President Biden


Well-Known Member
I don't really have a problem with the way he handled it. Biden would have fared no better and will not have much of an impact on the outcome.

biden would have been fearful of being accused of being xenophobic and would have let the china flights continue . we might have already lost a million people appeasing the cancel culture.

this would have been followed by an extreme over reaction shut down that would have caused permanent economic damage.
keep in mind one of Bidens health advisors is a gloom and doom guy who is a big supporter of economic shut downs. If biden actually gets sworn in I'm sitting on cash until he gets done tanking the economy.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
PLEASE do not refer to him as President Biden. Everyone has the right to contest a presidential race. We waited for Al Gore in 2000 and we can wait again. Biden has NOT been certified yet to be president. Saw a whole list of dead people that mailed in a ballot, in addition to what Michigan is saying about the computer ""glitches". It effects 28 states. Think about it (I know that is hard for some of you proBiden people) - but there are numberous companies and I mean BIG companies that have peoples personal information stolen every year. Think banks, medical insurance , department stores that HAVE to offer FREE monitoring. He will get Certified - if he actually wins - in due time. Any of you that do not want the stimulus check you received - I'll gladly take it. When we received the one from George W -it was concidered income on our tax return. There's no pleasing some of you.


Well-Known Member
PLEASE do not refer to him as President Biden. Everyone has the right to contest a presidential race. We waited for Al Gore in 2000 and we can wait again. Biden has NOT been certified yet to be president. Saw a whole list of dead people that mailed in a ballot, in addition to what Michigan is saying about the computer ""glitches". It effects 28 states. Think about it (I know that is hard for some of you proBiden people) - but there are numberous companies and I mean BIG companies that have peoples personal information stolen every year. Think banks, medical insurance , department stores that HAVE to offer FREE monitoring. He will get Certified - if he actually wins - in due time. Any of you that do not want the stimulus check you received - I'll gladly take it. When we received the one from George W -it was concidered income on our tax return. There's no pleasing some of you.
DHS- " The most secure in American History "

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
PLEASE do not refer to him as President Biden. Everyone has the right to contest a presidential race. We waited for Al Gore in 2000 and we can wait again.
The issue with Gore/Bush in 2000 was that a difference of only 537 votes in Florida would determine who would become President. The situation in 2020 isn't even close to being similar.


Well-Known Member
It isn't even official. 11,000 vote difference with another 50-60,000 votes to be counted.

Plus the recount already ordered by AZ legislature.
i think the hand recount in Georgia may tell us alot. If that one does not bear fruit then trump is going to be under enormous pressure to end this. If it does reveal software or ballot irregularities then its the beginning of a political :censored2: storm.


nowhere special
i think the hand recount in Georgia may tell us alot. If that one does not bear fruit then trump is going to be under enormous pressure to end this. If it does reveal software or ballot irregularities then its the beginning of a political * storm.
Counting fraudulent votes again won't change the numbers much. Trump needs to prove massive software fraud. And find the real votes which may be gone forever in that same software system.