cap'n crunch
I've watched the video several times. I accessed a chat line by neighbors who live in Craig Ranch Subdivision (where the pool was located) and read their comments as well. I am not a fan of heavy handed police, and I do believe the officer involved was out of control. The people who live in this subdivision (the homes appear to be priced at about 250k and up) pay homeowner dues and have a right to the use of their community pool as they see fit. A notice was posted on social media for kids to show up there. I am not sure if whoever published the invite was authorized to do so. Kids from N.Dallas showed up en masse. Some climbed over the fence around the pool to gain access, and cursed residents in front of their kids when asked to leave. Fights broke out. Police were called and anyone who watched the video saw what happened. When the officer pulled the girl to the ground, he was rushed from all sides by both males and females who were taking up for the girl. There were at least 5 or 6 of them. They were close enough to the officer to grab his pistol while he was engaged with the girl on the ground. The other officers were occupied elsewhere and couldn't help this officer immediately. When the 2 backup officers showed up, the kids who rushed the officer backed off. I probably would have felt threatened as well. If the people had dispersed when asked, this could have been averted, in my opinion.
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