Police Brutality & Executions


Well-Known Member
I completely agree, the cops response was well out of proportion to whatever the victim did. Just saying, the whole altercation could have been avoided had Mr Scott just decided NOT to run away from a cop.

Could it have been avoided? Me thinks yes.

Does this make you question any other reports? (i.e. the ones without video evidence?).

You are simply incorrect to assert that the 'whole altercation could have been avoided', had the 'vic' just decided NOT to run away from a cop.

In viewing the particulars of this situation, you still tow that line, that running away from a cop pushes you into the 'danger zone'?



Staff member
Since when did, running from a cop equal execution? Is this America or DPRK?

I make bad calls everyday. I'm a human being. Should I be executed for it?
For superballs63 and some others around here, it's always been this way. If you run from cops execution is acceptable.

The worst part is that without the video, this murdering cop would be on the street today. That's friend'd up.


nowhere special
For superballs63 and some others around here, it's always been this way. If you run from cops execution is acceptable.

The worst part is that without the video, this murdering cop would be on the street today. That's friend'd up.

You can't claim the cop would have gotten away with it without the video. The suspect was shot in the back 4 times plus one hit his ear. All police shootings get investigated and shot in the back is a red flag they wouldn't have ignored. The video just sped up the investigation without needing to look for witnesses.


Well-Known Troll
For superballs63 and some others around here, it's always been this way. If you run from cops execution is acceptable.

The worst part is that without the video, this murdering cop would be on the street today. That's friend'd up.

You guys LOVE painting with a broad brush and put words in people's mouths. Where did I say execution is acceptable?

I've said multiple times though, if you get pulled over, comply with the officers orders (they may ASK you to do something, but it is in fact, a lawful order).

BrownArmy, you mean to tell me the officer would have shot this guy 8 times sitting in his front seat? You've got proof to support your assertion?


Well-Known Member
I've said multiple times though, if you get pulled over, comply with the officers orders (they may ASK you to do something, but it is in fact, a lawful order).

You're right but it seems there is a growing number of blacks that think they are "entitled" and can avoid/usurp the rules that apply to everyone else.



Pees in the brown Koolaid
I generally try to avoid forming an opinion based solely on one piece of video. I always try to ask questions such as..."who recorded the video? What biases might they have? In what context was it taken? What happened before the camera got turned on? What relevant facts are we not able to see from the viewpont of the camera?"

I will also freely admit to having a somewhat pro-police bias, and I tend to have little sympathy for those who break the law or refuse to comply with lawful orders to submit to arrest.

In this particular case, however...the only logical interpretation that I can see for the events recorded on that video is that the cop committed murder.


Got the T-Shirt
If you run from cops execution is acceptable.

Mike Brown wasn't running away.

He was actively engaging the officer. (after committing felony robbery)

Sadly there seems growing evidence to support such fear and this recent video doesn't help matters at all.
How frequently do you hear of shootings where the suspect cooperated with the police officer?

Would people rather live in an "Orwellian society".... where your every move is on video ?

Prisons are teeming at capacity, right now.

Right now, this case "might" be a bad shoot.

Criminals, don't like video of there exploits.

Think about it, with emotionalism aside. The family "reigned" in their feelings.

Why is that ?


Well-Known Member
That doesn't answer my question.

Because you don't hear of it doesn't mean it does not happen. I also agree one should cooperate, be polite, be respectful but cops have been known to cross the line. Cops have even raped women on police stops so should the woman hit her back, throw out her legs and take one for the team? Majority of cops are good folk but the thin blue line stops them from weeding out the bad and thus they become part of the problem in hiding it.

A police officer has a right to life and liberty but then so do those of us who are not police officers. This is where the idea of equality under the law rests growing out of the enlightenment thinking which spurred a bunch of people 250 years ago to object to the British Crown. Those same values IMHO still exist albeit seems these days a lot more people aren't willing to live in defense of and by this cherish ideals. I even believe in full egalitarianism when it comes to guns in that we should be able to be equally armed to any State actor we are prone to come into contact with. Now whether we choose to do so after that is another matter.

I'm often fascinated that people can think a birth certificate is hiding in the weeds or that an email about an attack in Benghazi exists and people are in conspiracy to hide these facts. Yet others who are in gov't are thought of as beyond fault and would never, ever do anything wrong or whose actions should never be questioned. Even when events are sketchy and purely one sided.


Well-Known Member
Would people rather live in an "Orwellian society".... where your every move is on video ?

Prisons are teeming at capacity, right now.

Right now, this case "might" be a bad shoot.

Criminals, don't like video of there exploits.

Think about it, with emotionalism aside. The family "reigned" in their feelings.

Why is that ?

We live in a Orwellian society and the growing police state seems to me to support that thinking on some level. Orwell and Huxley (Brave New World) both IMO were not so much warning us as they were telling us. Watch the 2 minute hate scene from the 1984 film and then watch people during and after they watch the nightly news. Goldstein to us is just known by other names.

I'm not crazy about video everywhere either but until the State and it's DOGS are reigned in, I say use the same weapons against them as they use on us.


Got the T-Shirt
Because you don't hear of it doesn't mean it does not happen. I also agree one should cooperate, be polite, be respectful but cops have been known to cross the line. Cops have even raped women on police stops so should the woman hit her back, throw out her legs and take one for the team? Majority of cops are good folk but the thin blue line stops them from weeding out the bad and thus they become part of the problem in hiding it.

A police officer has a right to life and liberty but then so do those of us who are not police officers. This is where the idea of equality under the law rests growing out of the enlightenment thinking which spurred a bunch of people 250 years ago to object to the British Crown. Those same values IMHO still exist albeit seems these days a lot more people aren't willing to live in defense of and by this cherish ideals. I even believe in full egalitarianism when it comes to guns in that we should be able to be equally armed to any State actor we are prone to come into contact with. Now whether we choose to do so after that is another matter.

I'm often fascinated that people can think a birth certificate is hiding in the weeds or that an email about an attack in Benghazi exists and people are in conspiracy to hide these facts. Yet others who are in gov't are thought of as beyond fault and would never, ever do anything wrong or whose actions should never be questioned. Even when events are sketchy and purely one sided.
We live in a Orwellian society and the growing police state seems to me to support that thinking on some level. Orwell and Huxley (Brave New World) both IMO were not so much warning us as they were telling us. Watch the 2 minute hate scene from the 1984 film and then watch people during and after they watch the nightly news. Goldstein to us is just known by other names.

I'm not crazy about video everywhere either but until the State and it's DOGS are reigned in, I say use the same weapons against them as they use on us.

It's time for you.... to tell the truth.

Do you work for UPS ?



Well-Known Member
Just read that there is dash cam video from the officers cruiser and the video will be publicly released sometime today. North Charleston is also mounting body cameras on all officers in the future as a result of this latest tragedy.