President Biden

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Fantastic! The economy is strong as hell!

What a :censored2:ing travesty. Anyone that thinks this imbecile is in charge needs psychiatric help. Anyone that thinks things are good needs to be committed.

He’s only making it worse for Democrats by looking completely disconnected from the reality that people are living in right now.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Inordinately Right
He’s only making it worse for Democrats by looking completely disconnected from the reality that people are living in right now.
I'm not sure they're disconnected, so much as they are just flat out gaslighting.

I said months ago that Democrats were fine with losing the midterms. You see them refusing to acknowledge the recession and inflation right?

When Republicans take control, Democrats will all of the sudden see the inflation and recession, and blame it on the Republicans.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
What is that reality?

Not this.

“President Joe Biden boasted about the U.S. economy with a mouthful of ice cream over the weekend, telling reporters, “our economy is strong as hell.”

Compare that to Republicans who know the reality of normal people.

Voters will be especially interested in results rather than appearances this year with inflation at a 40 year high. Are they better or worse off now than they were when the small-handed man in the gaudy picture was in power?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Five million not two since Biden.
Reason: Biden is not enforcing immigration laws.
Migrant benefits: They are given an app. A smart link phone, but it only goes into the app where the undocumented migrant can contact immigration, and immigration can contact the migrant.
Under Biden, it's called the reception and placement program. The government gives each migrant $2,275 cash. Do the math 5 mill x $2,275. So far.
While they are waiting to be sent wherever they want to go, they get hotel rooms. Three meals a day at the hotel, don't have to pay for it. Access to legal services. Transportation at the hotel, which means Uber/cab. They want to go out and go to the movies, that's picked up. All dry cleaning and laundry picked up. We pay for it. And other necessary services.
Living free and getting all of this. People who are here illegally, while the government figures out how to get them where they want to go. And then when they do get them there, we pay for that. Whether it's a plane flight, or a bus, or a train, we pay. This is the program.
Solution: Suffer until actual leadership is running the country.


Well-Known Member
will she inherit the step mothers fortunes when step mom passes on.
does earning a salary as a journalist make you the ruling class?
does everyone who collects a salary from a billion dollar corporation become a member of the ruling class by default?
did the person generating this tweet feel the need to defend the ruling class thinking they were somehow misaligned by this candidate?
who is the greater member of the ruling class one who took a salary from the ruling class or one who makes a public defense of such?
this is typical liberal hysteria that makes no sense when you actually sit down and engage your brain in thought.


Well-Known Member
will she inherit the step mothers fortunes when step mom passes on.
does earning a salary as a journalist make you the ruling class?
does everyone who collects a salary from a billion dollar corporation become a member of the ruling class by default?
did the person generating this tweet feel the need to defend the ruling class thinking they were somehow misaligned by this candidate?
who is the greater member of the ruling class one who took a salary from the ruling class or one who makes a public defense of such?
this is typical liberal hysteria that makes no sense when you actually sit down and engage your brain in thought.
He's actually attacking Tucker Carlson, whose parents are wealthy.


Well-Known Member
He's actually attacking Tucker Carlson, whose parents are wealthy.
thats even funnier . i think carlson has worked for or been published by every evil faction of the media ruling class.
i guess you're only allowed to sing for liberal factions or be a liberal elitist to be approved of?


Well-Known Member
thats even funnier . i think carlson has worked for or been published by every evil faction of the media ruling class.
i guess you're only allowed to sing for liberal factions or be a liberal elitist to be approved of?
When Tucker was on CNN he was the conservative guy. But he does admit he's fairly liberal on some subjects. But you can't be exposing liberal madness on FOX. Just not allowed.