Prayers for Birmingham facility


Well-Known Member
The Pandora's box has just been opened. This guy was a long term employee, something is not right about this. The question should be asked what he did to get terminated, it does just justify his senseless act, but can explain his sense of hopelessness to do the unthinkable. Prayers for all involved,

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Well-Known Troll
I read in a different article he was fired back in June...and went to panel in the last two weeks and lost. That's a long time to be on an unpaid vacation.

Yeah, but to get fired, and STAY fired at UPS is pretty difficult, and if you are that much of a screw up you DESERVE to lose your job. To take that out, however on two innocent people who were just doing THEIR jobs is BS. This story really infuriates me. Now his kids have no father, his wife is a widow and the Sup's family's are wondering why some A-hole decided to turn their lives upside down in a matter of minutes.

Rot in Hell Kerry Joe


That’s Craptacular
Yeah, but to get fired, and STAY fired at UPS is pretty difficult, and if you are that much of a screw up you DESERVE to lose your job. To take that out, however on two innocent people who were just doing THEIR jobs is BS. This story really infuriates me. Now his kids have no father, his wife is a widow and the Sup's family's are wondering why some A-hole decided to turn their lives upside down in a matter of minutes.

Rot in Hell Kerry Joe
Oh i agree...he probably deserved to be terminated. I am in NO way justifying what he did. My point was simply...assuming he had been sitting home since June,'s a long time to stew in your own anger and think about revenge.

trouble maker

Well-Known Member
This. Honestly, with tensions that high, and the total lack of respect UPS has for it's employees (hourly and mgmt, alike), I'm surprised it's not much more frequent. I'll be incredibly relieved if we make it through peak without an incident (like this one, or like the one in TX after last peak).

UPS needs to get it's :censored2: together. It's easy to ignore this type of thing when your insulated in your heavily guarded corporate headquarters, or just watching your share price go up or down behind a computer screen... but the rest of us potentially put our lives on the line every day just by showing up to work. Forget the dangerous equipment, 100lb boxes, and traffic... we walk into a building every day filled with hundreds of overworked, disrespected, desperate people who are all reminded what terrible, lazy, peices of :censored2: they are multiple times a day.

I don't think any amount of metal detectors or security guards will dissuade workplace violence at UPS. How hard is your security guard going to try to stop a gunman? Not very, I'd assume. Sure, he'll call the cops, but how many people will be shot before they arrive and find the gunman? What's to stop a driver from bringing a gun back in his truck?

We're getting to the point where it's not just a shameless grab for profits. UPS is literally putting profits above human life. This will continue to occur, and with increasing frequency, until UPS does something about the culture that perpetuates this desperation among it's employees.

Very well said figurehead. I feel bad for all families that are invovled in this tradgedy. To take two peoples lives and destroy their families was a terrible decision on the drivers part. Also to take his own life and leave behind a wife and two young children. Heart breaking. It appears he was very religious. Was active in his church and very well liked. No one will get the real story about how this went down. However, I have a really hard time thinking that management didn't in some way shape or form play a role in this. You drivers out there know what I am talking about. Harrassment of production is at a all time high. Not paying people properly. Messages on the diad to "bring it home" because you looked like :censored2: yesterday and I got reemed out on the latest conference call. I echo what figurehead said. This company better take a good hard look in the mirror. It's starting to crack!!!!!!!


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Oh i agree...he probably deserved to be terminated. I am in NO way justifying what he did. My point was simply...assuming he had been sitting home since June,'s a long time to stew in your own anger and think about revenge.
Or for a NORMAL person it's a long time to find another job.


Well-Known Member
UPS names individuals involved in shooting. See press release here: Releases/Archive/2014/Q3/UPS Statement About Shooting Incident Near Birmingham, AL

Doug Hutcheson, a resident of Odenville, Ala., was a driver supervisor and joined the company in 1999. He was 33 years old.

Brian Callans, a resident of Birmingham, Ala., was a business manager and worked for UPS for 26 years. He was 46 years old.

Kerry Joe, 45, of Trussville, Ala., a recently terminated UPS driver with 21 years of employment, also died.

God bless all these families in their loses.


Well-Known Member
However, I have a really hard time thinking that management didn't in some way shape or form play a role in this. You drivers out there know what I am talking about. Harrassment of production is at a all time high. Not paying people properly. Messages on the diad to "bring it home" because you looked like :censored2: yesterday and I got reemed out on the latest conference call. I echo what figurehead said. This company better take a good hard look in the mirror. It's starting to crack!!!!!!!

Could not disagree with you more. There is only one person to blame here - the person that pulled the trigger.

Every person has stress in their life. Every company wants their employees to do more and more with less and less. Every job has stress, some more than others. Every person has had a boss and/or co-workers that were jerks and SOB's. Every person has been cut off while driving and had some degree of road rage. Every person has had customers they want to punch in the face. Life is full of stress and sometimes you don't get what you want or feel "they" are out to get you and life is not fair.

With all that being said, there is no one to blame other than the shooter - he is responsible for murdering two innocent people and destroying the lives of their families, as well as his own family. We are all responsible for our own actions. Blaming others for our own decisions, actions and place in life seems to be what this culture has evolved into. Less and less people accept responsibility for their actions and instead, blame others or lash out at others they feel are responsible for the situations they created themselves.


Well-Known Member
wait until you get ORION......if you don’t already have it......Drivers crowded around a computer screen “OFF THE CLOCK”......I filed for each one of them to be paid......they now turn off the screens in the AM
That's funny. .around here they bought 10-15 large computer screens for drivers to look at their routes and only a few check the screen in the waste of money