Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Engorged Member
I checked all the major news channels last night, and in the morning I checked many different news websites.

Lemme quote where I got the part that the tests haven't been completed;

Note conducting, meaning they're still testing.

I haven't check again since I woke up, but I expect to see different things that conflicts with stuff I saw previously still.

He's dead. I know it absolutely kills you folks to see that our "Kenyan-in Chief" just nailed the world's most wanted terrorist. I've heard he personally oversaw an operation that started last August, and gave the final order to enter a soverign nation (Pakistan) without their knowledge or permission. They (Pakistan) were informed only after our helicopters were headed back with the dirtbag in hand. A courageous move by an equally courageous President. Stick your conspiracy theories where they belong, and give the man his due.


Staff member
I am probably in the minority on what is going on with this bin Laden thing. It completely offended me when I saw all the celebration from the Middle East when those extremists took down the Towers ten years ago, and so I feel embarrassment for our country over the celebrations from (mostly) our college age students. I just thought that we were better than that. I am disappointed that we are not!

Thank you, I'm not the only one. I thought it was downright......unholy..... how we had Americans dancing in the streets, indeed celebrating, the death of this man. The revelers are no better than the idiots burning effigies in third world countries.


The Nim
He's dead. I know it absolutely kills you folks to see that our "Kenyan-in Chief" just nailed the world's most wanted terrorist. I've heard he personally oversaw an operation that started last August, and gave the final order to enter a soverign nation (Pakistan) without their knowledge or permission. They (Pakistan) were informed only after our helicopters were headed back with the dirtbag in hand. A courageous move by an equally courageous President. Stick your conspiracy theories where they belong, and give the man his due.

I just gotta ask, since when is having an issue with conflicting information on a fast moving story a conspiracy theory? Have I said that bin Laden is not dead? Have I said Obama shouldn't get any credit? I believe I said that "someone got something wrong" in the reporting process, either fed bad information or came to a speculation that wasn't true and reported it.

There will be questions about whether bin Laden is actually dead, but that's only because of how quickly the burial was preformed, but for me until I see some sort of conclusive proof that says he's still alive I have no reason to doubt it. With the kinda hoopla that went on after the announcement it'd be political suicide for Obama if he got it wrong, so I'm sure he acted on the best intelligence he had.


Staff member
Thank you, I'm not the only one. I thought it was downright......unholy..... how we had Americans dancing in the streets, indeed celebrating, the death of this man. The revelers are no better than the idiots burning effigies in third world countries.
Me three. I thought all the hootin' and hollerin' and dancing was pretty unseemly. Act like you've been there before.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I have already mentioned a big thumbs up to 0bama for authorizing the attack on obl, I have given him his due. With that said:

Really? No democrats or republicans? On the issue of the actually killing of obl, you're correct. However, you claiming 0's great leadership is very much political posturing. The fact is, the strike would not have taken place with out his OK, however his own claims of,
I met repeatedly with my national security team as we (really..WE?)developed " and "I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action...." is poppycock. He was convinced by his advisers that they(the intel agencies) had enough intel, he merely said OK do it. Just what did he do but say OK? The list of I's is nothing more than campaign banter.

Then I can only assume that based on this "theory" you would agree that GW BUSH was a bigger A-hole and he was also convinced to attack both afghanistan and Iraq by his "ADVISORS"?

Because we all know now that each was a catastophy and all on false pretense and BUSH merely said to uncle Dick...uhh..OK.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Thank you, I'm not the only one. I thought it was downright......unholy..... how we had Americans dancing in the streets, indeed celebrating, the death of this man. The revelers are no better than the idiots burning effigies in third world countries.

I will do you one better, back in the Iraq war, three black water contractors were driving down a city road, one of them shooting (terrorists) out the window, they were stopped by a crowd, shot, beaten, dragged, knifed, spit on, hung and then burned on a bridge and a "flash mob" ensued where there was overjoyous celebration by hundreds of people from that city. They were celebrating the deaths of these contractors in a fashion our media called "barbaric" and "inhuman.".

We condemned the actions of the flash mob and promised retaliation.

In this case, we capture and kill Usama Bin Laden and our citizens take to the streets in a "flash mob" and do the very same thing and "we" call it Victory.

Arent we suppose to be the more civilized culture?



Strength through joy
Notice the dates of the signatures on the newly released Certificate of Live Birth registration issued by the Health Department. The alleged signature of Obama’s mother was documented on Monday, August 7, 1961, the earliest day available to sign the registration. Obama was born the evening of Friday, August 4th, which means government offices were closed on Saturday the 5th, and Sunday the 6th, but the hospital was not.

