President Biden

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Another day another sniffing! This man is insane. Ice cream and a sniff again today. Imagine what this man would do with a child if he was alone with them….🤔 Just ask his daughter.

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Box Ox

Well-Known Member
It's sad how much the liberal media covers/protects Biden and NEVER says anything bad about him.

(The top story on this morning.)

Good to see them preparing to push Biden toward the exit before 2024 if the midterm elections do end up being a disaster for the Democrats.


Well-Known Member
Which moderates?
Sounds like a lot of women

independent female voters in particular swung dramatically to the right in the past month, despite Democrats' focus on abortion rights.

"In September, they favored Democrats by 14 points. Now, independent women backed Republicans by 18 points— a striking swing given the polarization of the American
electorate and how intensely Democrats have focused on that group and on the threat Republicans pose to abortion rights,"



Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Sounds like a lot of women

independent female voters in particular swung dramatically to the right in the past month, despite Democrats' focus on abortion rights.

"In September, they favored Democrats by 14 points. Now, independent women backed Republicans by 18 points— a striking swing given the polarization of the American
electorate and how intensely Democrats have focused on that group and on the threat Republicans pose to abortion rights,"

It’s the economy stupid. Isn’t that what Bill Clinton once said?


Well-Known Member
According to the GOP there are no moderate Democrats. Every single last one of us are firebreathing liberals who hate this country, hate religion, hate a good economy, hate the military, hate the police, hate freedom, hate liberty, love criminals, hare babies, hate life etc.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Think the moderates are gonna be stealing the election from the Democrats this year.
Which moderates?

You might not hear about them much on CNN or MSNBC. My hard left friends and family members never do. But there are a lot of people like myself who realize that the Democratic Party is spinning out of control when it comes to issues like crime, energy policy, illegal immigration, public education and transgender "care" for minors who will be voting for Republicans next month. Often for the first time ever.

According to the GOP there are no moderate Democrats. Every single last one of us are firebreathing liberals who hate this country, hate religion, hate a good economy, hate the military, hate the police, hate freedom, hate liberty, love criminals, hare babies, hate life etc.

According to a lot of Democrats there are no moderate Democrats. I was getting a lot of "Why don't you just vote for Trump then?" two years ago because my views on all of the above didn't fall in line with Party standards.


Well-Known Member
According to the GOP there are no moderate Democrats. Every single last one of us are firebreathing liberals who hate this country, hate religion, hate a good economy, hate the military, hate the police, hate freedom, hate liberty, love criminals, hare babies, hate life etc.
Well if you get your head stuck out of the Democrat parties butt, you realize that just because someone’s not a Democrat doesn’t mean they’re Republican either.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Well if you get your head stuck out of the Democrat parties butt, you realize that just because someone’s not a Democrat doesn’t mean they’re Republican either.

This year's election will be the first time I've really had to confront the fact that the Democratic Party has lost its mind. And I'd bet I'm not the only one.



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Well-Known Member
and this:

Lol that might be the dumbest hyperlink ever, What is it you’re trying to show me? That the fed government has their tentacles and extortion money spread everywhere? I’ve been saying that the whole time glad you’re finally catching up.
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