President Biden


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I've met enough :censored2:ty people who don't love their own children to know that's not true. But that also doesn't mean that loving your own children makes you an all-around good person either. I'm just more confused strategically why they're showing this on Hannity since it makes Biden seem likeable and, for loving parents, relatable and human.
There’s always exceptions, it doesn’t disprove my point. Biden and his family are grifters and crooks. I don’t give a flying :censored2: whether he loves his kid or not.


All Trash No Trailer
The people attacking Hunter Biden for his drug problem are the same ones supporting self-admitted crackhead Mike Lindell, drunk Rudy Giuliani, and booger-sugar Donnie Jr. Republicans are only against drugs when they’re not the ones using them.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
The Democrat media definition of a good father, Joe Biden, child molester:
View attachment 403878

The above examples are what a good Democrat father does. You have to understand Democrats do not see child molestation as a bad thing. They even call it “Minor attracted person” so you start to understand why these people love and understand Joe. If you diddy with children you see nothing unusual with this behavior and actually stick up for someone doing it. I think we have a few people here on BC that you would not want a child to be around.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
The people attacking Hunter Biden for his drug problem are the same ones supporting self-admitted crackhead Mike Lindell, drunk Rudy Giuliani, and booger-sugar Donnie Jr. Republicans are only against drugs when they’re not the ones using them.
The people that are attacking crackhead Mike Lindell, drunk Rudy Giuliani and booger-sugar Donnie Jr are the same ones that are making excuses for Hunter Biden. Democrats are only against drugs when they’re not the ones using them.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.


Inordinately Right