The documents also reveal that they were signed by an attending physician and received by a local registrar, in different offices, three days apart, despite being signed on the same day by the parent.
Obama’s “Certificate of Live Birth” was released by the Department of Health, not the alleged hospital of record. Although the Health Department was obligated to provide him with a “Certificate of Live Birth” in 1961, via the administrative process mandated by HRS 338-17.8, his birth would not actually have to occur in the Hospital stated on the record in order for this record to be created. However, as provided by HRS 338-5, after baby Obama had been examined by an “attending” physician sometime between August 5th and August 8th at the hospital, the Department of Health was able to create the official record of birth after the doctor’s signed approval, containing the name of the hospital where the examination took place.

Essentially, the Hawaiian Department of Health does not issue an official birth certificate under the provision of HRS 338-17.8 until a board certified physician has examined the child in an official medical facility of record.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Notice the dates of the signatures on the newly released Certificate of Live Birth registration issued by the Health Department. The alleged signature of Obama’s mother was documented on Monday, August 7, 1961, the earliest day available to sign the registration. Obama was born the evening of Friday, August 4th, which means government offices were closed on Saturday the 5th, and Sunday the 6th, but the hospital was not.

The documents also reveal that they were signed by an attending physician and received by a local registrar, in different offices, three days apart, despite being signed on the same day by the parent.




Strength through joy
Contrary to recent implications, new evidence supports that Barack Obama was not actually delivered in Kapi’olani hospital, as records suggest, but, rather, he was merely examined there by a private practitioner in the days following his birth, which triggered the validation of an administratively issued “Certificate of Live Birth” registration, not a hospital generated birth certificate representing an actual delivery which was later numbered due to an 'externally registered' birth.

Since the 2008 disclosure of Obama’s previously “only official” Hawaiian “Certification of Live Birth” just days before being ensconced to the Oval Office, many continue to wonder why Obama’s birth registration number is out of sequence with at least two other registration numbers issued by the Hawaiian Department of Health in the days after Obama’s birth.

The answer to this question may have been answered in the 1961 Vital Statistics of United States Report in which it clarifies the manner in which birth records are assigned registration numbers. The guidelines in the report declare that registration numbers are assigned and stamped in the upper right margin of the certificates by the main office of each state's Health department office in geographic order of their reception in the main office from the multiple local offices around each state. The certificates are not assigned numbers according to chronological birth order or alphabetic order.

Why is this significant in relation to Obama's Certificate of Live Birth?
The registration numbers are assigned in their order of reception by the main office, not the chronological occurrence of the birth.
The main offices of the state health departments were instructed to assign the numbering of certificates in the order of reception from each geographic registration location, Regions 1,2,3,&4, not chronological sequence, in order to maximize report sampling and to ensure the best possible reporting accuracy from as many regions as possible, not just where populations were dense and where birth quantities were high.
The key words are, "records are numbered in the primary state offices as they are received and are always in geographic order before numbering." Essentially, this means that Obama's birth registration, which was received by the main office before the Nordyke twins', was assigned a higher number because it was received by the main office in geographic order, not chronological order. Obama's birth was not registered in the same office as the Nordyke twins' birth.
Since it is likely that Obama's birth was not registered in the same office as the Nordyke twins, who were actually born in Kapi’olani hospital, Obama’s birth registration was assigned a number based on its "geographic order", not its chronological order, of registration.

The birth announcements and ordering based on geographic registration location are shown below as they appear in the two versions of the newspapers.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel K. Haas Sr. 849-A 11th Ave. 8/4/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Staley 1319 Anapa St. 8/6/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Kitson Apt. 11, 1635 Clark St. 8/6/1961
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Ayau Sr. 87-143 Lillana St., Malll 7/31/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus J. Raymond 1371 Haloa Drive 7/30/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Arakawa 935-B Hausten St., 8/1/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Y. Takahashi 56 Nanea Ave, Wahiawa 8/2/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Allington K. Brown Maunawill Road, Kallua 8/2/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Cirillo V. Caperto 918 Puuhale Road 8/3/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. M. Mokuahi Sr 732 Laukea St. 8/2/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Kamealoha Jr. 441 McNeill St. 8/3/1961
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Clifford Sr. 2624 Maunawai Place 8/6/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Walker 1660 S. King St., 8/7/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M. Durkin 3813 Radford Drive 8/7/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Mike M. Nagaishi 2687 Gardenia 8/6/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Earnest 1258 Wilhelmina Rise 8/6/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. H. Chun 45-440 Akimala St., Kaheohe 8/5/1961
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Waidelich 937 18th Ave. 8/5/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett P. Simpson 2752 Kahiti St. 8/5/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin K. friend. Liu 45-548 Keaahala Road, Kaheohe 8/5/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Wright 91-939 Kalapu St., Ewa Beach, Ewa 8/5/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama 6085 Kalanianaole Hwy 8/4/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. M. Hatchle 2420 Kaululaau St. 8/4/1961
Mr. and Mrs Harry Y.W. Wong 463 Lawelwe St. 8/4/1961
Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Kim

