Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate

Journalistic integrity?

You don't think FOX lies? And where is the "lefty dominated media"? If you mean radio, Right Wingers have about 75% of the stations. If you are referring to TV, most networks make an attempt to get both sides of the story, except for FOX, where they take one sentence from a story, spin-it completely out of context, and then run with the lie until they're proven wrong. Then they steadfastly stand by the lie. That's some great journalism.

I'm not surprised you think that "most networks" attempt to get both sides of the story, since they nearly always report the way you want it to be, truth and facts be damned. I may start watching fox more, simply because you hate them so much.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I'm not surprised you think that "most networks" attempt to get both sides of the story, since they nearly always report the way you want it to be, truth and facts be damned. I may start watching fox more, simply because you hate them so much.

Ya know, theres an old saying TRIP, if the shoe fits, WEAR IT. FOX is where you do hang out, no need to attempt to convince us otherwise.

I am glad you would admit to wanting to watch a cable news channel that has to go to court to defend LYING on air to get your facts. It seems to fit your character.



golden ticket member
You make it sound like NBC has never had a law suit against them
CNN 's never been sued.
ABC's never been sued.
CBS's never been sued.
My, those networks sure are lucky that they've never been sued.
Ya know, theres an old saying TRIP, if the shoe fits, WEAR IT. FOX is where you do hang out, no need to attempt to convince us otherwise.

I am glad you would admit to wanting to watch a cable news channel that has to go to court to defend LYING on air to get your facts. It seems to fit your character.

You can call me a liar all you want...doesn't make it so. The fact is, you seem to know more of what is being said on fox than I do.

You have no room to call my character into question. You defend 0bama when he's out on the campaign trail spreading lies as he goes. He leads his cabinet to telling lies to the public, i.e. Janet N. (the border is more secure than ever before) the fence is all but finished...yadda yadda yadda.

I'd be willing to bet that your choice of tv news is MSNBC or CNN, the bastions of truth and honor..LMAO.

At different times I watch most of the networks, fox included but hardly exclusively. In fact I probably don't spend as much time tv news period as you spend watching MSNBC.


Staff member
Playing the race card again i see...

Its only lying when you disagree with it but when your lefty dominated media lies or does not report what would make the left look bad then its OK right?

Lue, you wouldn't know the race card if you saw it. You won't see me play it, 'cause when I play it it soon gets deleted even if it is valid (but offensive).


Squeaky Wheel
I have a book full of race cards. Many of them are autographed.



Strength through joy


MS. DANIELS: I absolutely believe that Obama stole a dead person’s social security number. I’ve spent a tremendous amount of time trying to figure out who might have had it first, but when they gave it to him, they would have removed that information. However, somewhere, there is a death certificate that has this social security number on it.
Editor’s Note: The following two paragraphs are the information which Ms. Daniels sent us quoted from Ayers’s Fugitive Dreams:
After the Baltimore fiasco, stealing ID was forbidden. Instead we began to build ID sets around documents as flimsy as a fishing license or a laminated card available in a Times Square novelty shop called “Official ID.” We soon figured out that the deepest and most foolproof ID had a government-issued Social Security card at its heart, and the best source of those were dead-baby birth certificates. I spent impious days over the next several months tramping through rural cemeteries in Iowa and Wisconsin, Illinois and North Dakota,searching for those sad little markers of people born between 1940 and 1950 who had died between 1945 and 1955. The numbers were surprising: two in one graveyard, a cluster of fourteen in another. Those poor souls had typically been issued birth certificates—available to us at any county courthouse for a couple of bucks and a simple form with information I could copy from the death announcement at the archive of the local paper—but they had never applied for a Social Security card.
Collecting those birth certificates became a small industry, and within a year we had over a hundred. For years I was a paper-made Joseph Brown, and then an Anthony Lee, remarkably durable identities. My on-paper official residences: a transient hotel in San Francisco and a warehouse in New York.


