dna tests have not been completed and will take days for the results instead of they had been completed since it was days ago it started.

This kinda stuff is part of the reason I prefer to reserve judgement and comments until better information is available.

WRONG.... comfirmed long before any statement released. Change the channel, where your getting your info is waaaaaay behind reality.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
: From Obama’s late-night speech:
I directed Leon Pannetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority”
I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden”
I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden”
I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action and authorized an operation to get Usama bin Laden and bring him to justice”
“Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad Pakistan”
I have made clear, just as President Bush did shortly after 9/11, that our war is not against Islam; bin Laden was not a Muslim leader”

THis is leadership BABA, thats why he's the COMMANDER IN CHIEF, No decisions to take military actions in any country can be done without the written permission of the president of the United States. An executive order has to be signed before any General, Colonel, Admiral, Captain, Sgt or Private can pick up a weapon and go any place.

Pakistan is an ally country, we had to violate air space and enter a soveriegn country and conduct a military operation. Fortunately it all went off without losing any american lives. There were a few glitches, like losing a chinook that crashed, and pakistani jets that were scrambled and chasing our helos on the way out. But in the end, a proud day for all americans. Today there should be no democrats and republicans on this issue.

Give the president his due, for without his leadership and PERMISSION, this mission never gets off the ground.

The chain of command on this issue was deep but precise. I thank our system of military intelligence for providing PROPER information on the war on terror.

THis is leadership BABA, thats why he's the COMMANDER IN CHIEF, No decisions to take military actions in any country can be done without the written permission of the president of the United States. An executive order has to be signed before any General, Colonel, Admiral, Captain, Sgt or Private can pick up a weapon and go any place.

Pakistan is an ally country, we had to violate air space and enter a soveriegn country and conduct a military operation. Fortunately it all went off without losing any american lives. There were a few glitches, like losing a chinook that crashed, and pakistani jets that were scrambled and chasing our helos on the way out. But in the end, a proud day for all americans. Today there should be no democrats and republicans on this issue.

Give the president his due, for without his leadership and PERMISSION, this mission never gets off the ground.

The chain of command on this issue was deep but precise. I thank our system of military intelligence for providing PROPER information on the war on terror.

I have already mentioned a big thumbs up to 0bama for authorizing the attack on obl, I have given him his due. With that said:

Really? No democrats or republicans? On the issue of the actually killing of obl, you're correct. However, you claiming 0's great leadership is very much political posturing. The fact is, the strike would not have taken place with out his OK, however his own claims of,
I met repeatedly with my national security team as we (really..WE?)developed " and "I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action...." is poppycock. He was convinced by his advisers that they(the intel agencies) had enough intel, he merely said OK do it. Just what did he do but say OK? The list of I's is nothing more than campaign banter.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
There are some people on this forum that are so polarized they cant help themselves. I have to admit, it doesn't take much to draw me into the debates.I try to resist, but them BAM...I'm in there.

Dammit - I am right there with you! Seeing as this thread made a right or left turn (depending on your point of view...!) I am probably in the minority on what is going on with this bin Laden thing. It completely offended me when I saw all the celebration from the Middle East when those extremists took down the Towers ten years ago, and so I feel embarrassment for our country over the celebrations from (mostly) our college age students. I just thought that we were better than that. I am disappointed that we are not! Don't get me wrong, he is a monster and a mass murderer! The more we give this story legs the more it immortalizes this monster. I would hope that we only have one Hitler.

Back to the thread...(kinda)! I have made up my mind about the campaigner in chief. I lost trust. I don't believe a word he says, but I do follow his actions. Right now I am most concerned about our economy, our debt and our nation's security. Nobody on the left can convince me we are heading in the right direction with this guy at the helm. I have too many questions to believe anything he says about his birth certificate.

Personally, it does not matter. This guy is in charge. I only wish my governor, would have signed the law that would require a candidate running for President to produce a real birth certificate. I hope the state senate overrides her veto but like I said... it doesn't really matter.

You have to give him credit. He has managed to keep everything hidden that he has not wanted to be released. ...or should I say, his Chicago political machine has...


The Nim
WRONG.... comfirmed long before any statement released. Change the channel, where your getting your info is waaaaaay behind reality.


I checked all the major news channels last night, and in the morning I checked many different news websites.

Lemme quote where I got the part that the tests haven't been completed;

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States is conducting DNA testing on slain al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and used facial recognition techniques to help identify him, a U.S. official said on Monday....
...Results of the DNA tests should be available in the next few days, the official told Reuters

Note conducting, meaning they're still testing.

I haven't check again since I woke up, but I expect to see different things that conflicts with stuff I saw previously still.