His net worth increased over 4000% between when he was VP and fake president. The left idiots say it was from book sales. A book no one can find except at the Dollar Store and no one has read.While running as a presidential candidate, Biden assured Americans that his family received no money from China, claiming the Committee’s bank records regarding his family’s receipt of funds from China are “not true.”
However, the documents reveal that the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals’ companies.
Biden surrenders yet another US Embassy.
Sovereign US territory.
"In May 2020, the Trump Administration announced the creation of a program called Operation Warp Speed, which seeks to use coordinated government support to accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines and other medical countermeasures.5 With respect to vaccines, the program initially selected fourteen promising candidates, which are being narrowed down to “about seven.” 6 Under Operation Warp Speed, the federal government is investing in scaling up manufacturing and distribution for selected COVID-19 vaccine candidates “at risk” (that is, before safety and efficacy is demonstrated). 7 Under the program, BARDA has entered into agreements to accelerate the development and manufacturing—and to purchase hundreds of millions of doses—for vaccine candidates being developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford, 8 Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), 9 Pfizer and BioNTech,10 Moderna and NIAID,11 Novavax,12 and Johnson & Johnson. 13 By November 2020, three of the manufacturers participating in Operation Warp Speed—Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna/NIAID, and AstraZeneca/University of Oxford—announced encouraging safety and efficacy results from the Phase 3 trials of their vaccines." https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46399And I can't find anything specifically saying Trump said he'd fire people at the FDA. You may be right. My recollection may be faulty. In your estimation how did the FDA arrive at approving the vaccines so quickly without many years of clinical trials? Did they decide it on their own? Was there no pressure applied? Did Trump just make a request then sat patiently waiting? Are all the recent cardiac arrests strictly on the FDA for approving the vaccines so quickly? Assuming the vaccines are the cause of course.
That's what the Trump Administration did, but by law the FDA had to clear those drugs for usage. The Trump Administration couldn't bypass them."In May 2020, the Trump Administration announced the creation of a program called Operation Warp Speed, which seeks to use coordinated government support to accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines and other medical countermeasures.5 With respect to vaccines, the program initially selected fourteen promising candidates, which are being narrowed down to “about seven.” 6 Under Operation Warp Speed, the federal government is investing in scaling up manufacturing and distribution for selected COVID-19 vaccine candidates “at risk” (that is, before safety and efficacy is demonstrated). 7 Under the program, BARDA has entered into agreements to accelerate the development and manufacturing—and to purchase hundreds of millions of doses—for vaccine candidates being developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford, 8 Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), 9 Pfizer and BioNTech,10 Moderna and NIAID,11 Novavax,12 and Johnson & Johnson. 13 By November 2020, three of the manufacturers participating in Operation Warp Speed—Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna/NIAID, and AstraZeneca/University of Oxford—announced encouraging safety and efficacy results from the Phase 3 trials of their vaccines." https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46399
Wellllllll shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit…. theys already involved with a bunch of Niger’sSo you want the US military to get involved in Niger?
Yet you are repeating the allegation that Trump coerced the FDA and HHS, without citation.That's what the Trump Administration did, but by law the FDA had to clear those drugs for usage. The Trump Administration couldn't bypass them.
Looks like a good Mormon
Trump encouraged the speed up of vaccines but I never heard of him forcing or threatening anyone about it.Yet you are repeating the allegation that Trump coerced the FDA and HHS, without citation.
And I said I may have that wrong although I did post that article where the one fellow said he had been threatened with firing by someone in the White House. Fact remains the FDA didn't follow their own rules and do the rigorous testing normally required. Why? Fact remains also that drugs causing deaths are normally quickly pulled from the market and the CDC VAERS website was receiving adverse reaction reports, including deaths, at a higher rate than is normally acceptable.Yet you are repeating the allegation that Trump coerced the FDA and HHS, without citation.
Don't you see the corruption of your disclaimer?And I said I may have that wrong although I did post that article where the one fellow said he had been threatened with firing by someone in the White House. Fact remains the FDA didn't follow their own rules and do the rigorous testing normally required. Why? Fact remains also that drugs causing deaths are normally quickly pulled from the market and the CDC VAERS website was receiving adverse reaction reports, including deaths, at a higher rate than is normally acceptable.
How do we know it's him?
No, I truly believe that the Trump administration pressured the FDA to give quick approval of the vaccines, ignoring their own protocols. With the Biden administration pressuring everyone they could to take the vaccines. If the rules had been followed those vaccines would still be in trials if they hadn't already been ruled too dangerous to be approved.Don't you see the corruption of your disclaimer?
That's how lawyers and liberals plant seeds in peoples minds, and then feign innocence. You're bigger than that.
Good pointHow do we know it's him?
You should learn about reading comprehension and the Foreign Missions Act.So you want the US military to get involved in Niger?
You should learn about reading comprehension and the Foreign Missions Act.
A. You don’t shut down an Embassy for a coup in Africa. They are as common as liberal ignorance;
B. I, in no way, nor has anyone suggested the US get involved in Niger’s political issues;
C. You’re as clueless about foreign diplomatic protocol as you are about everything else you post on here.