Prayers for Birmingham facility


nowhere special
Our coffee vending machine broke years ago....I bring my own coffee to work. Incidentally...i'm walking from my car to the grocery store just now...and this guy comes up and asks to borrow my lighter...and lights up a blunt. lol is it Friday yet?


Wherever I see Trump, it smells like he's Putin.
TLAs have been around over 60 years, well before "postal" became popular.
TLAs are still around and a required element for all management to have one with their reports annually.

None here for years. Closest we get is "how was your weekend?"

brown metal coffin

Well-Known Member
Nope nothing... No acknowledgement of yesterday's events and guard shack the same as always. I will say this though; I made sure I stood towards the back of the group so I could see everyone today in the pcm.

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Well-Known Member
Strange I was talking to a driver during the weekend the subject of going postal came up. Like what others have said in this thread, as much stress that is put on drivers and other employees I am surprised that this has not happened more often at UPS thank god it has not.

Bless the families that were hurt; my prayers go out to all who lives are destroyed.


Very sad, tragic incident here. I feel terrible that this happened, especially to fellow UPS'ers and their families.

The driver was clearly sociopathic. It doesn't matter what the reasoning was behind the's a terrible situation and I am going to guess (pardon me) that the shooter was not "in the moment" as this occurred. Meaning, what seems like irrational, tragic actions to someone healthy, can seem like a rational, defensive response to someone sick.

We live in a modern society where people rarely receive the help they need, because they're left behind, irrational and/ or too scared to seek it. This is less of a product of UPS vs. employee as it's more of a product of the overall culture of a heavily weighted-working society, along with stigmatization of people with mental health issues.

I could be totally wrong..