I voted no. Some of us new drivers do try to educate ourselves as much as possible. However giving up personal time is the dumbest thing you can do. I'll never skip my lunch just to make numbers for them, but there are plenty of the new kiss guys who do it daily. 5 hours a week of pay lost just so you can scratch? Get the friend outta here!!!!
You new full timers out there need to take all your personal time every day. You made book so stop trying to show off and get into the runners club. Put the overtime into a separate fund so when needed you don't have to worry.(layoff) when you are about six from the bottom you should be out of the weeds.as a steward it is frustrating to see the new drivers I helped so much make it, just to be ignored, to be on layoff for the 3 month period before vacations.
I started driving in 1989. I got a raise every 30 days until i was at full pay at SIX MONTHS. At the rate we're going, eventually we'll have a ten year or more progression. UPS gets its coveted multi-tiered driver wage without having to call it that.