Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Strength through joy
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Well-Known Member
I know I've been gone awhile, but why is this thread still pitter-pattering....The Carnival barkers should be purring like pussycats....


Strength through joy


Strength through joy
let's have a quick poll, here.
Which is the least important subject; bringing back a dead thread or someone who keeps repeating the same video link over & over ?


Strength through joy


golden ticket member
let's have a quick poll, here.
Which is the least important subject; bringing back a dead thread or someone who keeps repeating the same video link over & over ?
As long as some new points are being added, raise the dead. If you keep adding the same thing, it's wasted. PEACE


Strength through joy
Thanks for the article ,moreluck.
I can't wait for the kool-aid drinkers to chime in.
They don't seem to understand just how corrupt this administration really is, almost every FOIA request is denied or delayed for years.
It has become routine to sue just to get a PUBLIC document released.
Add this to another law that Congress passed to which bhos' crowd believes that they are exempt from.


golden ticket member
I don't have the whole story yet, but supposedly, the administration was going to have medical shoppers (decoys) making doctor appointments to check on something. They have rapidly pulled the plug on that program. Wonder what happened?? I'm getting 'curiouser & curiouser'.


Strength through joy
Sun Yat-sen's U.S. birth certificate to be displayed
2011/07/02 16:15:42 Taipei, July 2
(CNA) A birth certificate showing that the Republic of China's (ROC) founding father was born in the United States will be put on display July 4 in Taipei, said the America Institute in Taiwan (AIT) on Saturday.

The historical document, issued on March 14, 1904, indicated that Sun Yat-sen was born on Oahu Island, Hawaii, on Nov. 24, 1870.

It enabled him to travel from Hawaii on April 7, 1904, to San Francisco as a U.S. citizen while the Qing Dynasty issued a warrant for his arrest for attempting to overthrow the government.

The birth certificate, obtained from the U.S. Immigration Office, will be a copy of the original file, said Sheila Paskman, spokesperson for AIT, which represents U.S. interests in Taiwan in the absence of formal diplomatic ties.
The birth certificate in question contradicted the generally accepted fact among historians that Sun was born on Nov. 12, 1866 in Cuiheng Village, Xiangshan County, in China's Guangdong Province.

Many believe Sun's friends helped him secured the fake birth certificate to facilitate his pursuit of U.S. citizenship, which they felt was a necessary asset in Sun's promotion of his revolutionary work in China.

Another story about Hawaii and fake BC.....seems like they have been doing this for some time.


Strength through joy
That story is different then his Dreams book.
Accordingly his parents lived in separate addresses.
One interesting note is that he gets his lack of memory from his father's side; BHO,sr neglected to divorce wife #1, neglected to inform US immigration on just how many wives he had, how many children he had, and where he worked while going to school in the USA.