Strength through joy
A good explanation about the sequence numbering on the BC

NEW YORK – Newly unearthed information about Hawaii's procedure for numbering birth records at the time Barack Obama was born casts further doubt on the authenticity of the short-form and long-form birth certificates published online with the president's authority. Details about the registration procedure are significant, because some analysts have wondered how Obama could have been issued a registration number that is higher than the numbers of the published birth certificates of Susan and Gretchen Nordyke, which were registered three days later than the president's.
Some have speculated that even though Obama's birth certificate was received by the registrar Aug. 8, 1961, the registration number could have been assigned a few days later by a clerk processing a batch that included the Nordyke twins' birth records.
But a 1955 article by Charles Bennett, Hawaii's registrar general in 1961, and George Tokuyama, chief of the registration and records section for the state's Department of Health, stated birth certificates were numbered immediately upon acceptance by the registrar-general.

As WND reported, the numbers on the long-form birth certificates issued by Kapi'olani hospital to the Nordyke twins are lower than the number assigned to Obama's published birth certificates, even though the president's birth record indicates it was accepted by the registrar-general three days earlier.

  • Susan Nordyke, the first twin, was born at 2:12 p.m. Hawaii time on Aug. 5, 1961, and was given Certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10637, which was filed with the Hawaii registrar Aug. 11, 1961.
  • Gretchen Nordyke, the second twin, was born at 2:17 p.m. Aug. 5, 1961, and was given Certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10638, which was also filed with the Hawaii registrar Aug. 11, 1961.
  • Yet, according to the Certification of Live Birth released by during the 2008 presidential campaign – and now according to the long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate the White House released last month – Obama was given a higher certificate number than the Nordyke twins.
  • Obama was given Certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10641, even though he was born Aug. 4, 1961, the day before the Nordyke twins, and his birth was registered with the Hawaii Department of Health registrar three days earlier, on Aug. 8, 1961
  • These facts suggest that if the two Obama documents are forgeries, the forger was unaware of the Nordyke twins' birth certificates, which were first published July 28, 2009, in an article in the Honolulu Advertiser, more than one year after Obama's short-form Certification of Live Birth was posted by the Daily Kos.
    A search of Hawaii newspapers indicates 13 babies were born in Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961, and 22 on Aug. 5, 1961, suggesting Obama's birth certificate number should be about 30 to 50 digits lower that the Nordyke twins' numbers. Since the Hawaii DOH will not allow an open inspection of the August 1961 birth records, it is impossible to know how many birth certificates the registrar general filed and numbered between Aug. 8 and Aug. 11, 1961.​

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
still drinking the tainted kool aid I see.

YOu poor thing, answer me this, I dont know where you are from, but somehow, i picture a trailer, deep woods, a one street town that isnt paved, a bar that doubles as city hall and everyone running around yelling "uncle dad".

I think that was a movie?



Für Meno :)
As far as I know, Birth Certificates are issued by vital statitics.
Now, before the computer age you had/have a State Agency with many empty birth certificate cards to be typed out.

Baba, according to your idiotology, only 1 birth certificate could be typed out at any giving time, and the boxes of batches of cards, must be in order at all times.
Totally unlike the DMV in those days, that had, (and maybe still have), empty driver's licenses at almost every teller.
Could you imagine 1 of those DMV tellers leaving home sick in the afternoon, and when she issues new licenses the next day, they are older then those of the day before ?

What a huge mistake. Another great example of how government doesn't work !
They can't even pick 1 card in order at a time !


Strength through joy
As usual another crude remark from an informed foreigner.
Let's examine the known facts; cert of birth recorded number out of sequence, delivery doctor name changes, hospital name changes, father's age at birth changes, adoption by step-father known but does not seem to be recorded anywhere, no marriage certificate for alleged birth parents, subject declares to Ill Bar Assoc that he has never used allias..yet has been known by several different names in several different countries, Social Sercurity number was issued to some one born in 1890 who lived in Conn in March of 1977 while subject was living in Hi at the time, subject's mentor wrote in his own book how to assume dead children birth certificates in order to assume new ids and SS#.


Für Meno :)
Give all your info to Trump, maybe he'll even pay you good bucks for it !

But, Trump seems to be a bit wiser then you - he gave up !