President Biden

El Correcto

god is dead
I like how the idiot films himself banging prostitutes and telling them all his secrets and the media just ignores it and calls it Russian propaganda and suppresses it on social media. What a bunch of idiots these left wingers are.


Well-Known Member
Of course not, that black hawk helicopter is just a figment of our imaginations.

SMH, thanks for letting us all know the level of delusion you're living with here.


Inordinately Right
Your link says the video is real, and it is a terrorist flying an American black hawk helicopter paid for by taxpayers.

Thank you for proving Biden is a complete failure.
Carry on left winger.

El Correcto

god is dead
They didn’t kill him they are just dangling him! He appears to be alive! Sooo much better, thanks for clearing that up.


Strength through joy
Biden says ports in CA will go to 24/7 to help fight the backlog.
One port is already doing 24/7 , but trucks aren't allowed in on weekends.
The longshoremen are always shorthanded.

So my question is this....Is the gov't going to relax the rules concerning work hours & rest periods to help with the problem ?

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
Biden says ports in CA will go to 24/7 to help fight the backlog.
One port is already doing 24/7 , but trucks aren't allowed in on weekends.
The longshoremen are always shorthanded.

So my question is this....Is the gov't going to relax the rules concerning work hours & rest periods to help with the problem ?

These people need to get paid more. I know longshoremen get paid good already, but still. Four million people quit their jobs in August. Crazy times and only get worse.


Staff member
Everyone should contribute, but if you run a business that can’t provide a living for your workers it shouldn’t exist.
Do you need a cell phone to “live”?
Should you be able to regularly eat out to “live”?
Do you need broadband internet to “live”?

The problem is that idiots like to create a term without meaning, and then change the way they use it based on what their argument needs to be.

Humans need very little to “live” if that is meaning to survive.

But a lot of leftist clowns switch the term to mean “have a comfortable and excessive lifestyle”. So anyone arguing against them is made to sound like they are voting in favor of starvation wages, when in reality they are not.

Who are YOU to decide what a “living” is for someone else?
What makes YOU so special that you get to speak for others?
What you feel is necessary to “live”, you can decide with your employer. Stop trying to negotiate for others.
If you want to do that, we already have a process for running for union positions.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Biden says ports in CA will go to 24/7 to help fight the backlog.
One port is already doing 24/7 , but trucks aren't allowed in on weekends.
The longshoremen are always shorthanded.

So my question is this....Is the gov't going to relax the rules concerning work hours & rest periods to help with the problem ?
No, they are just moving goods from sitting out in the sea to sitting on the dock