President Biden

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
C 130's first flew in 1954. Before I was born. Like I said we gave the Afghans our hand me downs from Reserve and Guard inventories. Most of which was still better than what the Taliban had.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Black Hawks first flew in 1974. Same year I graduated high School. I may still be first line but first generation Black Hawks are not.

So did the first (I don't know why this is auto-corrected to "friend")-16. And the first friend-22s flew in 1997. Would either not be considered "first line" if they'd been left behind in Afghanistan in 2021?

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Does anyone else find these cringy videos of Kamala’s with hired actors, as well as Biden’s White House set across from the actual White House a little bizarre? I mean, what is the purpose? It’s like we’re all in the Twilight Zone.
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Box Ox

Well-Known Member

Does anyone else find these cringy videos of Kamala’s with hired actors, as well as Biden’s White House set across from the actual White House a little bizarre? I mean, what is the purpose? It’s like we’re all in the Twilight Zone.


PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Maybe since she is the border Czar the administration AKA Sinking Ship Entertainment hired 10,000 Haitians as extras for their next movie "Coming to America III"

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The Old Man Jingles situation..... Well, that is a work in progress.. :teethy: How the hell are you OMJ?
Much better!
Doubled my Antidepressant and Anxiety meds and spending a lot of time in 12-step meetings and getting some good counseling.
5 friends/family have died in the month of September and I got past that.
Slowly dealing with that!

Thanks for asking!

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
After a long restful weekend the guy from the basement faced an exhaustive schedule today

October, 2021
Monthly Stats

October, 2021

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8:45 AM
Official Schedule
The President meets virtually with G20 leaders to discuss close coordination on Afghanistan among the world’s largest economies, select guests, and international financial institutions
South Court Auditorium
Closed Press
10:15 AM
Official Schedule
The President and The Vice President receive the President’s Daily Brief
Oval Office
Closed Press
12:00 PM
Pool Call Time
In-Town Pool Call Time
The White House
In-Town Pool
2:00 PM
Press Briefing
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki