How can we "safely say that she has an IQ of at least 125 or higher" of Sarah Palin?
I left you the site....I can't explain it .
The site explains it.
""Sarah Palin's IQ score has been difficult to obtain. However, we know that she is a college graduate with a Bachelors degree in Journalism and a minor in Political Science and just by sheer estimation we can safely say that she has an IQ of at least 125 or higher. She is the current Governor for the state of Alaska and typically people of higher intelligence that is above 120 are usually Governor material.""
A college graduate? It took her 6 different junior colleges to finish a bachelors degree? That makes her a genious? They made this statement based upon SHEER ESTIMATION? Because she was the governor of Alaska for 1.5 years and quit?
Sounds like she was not GOVERNOR material to start with.
Her educational background ranks just below maroon.
So you reject the Obama one too because his was a guesstimation also. Yeah, maybe his is in the 90's actually.
You would be sooooo wrong!!
You would be sooooo wrong!!
here's an excerpt............."achievement-based estimates fail to account for the possibility that Obama was a beneficiary of affirmative action, which based on collegiate averages would lower his estimated IQ to the 115-120 range.
Affirmative action has a way of lowering standards to accomodate may not like that, but it's true just like the firemen lowering the standards so minorities could get hired. Ridiculous practice!
I realize reading comprehension isnt your strong suit, but did you miss the fact that this is an "opinion" and not fact as the word "possibility" exists in the sentence structure indicating that there is no PROOF that affirmative action had a part in his college education?
Geez, too much coffee this morning?
Of course it's an opinion......he has spent millions to hide his school records..................other pres. candidates are very open about their school records and grades. What is he hiding ????
Show me BUSH's school records from Yale.
Barack Obama, college experience? Sorry records are sealed , Top ranking in class at Princeton,Sorry records are sealed , Harvard Law Review editor,Sorry records are sealed, Constitutional lawyer, Who had to surrender his license for unknown reasons.
Hmm, Ima go with OBAMAs lack of experience over Palin.
Thanks for contributing.
Years from now, there will be a movie made about our phony president. Like Frank Abagnale Jr., he will have pulled the biggest scam on Americans ever!! I wonder if there will be a Steven Spielberg Jr. to make it? Who will be our Carl Hanratty who will expose all ?
Wonder if the shirts were actually "Made in the USA"?TOS ; here is your chance to become fashionable.
[h=1]Obama Campaign Selling Birth Certificate-Emblazoned Merchandise[/h]
President Obama's reelection campaign is turning a conspiracy theory that had long dogged the president into a snarky fundraising tool, selling merchandise depicting Obama and his complete long form birth certificate.
For a $25 donation, you can get a t-shirt that shows a smiling Obama above the phrase, "Made in the U.S.A" on the front, and the president's long-form birth certificate on the back. The campaign is also giving away coffee mugs with the same design scheme to supporters who make a $15 contribution.
Deputy Campaign Manager Julianna Smoot wrote in an email announcing the new items that the campaign felt it was best to make light of the birther controversy so the president could go back to focusing on more important issues.
"There's really no way to make this stuff completely go away," Smoot wrote. "The only thing we can do is laugh at it -- and make sure as many other people as possible are in on the joke."
"If the facts can't make these ridiculous smears go away, we can at least have a little fun with it," she added.