That doesn't answer my question.
Because you don't hear of it doesn't mean it does not happen. I also agree one should cooperate, be polite, be respectful but cops have been known to cross the line. Cops have even raped women on police stops so should the woman hit her back, throw out her legs and take one for the team? Majority of cops are good folk but the thin blue line stops them from weeding out the bad and thus they become part of the problem in hiding it.
A police officer has a right to life and liberty but then so do those of us who are not police officers. This is where the idea of equality under the law rests growing out of the enlightenment thinking which spurred a bunch of people 250 years ago to object to the British Crown. Those same values IMHO still exist albeit seems these days a lot more people aren't willing to live in defense of and by this cherish ideals. I even believe in full egalitarianism when it comes to guns in that we should be able to be equally armed to any State actor we are prone to come into contact with. Now whether we choose to do so after that is another matter.
I'm often fascinated that people can think a birth certificate is hiding in the weeds or that an email about an attack in Benghazi exists and people are in conspiracy to hide these facts. Yet others who are in gov't are thought of as beyond fault and would never, ever do anything wrong or whose actions should never be questioned. Even when events are sketchy and purely one sided.