Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


golden ticket member
TOS is asking you to consider your source, which, of course, you do not because you read material that provides you with exactly what you want to "hear". It's like listening to Rush or watching FOX, but somehow you don't get that.

There are laws that prevent newspapers from printing lies........there are very few lawsuits filed against Enquirer &Globe......and the ones that are filed are usually a Tom Cruise crybaby suit and he usually wins them. The exposure of John Edward was great......that smiley punk bought it!!


Staff member
was that before or after it was printed ?

Long before. Back when he was getting into the 2008 race and the possible problems he might face. Also included was his obvious love for corporate America as he promoted himself as a "grass roots common man".

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Of course you wouldn't buy a copy of any mag that you might read something that doesn't fit into your ideological fantasy, you would rather read the huffington post that is filled with unbiased reporting and no twisting of so called facts. Couple that with your heroes Olberman and Mathews, you're good to go.
Instead of disproving or offering explanations of perceived inconsistencies you try to discredit the source. Why is that?
There are a couple of the things listed in Baba's post # 1638 that I can offer an explanation for. If I can do it, surely someone with your extraordinary intellect should be able to spot it on the first read. Oh yea, you probably didn't read it.
Doesn't civics teach that the voice of the people is important in a society such as ours? Does civics demand that all the people have to agree on everything? Doesn't civics teach that the people we elect are supposed to represent our interests and not just their own personal agenda?


what civics teaches us is how our goverment works. I dont recall in civics whether in college or high school, where it insisted we buy a Printed Rag, read a story and parade around america disparaging the president of the united states.

The only thing that matters in this CIVICS lesson, is that its the CONGRESS that has to be convinced that Obama is not an american citizen, and not the jugheads who follow the story. CIVICS should have taught you that the only place where any of this information matters rests with the speaker of the house, whether repubican or democrat.

Now, last I checked, the republicans now have control of the house, so an impeachment hearing would be a cake walk if there was sufficient evidence to prove the case. Unfortunately for those who failed CIVICS in this country and primarily on this board, that evidence fails to exist.

If anyone wants to be angry with anyone or anything, then your anger needs to be directed to speaker BOEHNER and BOEHNER alone for HE is responsible. Maybe you could all chip in and buy a plane ticket for moreluck, baba could prepare the evidence, Trip could prepare logic, Hoaxster could add some color comentary and Brett could be in the gallery shouting "impeach him, impeach him, impeach him!"

Use your voice on YOUR OWN PARTY.

Why waste it on those that dont buy into your fantasy against a black man?


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
There are laws that prevent newspapers from printing lies........there are very few lawsuits filed against Enquirer &Globe......and the ones that are filed are usually a Tom Cruise crybaby suit and he usually wins them. The exposure of John Edward was great......that smiley punk bought it!!


Tell us what you know about laws and journalism. We can all agree that John Edwards is, was and should always be considered a :censored2:bag, but the laws are in favor of media LIARS.

Lets look at FOX news, the biggest LIARS in todays journalism both in print and television.

They were sued for running false stories on air by former reporters, and the florida state appeals court ruled that fox had the "right" to air false stories under the first amendment. Jane Aykre, a former reporter brought the lawsuit and FOX argued deliberately that it has a right to "LIE".

"In February 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals unanimously agreed with an
assertion by FOX News that there is no rule against distorting or
falsifying the news in the United States.

"Fox" argued that, under the First Amendment, broadcasters have the right
to lie or deliberately distort news reports on public airwaves. Fox
attorneys did not dispute Akre's claim that they pressured her to
broadcast a false story, they simply maintained that it was their right to
do so."

Cases like the FOX news case disproves your theory about "laws" preventing printed or aired lies.

Todays american media has defined political leanings. The messaging is clear. On FOX, they promote the right and its agenda, it tells its listeners exactly what they want to hear, thats why the focus on polling.

The run stories and poll about them, if they get a good hit on a subject, they keep repeating it until the news cycle value ends on it.

Msnbc has its liberal hosts and guests, but they are not like the fox news circus barters.

There isnt a parade of hosts selling memberships where you get a free pen if you sign up, or a door mat for a larger donation, or books being peddled every 45 days.

They just try and keep a debate interesting and legitimate.

I agree though, that some on msnbc can become a little to partial in some debates, but for the most part, they can keep it on the up and up.

Lying in our media is an accepted practice, some prefer to do only that, take Rush Limbaugh, his latest fact checking percentages show him to be "inaccurate" 91% of the time.

He twist facts, puts words in peoples mouths, changes circumstances and all with a straight face.

The bigger issue is his income. RUSH will earn by the end of this year, 2 billion dollars since 2000.

Memberships, trinkets, newsletters, rake in millions of dollars a year.

LYING is big business in our media.



golden ticket member
And you waste all that powerful knowledge on a site instead of running for an office where your powerful knowledge could actually do some good.....much is expected from those that are given much..........