Note that the announcements are in the exact same order in both papers. Also, notice Obama’s birth registration announcement nearer the bottom of the order in the last group while the birth dates appear to be grouped rather than ordered from the top of the column to the bottom. This indicates they are indeed grouped by geographic registration occurrence as they are received in batches from each branch location by the main Health Department office, as prescribed by the guidelines described in the NVSD report. Otherwise, the birth order would be published based on either alphabetical or chronological order, which they are not, as obviously shown here. This is an indication that Obama’s birth registration was received by the main office of the Hawaiian Department of Health from a location other than the office used to register births occurring in Kapi’olani.

Obama's announcement was published on August 12th and 13th of the editions of the Star and Sunday Advertiser in 1961. The Nordyke's announcement was publish the following week. Obama's announcement was published earlier than his alleged "birthmates" because his registration was among fewer which were processed as part of a batch of "walk-in" registrations from another local office. His record was processed faster and earlier and was able to be fit within the space provided by the newspaper for that batch of registration records that week. The larger overall quantity of registrations containing the Nordyke's records had to be carried over to the following week because their large batch required three more days to process and be allocated space in the papers.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
By the way, your queen of the birthers took her case to the 9th circuit court yesterday and the justices were NOT very supportive of her claims. They heard her nonsense, told her to go grab another percocet and said they will rule in days, weeks, months or years.

GET A LIFE.. let this go... Your embarrassing yourself.


By the way, your queen of the birthers took her case to the 9th circuit court yesterday and the justices were NOT very supportive of her claims. They heard her nonsense, told her to go grab another percocet and said they will rule in days, weeks, months or years.

What do you care if he "embarrasses" himself? Don't try to give us this fake altruistic compassion for your fellow man. That won't sell. It's his time and if he spends every dime he makes, it's his dime and time. Either you like being upset about it or you just like ridiculing people.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

The investment of time, effort, energy and money into this "scam" is what I find alarming for a person, any person. This thread is over 2 years old, it came to a conclusion, the house, the senate, most analyst and including your right wing hero ANN COULTURE says this issue is a fake and merely a scam to "rake money" out of the believers.

THe longer they can keep the story alive, the more money they can extract from their victims.

ORLY TAINZ is a con artist and she has managed to rake in millions of dollars from the "believers".

I am just trying to save him some dough.



Engorged Member
What's the matter, you don't like FACTS ?

FOX "facts" are faux non-facts, and every post you make echoes Republican talking points almost verbatim. I'm withholding comments on the mission to kill Osama until I've listened to the spin doctors on the Right. The next day, you'll be posting whatever manure that your GOP media masters have designed for low IQ Tea-Bag consumption.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
FOX "facts" are faux non-facts, and every post you make echoes Republican talking points almost verbatim. LOL...Hey Chris Mathews Jr...the same can be said for you and your Liberal talking points from the Obama Kool-aid running thru your veins. I'm withholding comments on the mission to kill Osama until I've listened to the spin doctors on the Right. So you can fill up with your lefty spin doctors OK.The next day, you'll be posting whatever manure that your GOP media masters have designed for low IQ Tea-Bag consumption. And you can post the Liberal Dung from your Messiahs media lapdogs for no IQ Lefty compsumption.:wink2: [/QUOTE]


Engorged Member
FOX "facts" are faux non-facts, and every post you make echoes Republican talking points almost verbatim. LOL...Hey Chris Mathews Jr...the same can be said for you and your Liberal talking points from the Obama Kool-aid running thru your veins. I'm withholding comments on the mission to kill Osama until I've listened to the spin doctors on the Right. So you can fill up with your lefty spin doctors OK.The next day, you'll be posting whatever manure that your GOP media masters have designed for low IQ Tea-Bag consumption. And you can post the Liberal Dung from your Messiahs media lapdogs for no IQ Lefty compsumption.:wink2: [/QUOTE]

Interesting how you have to use my sentence structure for your response. Is that from years of training to be a Right Wing stooge? Really, most of you on the lunatic fringe are simply useful idiots for the GOP elite. They set the trap, you take the bait, and then spread the poison among the rest of the herd. Simply amazing, and you don't even realize it.

And "The Messiah" kicked some evil ass this weekend, a task that the limp-wristed, dumb cowpoke (from Maine) with the phony Texas drawl couldn't quite manage.