President Biden


Well-Known Member
  • Biden's top Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice is stepping down from her post
  • Announcement comes the day before Biden is set to announce his reelection
  • Rice will vacate end her tenure on May 26, it's unclear who will replace her
A lot of stepping down/firings today.


Inordinately Right
So many of these advisers and cabinet positions are just recycled problem children from previous administrations. And that goes for both Democrat and Republican it just proves that there’s no. New ideas in Washington
Susan Rice was most definitely making a lot of decisions for the dementia administration. The fact she's quitting is interesting.


Staff member


Strength through joy
Comer demanded Blinken produce the following:

  1. All documents and communications regarding elements of the FY21, FY22, and FY23 budgets of the SPEC [Special Presidential Envoy for Climate], including those discussed off the record;
  2. A list of all individuals present at any discussions where elements of the FY21, FY22, and FY23 budgets of the SPEC were discussed, whether on or off the record;
  3. A full list, including names, titles, and salaries of all individuals currently and previously employed by the office of the SPEC, as well as all ethics and financial disclosures of those individuals;
  4. All documents and communications between any individual or individuals within the office of the SPEC and any third party, including but not limited to any environmental advocacy group or foreign government official; and
  5. All documents and communications regarding domestic and international travel of the SPEC.
“If the Department refuses to produce documents and information on this matter, the Committee will have to consider other means, including compulsory process,” Comer added.

All FOIA requests by others have been rejected.
What is Biden hiding ?

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
From Bill O'Riley

President Biden's announcement that he'll run again is simply preposterous. If he secures another term, he'd be 86 when he leaves office. What's next 97-year-old Dick Van Dyke for VP?
According to the polls, the vast majority of Americans understand Mr. Biden is not a competent president. Yet, if Donald Trump is his opponent, the race would be close. Trump hatred remains intense among many voters.
The Democratic Party should be looking for an alternative for old Joe, and I want to help because that's the kind of guy I am.

So here are some suggestions:
- Rosie O'Donnell. Checks all the LG boxes and never met a progressive policy she didn't embrace. Her pal Madonna would be the FBI chief.
- George Clooney. While he's preoccupied with selling Tequila, he is capable of articulating liberal positions and remains a true believer. Brad Pitt would be Secretary of State.
- Morning Joe. Used to be a Republican but converted to the woke religion after NBC offered him money. Mika might be appointed to a new position: Secretary of Shopping.
- And finally, Rachel Maddow, another box checker. She absolutely could mount a serious challenge to Biden and eye-roll him to death in a debate. Campaign slogan: take a left and keep going left until the debt collapses the country."
That would be an excellent field for the Dems, no doubt. So put Joe Biden in a golf cart, and let's do it, people!


Strength through joy

Journalism is dead in the USA.
Biden aides require all questions to be submitted prior to the event.
So that answers can be written out and handed to Biden to reply along with a photo of the person asking.