Her name is Courtney Subramanian, and she works for the Los Angeles Times, one of the most liberal papers in the country. A quick browsing of her social media reveals a typical left-wing journalist that plays stenographer for the Biden administration and who thinks
write-ups against school choice are “fantastic.”
But while she was a relative unknown prior to this debacle, Subramanian has suddenly been cast into the spotlight as people try to make sense of what she did. Several of her past posts on Twitter have been re-upped, and the comments are brutal.
All of this could be quelled quickly if Subramanian simply explained what in the world is going on. Who asked her to submit her question in advance? Was she told what she could and couldn’t ask? Did she know that Biden was being given the questions beforehand to pre-formulate answers? If so, why would she find that acceptable? Heck, why would any reporter be okay with being part of a pre-scripted charade?