Police Brutality & Executions


cap'n crunch
I've watched the video several times. I accessed a chat line by neighbors who live in Craig Ranch Subdivision (where the pool was located) and read their comments as well. I am not a fan of heavy handed police, and I do believe the officer involved was out of control. The people who live in this subdivision (the homes appear to be priced at about 250k and up) pay homeowner dues and have a right to the use of their community pool as they see fit. A notice was posted on social media for kids to show up there. I am not sure if whoever published the invite was authorized to do so. Kids from N.Dallas showed up en masse. Some climbed over the fence around the pool to gain access, and cursed residents in front of their kids when asked to leave. Fights broke out. Police were called and anyone who watched the video saw what happened. When the officer pulled the girl to the ground, he was rushed from all sides by both males and females who were taking up for the girl. There were at least 5 or 6 of them. They were close enough to the officer to grab his pistol while he was engaged with the girl on the ground. The other officers were occupied elsewhere and couldn't help this officer immediately. When the 2 backup officers showed up, the kids who rushed the officer backed off. I probably would have felt threatened as well. If the people had dispersed when asked, this could have been averted, in my opinion.
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Well-Known Member
I've watched the video several times. I accessed a chat line by neighbors who live in Craig Ranch Subdivision (where the pool was located) and read their comments as well. I am not a fan of heavy handed police, and I do believe the officer involved was out of control. The people who live in this subdivision (the homes appear to be priced at about 250k and up) pay homeowner dues and have a right to the use of their community pool as they see fit. A notice was posted on social media for kids to show up there. I am not sure if whoever published the invite was authorized to do so. Kids from N.Dallas showed up en masse. Some climbed over the fence around the pool to gain access, and cursed residents in front of their kids when asked to leave. Fights broke out. Police were called and anyone who watched the video saw what happened. When the officer pulled the girl to the ground, he was rushed from all sides by both males and females who were taking up for the girl. There were at least 5 or 6 of them. They were close enough to the officer to grab his pistol while he was engaged with the girl on the ground. The other officers were occupied elsewhere and couldn't help this officer immediately. When the 2 backup officers showed up, the kids who rushed the officer backed off. I probably would have felt threatened as well. If the people had dispersed when asked, this could have been averted, in my opinion.
It seems that the kids have a very different view of what happened.

Teens who were at the public pool told Buzzfeed News the fight started between adults and teens when the adults made racist comments, including telling the black youths to “return to Section 8 housing.”


Inordinately Right
A white woman at the pool started making racist comments, Thomas said, such as telling black teens at the party to get used to the bars outside the pool because that’s all they were going to see.

Grace Stone, 14, who is white, told BuzzFeed News that she and friends objected to an adult woman making racist comments to other teens at the party and that the woman turned violent.

This is when, according to Thomas, a 19-year-old black woman told the belligerent white woman to stop fighting with the teenagers. The white woman called the black woman a “young bitch,” then walked up to her. After the young woman said her age out loud, the older woman punched her in the face. Another unidentified white woman jumped in as well before Thomas, who was recording the incident, and his friends went to break it up.


cap'n crunch
Teens who were at the public pool
It wasn't a public pool. It was a private community pool.
"The 15-year-old who shot the video told BuzzFeed that the party was an "end-of-school celebration" that some students had crashed."
"“I think a bunch of white parents were angry that a bunch of black kids who don’t live in the neighborhood were in the pool,” the teen, who is white, told the website."
Above quotes came from yahoo news. The kids admitted they "crashed" the party, and didn't live there, which makes them trespassers.


Inordinately Right
It wasn't a public pool. It was a private community pool.
"The 15-year-old who shot the video told BuzzFeed that the party was an "end-of-school celebration" that some students had crashed."
"“I think a bunch of white parents were angry that a bunch of black kids who don’t live in the neighborhood were in the pool,” the teen, who is white, told the website."
Above quotes came from yahoo news. The kids admitted they "crashed" the party, and didn't live there, which makes them trespassers.
If I was arrested for trespassing every time me and my friends crashed a party in high school I'd have a pretty long rap sheet. And yes, when neighbors called to complain about noise and the cops showed up we all ran.... because we were stupid kids.


nowhere special
my commentary is solely directed at YOU and your particular ignorance shadowed by blind racism.

