Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Engorged Member
I can imagine when Moreluck (and myself) was taking world history in school India was much different than it has been in the last twenty years or so. Then all the photos or film clips of India showed a very poor overall country with few modern amenities. There were two economic classes, the very rich and the very poor. So, it isn't strange that More has a different mental image of the country than you do.

Most of the East Indians I come across are doctors or engineers. Like China, India also has a huge underclass, so that is still an issue.


The Nim
Most of the East Indians I come across are doctors or engineers. Like China, India also has a huge underclass, so that is still an issue.

I hate to bring up the potentially obvious, but the underclass of India is probably unable to make the trip to America, so of course you'll only see the well educated ones primarily unless you're making trips to India.
Funny how India looked like that after being under British rule from 1858' to 1947' and look what it is today and growing. Gee, what does that say? Hmmmm!

Are the conditions really that much better today than in 1947 for the "underclass" or is it just different jurisdiction? I don't know.


Engorged Member
I hate to bring up the potentially obvious, but the underclass of India is probably unable to make the trip to America, so of course you'll only see the well educated ones primarily unless you're making trips to India.

That's a given, but the overall point was that India has a large emerging middle class, just like China. If you go to either country, you're not going to see squalor like you might have even 10 years ago. There are plenty of Indians here who aren't professionals.


Staff member
India is a very cool place, if you get a chance to visit you should jump on it. You are guaranteed not to be bored, especially if you like history.


golden ticket member
No thankyou !



golden ticket member
Just paging through my May 16 edition of Globe and saw...."Obama's Birth Certificate is Forgery" ought to buy an issue and read about the 6 signs that it's a fake.......nope, not sharing. :peaceful:

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
WOW...the globe!!!

How about you fly into DC and slam it on the desk of the house speaker John Boehner and demand an immediate IMPEACHMENT HEARING!! I will back you 100% on the impeachment if your solid proof from the globe proves OBAMA is not an american!

Ill buy the plane ticket, tell the grandkids youre going to save america!!!



golden ticket member
Why don't you fork over the bucks and buy yourself a copy and read all about it !!!!!
Gee, I don't see Barry filing any lawsuit!!


Strength through joy
Thanks for the info, moreluck.
But I have been reading several web sites that had document experts exam this newly release Cert of birth, there are several anomalies found. Check out the Hawaii Dept of Health registrar's stamp located at the bottom of the document, it's dated April 25,2011. It should read "the record " not 'thx record ". Also there is no state seal affixed , thus it may not be a certified copy.
Perhaps most significant, two weeks before Obama finally released his "long-form birth certificate," Hawaii's former Health Department chief Chiyome Fukino – the one official who claimed to have examined Obama's original birth document , twice ( 2008 and 2009 )– was interviewed by NBC News' national investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff, who reported that Fukino told him she had seen the original birth certificate and that it was "half typed and half handwritten."
However, the document released by the White House was entirely typed. Only the signatures and two dates at the very bottom were "handwritten." What Fukino described is apparently a different document from what Obama released to the public.

Obama's posted birth certificate contains the same anomalies as a well-known forgery that claimed he was born in Kenya, suggesting the anomalous markings came from the same source.

The birth certificate's reported delivering physician, Dr. David Sinclair, differs from previously published reports and even the myth-busting's original entry, which named Dr. Rodney T. West as the doctor of record.

The age of Obama's father, as listed on the document, conflicts with previously discovered documents about Barack Obama Sr.

According to a new Gallup Poll reported by USA Today, only 47 percent of those surveyed say they think Obama "definitely" was born in the United States.
An additional 18 percent say he "probably was."


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Why don't you fork over the bucks and buy yourself a copy and read all about it !!!!!
Gee, I don't see Barry filing any lawsuit!!

Why would I but a copy of your "fantasy rag"? The congress is the only place where it matters what is and what isnt the truth. The courts have no jurisdiction, the media has no jurisdiction, talking heads have no jurisdiction and the believers of the fantasy have NO jurisdiction.

If you are convinced by WHATEVER means that Obama is not an american, take it to J O H N B O E H N E R as he is the ONLY one who has jursidiction over the evidence.

What is it about this story that keeps YOU and the other Birther drones involved in this story if the LEADER of your very party says it is NON SENSE.

Why spin the wheels??

You and others are doing mental burnouts on this issue without realizing you have a chain to a pole on the other end of the car.

GEEZ, did all of you fail CIVICS!



Strength through joy
Darn it TOS you forgot to call me a racist. That is the ONLY reason why anyone would question all the BS coming out of his mouth, you know I can tell the he is lying because his lips are moving.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Darn it TOS you forgot to call me a racist. That is the ONLY reason why anyone would question all the BS coming out of his mouth, you know I can tell the he is lying because his lips are moving.

There are far better descriptive words to call you BABA, and Racist just doesnt fit the bill.



Engorged Member
Why don't you fork over the bucks and buy yourself a copy and read all about it !!!!!
Gee, I don't see Barry filing any lawsuit!!

TOS is asking you to consider your source, which, of course, you do not because you read material that provides you with exactly what you want to "hear". It's like listening to Rush or watching FOX, but somehow you don't get that.
TOS is asking you to consider your source, which, of course, you do not because you read material that provides you with exactly what you want to "hear". It's like listening to Rush or watching FOX, but somehow you don't get that.
And just what is your source? I mean other than TOS.
Why would I but a copy of your "fantasy rag"? The congress is the only place where it matters what is and what isnt the truth. The courts have no jurisdiction, the media has no jurisdiction, talking heads have no jurisdiction and the believers of the fantasy have NO jurisdiction.

If you are convinced by WHATEVER means that Obama is not an american, take it to J O H N B O E H N E R as he is the ONLY one who has jursidiction over the evidence.

What is it about this story that keeps YOU and the other Birther drones involved in this story if the LEADER of your very party says it is NON SENSE.

Why spin the wheels??

You and others are doing mental burnouts on this issue without realizing you have a chain to a pole on the other end of the car.

GEEZ, did all of you fail CIVICS!

Of course you wouldn't buy a copy of any mag that you might read something that doesn't fit into your ideological fantasy, you would rather read the huffington post that is filled with unbiased reporting and no twisting of so called facts. Couple that with your heroes Olberman and Mathews, you're good to go.
Instead of disproving or offering explanations of perceived inconsistencies you try to discredit the source. Why is that?
There are a couple of the things listed in Baba's post # 1638 that I can offer an explanation for. If I can do it, surely someone with your extraordinary intellect should be able to spot it on the first read. Oh yea, you probably didn't read it.
Doesn't civics teach that the voice of the people is important in a society such as ours? Does civics demand that all the people have to agree on everything? Doesn't civics teach that the people we elect are supposed to represent our interests and not just their own personal agenda?