Strength through joy
"Msnbc has its liberal hosts and guests, but they are not like the fox news circus barters."
One of their guest, Mike Barnacle, has repeatedly been caught just making up facts for his stories;
"Attorney Alan Dershowitz had accused Barnicle of falsely attributing a racist quote to him. Neither Barnicle nor the Boston Globe retracted the column, but in a confidential legal settlement reached after his complaint, the Globe agreed to pay Dershowitz $75,000, according to a lawyer who has been briefed on the matter.
During the Charles Stuart murder case, "Barnicle wrote one article no other reporter could confirm. Under a banner headline, he reported that the Prudential Insurance Co. had issued a check for $480,000 to Stuart, in payment of a life insurance policy for his wife, Carol DeMaiti Stuart. The day the article ran, the company denied it. No similar check has been found.
"Boston Magazine examined one of Barnicle's articles and could find no evidence that two characters in it ever existed.
Chicago columnist Mike Royko accused Barnicle of plagiarizing several columns.
Barnicle writes a column titled "I was just thinking" He intersperses these quotes with his other observations. The column's title give the impression that the article contains Barnicle's own thoughts and words. There are 38 jokes in the column, and ten of them (more than a quarter of the article) came from his "friend's" list. Barnicle provides no attribution for these quotes, not even mentioning they weren't his. Several of the jokes use the first person singular ("I hate it when..." "But I think..." "I don't get it..." and so on) giving further impression that these are Barnicle's ideas.
[SIZE=+1]MSNBC's Mike Barnacle asks Michael Steele "What are You People For"; Steele: "You People?"[/SIZE]


Engorged Member
Playing the race card again i see...

Its only lying when you disagree with it but when your lefty dominated media lies or does not report what would make the left look bad then its OK right?

You don't think FOX lies? And where is the "lefty dominated media"? If you mean radio, Right Wingers have about 75% of the stations. If you are referring to TV, most networks make an attempt to get both sides of the story, except for FOX, where they take one sentence from a story, spin-it completely out of context, and then run with the lie until they're proven wrong. Then they steadfastly stand by the lie. That's some great journalism.
Journalistic integrity?

and here goes TOS with another irrelevant rant , ignoring questions asked and twisting what someone else said.


what civics teaches us is how our goverment works. I dont recall in civics whether in college or high school, where it insisted we buy a Printed Rag, read a story and parade around america disparaging the president of the united states.
Do you recall anyone stating that you had to buy any magazine ? I must have missed that little tidbit. Nice twist Ms.Checker.

The only thing that matters in this CIVICS lesson, is that its the CONGRESS that has to be convinced that Obama is not an american citizen, and not the jugheads who follow the story. CIVICS should have taught you that the only place where any of this information matters rests with the speaker of the house, whether repubican or democrat.
Why is that the only thing that matters? Just cuz you said so...yea..BS.
If someone never brings information to the attention of the SotH, how would he/she know any what to consider?

Now, last I checked, the republicans now have control of the house, so an impeachment hearing would be a cake walk if there was sufficient evidence to prove the case. Unfortunately for those who failed CIVICS in this country and primarily on this board, that evidence fails to exist.

You are assuming that there is no evidence, all you know for certain is that there is no evidence that you accept. That is not the same thing. Could be that the present speaker is picking his battles or that what the birthers have argued just doesn't hold water. However you don't know for sure which it is, just that it is what you want it to be.

If anyone wants to be angry with anyone or anything, then your anger needs to be directed to speaker BOEHNER and BOEHNER alone for HE is responsible. Maybe you could all chip in and buy a plane ticket for moreluck, baba could prepare the evidence, Trip could prepare logic, Hoaxster could add some color comentary and Brett could be in the gallery shouting "impeach him, impeach him, impeach him!"

I thank you for the complement but I would rather be left out you your fantasy play. I have NEVER said that the " birthers" are correct or that Zer0 was not born in Hawaii or any of that.

Use your voice on YOUR OWN PARTY.

Why waste it on those that dont buy into your fantasy against a black man?

You are such a hate monger, you see racism where it doesn't exist and apply you own prejudices to everyone else while claiming to have none. I have no fantasies concerning zer0, that must be your own.

I ask again:
Doesn't civics teach that the voice of the people is important in a society such as ours?
Does civics demand that all the people have to agree on everything?
Doesn't civics teach that the people we elect are supposed to represent our interests and not just their own personal agenda?

I think these questions should be easy to answer for such a political scholar as yourself, with out a rambling irrelevant rant. A simple yes or no would suffice.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
You don't think FOX, lies? And ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN does not?...keep drinking the Kool-aid. And where is the "lefty dominated media"? ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN If you mean radio, Right Wingers have about 75% of the stations. This is the only thing you said that is true...shocker!!! Its called opinion radio...turn it if you dont like it or just listen to your Lefty opinion radio. If you are referring to TV, (DUH) most networks make an attempt to get both sides of the story, (LMAO...keep drinking the Kool-aid) except for FOX, where they take one sentence from a story, spin-it completely out of context, and then run with the lie until they're proven wrong. Or like the rest of the lefty media which lies and does not report anything that could tarnish the Messiah...thats great journalism!!!! Then they steadfastly stand by the lie. That's some great journalism. Its only a lie to you if its against your Messiah...keep drinking that Kool-aid....yummy.[/QUOTE]