To you, this scene is just another normal day in the life of a police officer. Regardless of the criticism by the city's mayor and city council over the policemans actions, TO YOU, there is nothing to see here but a bunch of wreckless blacks causing trouble because thats what they do.

You just dont have the balls to agree, that no matter what the circumstances are that led to this mess, this officers SOLE actions were out of line and unjustifyable.

Your age just wont let you do it.

Your bigotry blinds you and you expect everyone else to be as full of hatred as you are.


Well-Known Member
It wasn't a public pool. It was a private community pool.
"The 15-year-old who shot the video told BuzzFeed that the party was an "end-of-school celebration" that some students had crashed."
"“I think a bunch of white parents were angry that a bunch of black kids who don’t live in the neighborhood were in the pool,” the teen, who is white, told the website."
Above quotes came from yahoo news. The kids admitted they "crashed" the party, and didn't live there, which makes them trespassers.
None of these kids were arrested or cited for trespassing. Even if these kids were trespassing, it does not excuse the actions of the officer.


Nine Lives
It seems that the kids have a very different view of what happened.

Teens who were at the public pool told Buzzfeed News the fight started between adults and teens when the adults made racist comments, including telling the black youths to “return to Section 8 housing.”
More Whites live in Section 8 housing than Blacks.


swollen member
None of these kids were arrested or cited for trespassing. Even if these kids were trespassing, it does not excuse the actions of the officer.
what actions?
drawing of his weapon?

again, we only see the last half of the video

tbh, the best part of the original video is when the officer is running and falls down, rolls... camera dude is like, "WTF"
I thought it was hilarious
at the 5 second mark I believe


cap'n crunch
Well, I think everyone is in agreement that things could have been handled differently... on both sides. The officer in question is being investigated. I'm sure civil rights lawyers are on their way to McKinney, Texas as I type this.. I don't condone the officer's actions, or the language he used when addressing the teenagers. On the other hand, the people who live in that subdivision and pay homeowners' dues have a right to use their properties without people trespassing and causing problems. The subdivision I live in has a pool, and residents are issued an ID card to show you belong. There is a fence around the pool for a reason. If you don't belong, you gotta go! nuff said.


Well-Known Member
Well, I think everyone is in agreement that things could have been handled differently... on both sides. The officer in question is being investigated. I'm sure civil rights lawyers are on their way to McKinney, Texas as I type this.. I don't condone the officer's actions, or the language he used when addressing the teenagers. On the other hand, the people who live in that subdivision and pay homeowners' dues have a right to use their properties without people trespassing and causing problems. The subdivision I live in has a pool, and residents are issued an ID card to show you belong. There is a fence around the pool for a reason. If you don't belong, you gotta go! nuff said.
They didn't belong because they are black. That's the problem. Cops probably wouldn't have been involved if these kids were white. Situations like this only fuel the racial divide in this country.


nowhere special
They didn't belong because they are black. That's the problem. Cops probably wouldn't have been involved if these kids were white. Situations like this only fuel the racial divide in this country.

There were also white kids who trespassed and were treated the same way. I just didn't see any of them disobeying the police like the ones that got handcuffed. At least not in the video which only showed part of what happened.


Well-Known Member
There were also white kids who trespassed and were treated the same way. I just didn't see any of them disobeying the police like the ones that got handcuffed. At least not in the video which only showed part of what happened.
Sorry but the white kids were not treated the same.


Well-Known Member
They were treated exactly the same as the black kids who obeyed police instructions.
Not according to the kids and video.

Brooks, who is white, told Buzzfeed, “Everyone who was getting put on the ground was black, Mexican, Arabic. [The cop] didn’t even look at me. It was kind of like I was invisible.”