President Biden


Well-Known Member
Maybe people are spending like crazy because of how much prices have increased in the last couple of years.
Prices were up due to supply chain issues. Those issues have been largely resolved, but many corporations are reluctant to cut into record profits by lowering prices. Our only recourse, which ain't happening, would be to tighten our purse strings.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Now that inflation is going down instead of up notice that neither the New York Times nor the Washington Post even bothers to report it on their front page.

Biden phocks things up so bad that any easing and the Biden cult members comes out and wants to give him a medal. It would be like a man that beat his wife 7 days a week and then he starts beating her 5 days a week and some of his friends tells how he has really turned around and should be given a man of the year award.
We had one Biden cult member on here a few days ago praising $3 a gallon gas 😂. That just shows how bad Biden phocked up the price of gas. Could you imagine if gas would have hit $3 when Trump was in? Those same people would have been crying rivers over the price.
If inflation goes up 20% one month and then the next month it go up 10% Biden cult members see this as a great thing! They would praise him for bringing down inflation while people not in the cult see that he has caused inflation to rise 30% at that point.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Biden didn’t stop those holidays completely for everyone but for the ones that can still afford them he sure is making them pay for it. Biden phocks up everything!

Fortunately unemployment is nonexistent and real wages are higher then they have ever been for middle class Americans. Thank you Mr President.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
real wages are higher then they have ever been for middle class Americans. Thank you Mr President.

Looks like this is accurate if the spike during COVID is left out. Which it should be.



Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Fortunately unemployment is nonexistent and real wages are higher than they have ever been for middle class Americans. Thank you Mr President.

Yep unemployment is nonexistent because everyone has 1 or 2 jobs. Even the retired had to go back to work to be able to survive. Yep real wages are higher than ever and yet still can’t keep up with the damage Biden has done. So I don’t think anyone outside the cult would be thanking old Joe.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Yep unemployment is nonexistent because everyone has 1 or 2 jobs. Even the retired had to go back to work to be able to survive. Yep real wages are higher than ever and yet still can’t keep up with the damage Biden has done. So I don’t think anyone outside the cult would be thanking old Joe.

You're probably right. Selectively pointing at official numbers and telling people that the numbers don't line up with what they can actually see and feel doesn't seem like the best way to try and win an election. And the real wage stats I linked to are for full time gigs.