President Obama!


golden ticket member
Subject: : A news program about the recent Medal of Honor presentation. Our narcissistic, nutjob prez. & friends i attendance.

> This makes a point about how things are done lately in DC.
> The video speaks volumes about our current White House.
> This is an eye opener.
> Powerful is an
> understatement.


Squeaky Wheel
Subject: : A news program about the recent Medal of Honor presentation. Our narcissistic, nutjob prez. & friends i attendance.

> This makes a point about how things are done lately in DC.
> The video speaks volumes about our current White House.
> This is an eye opener.
> Powerful is an
> understatement.

I seriously doubt President Obama designed the seating chart.


golden ticket member
If he didn't, then why didn't he move straight to the family to shake their he goes to Bawney Fwank.......idiot !!


Staff member
Subject: : A news program about the recent Medal of Honor presentation. Our narcissistic, nutjob prez. & friends i attendance.

> This makes a point about how things are done lately in DC.
> The video speaks volumes about our current White House.
> This is an eye opener.
> Powerful is an
> understatement.
Pretty silly, that guy that made that "video" is either lying or he's been lied to. There really is actual footage of the entire ceremony available (apparently this clown has never heard of youtube), in which you can see that seating arrangement is a semi-circle in front of the podium. Front row left are seated previous medal of honor winners (I counted 4 but there might have been more), front row center are seated SSGT Giunta's family (not "3 rows back"), and front row right are seated what might be some congress folks (I can't tell from looking at the back of their heads). There's no video of the president shaking hands with Barney Frank, I suppose it could have happened but given everything else the guy is wrong about it wouldn't surprise me to learn that Frank wasn't even there.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." (Cicero - 55 BC.)


Staff member
Obamacare Takes A Hit

A federal judge has ruled that the government cannot require people to buy insurance.

To be continued....


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Here's the list of CEOs that Obama is meeting with today.......I hope they help him......

Greg Brown, Co-CEO, Motorola, Inc.
John Chambers, Chairman & CEO, Cisco Systems Inc.
Kenneth Chenault, CEO, American Express
Dave Cote, Chairman, President & CEO, Honeywell International Inc
Scott Davis, Chairman & CEO, UPS
John Doerr, Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
Mark Gallogly, Managing Partner & Co-Founder, Centerbridge Partners
Lew Hay, Chairman & CEO, NextEra Energy
Jeffrey Immelt, Chairman & CEO, General Electric
Ellen Kullman, CEO, DuPont
John Lechleiter, President and CEO, Eli Lilly
Andrew Liveris, President, CEO and Chairman, Dow Chemical
James McNerney, Chairman, President & CEO, Boeing
Indra Nooyi, Chairman & CEO, PepsiCo
Paul Otellini, CEO, Intel
Penny Pritzker, Chairman & CEO, Pritzker Realty Group
Brian Roberts, Chairman & CEO, Comcast
Jim Rogers, Chairman, President & CEO, Duke Energy
Eric Schmidt, Chairman & CEO, Google
Robert Wolf, President & COO, UBS


Strength through joy
Exclusive: Sources Confirm FDA Moving Ahead with Rationing

Sources on Capitol Hill have informed Capitol Confidential that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will indeed begin rationing late-stage cancer drugs. The FDA will make an 11am (EDT) announcement that it will begin denying Avastin to breast cancer patients but will graciously offer the creator of the drug a final show trial of a hearing in 60 days.
The FDA will be judge, jury and executioner. Unfortunately, the victims of breast cancer will be the ones punished and harmed.
The FDA has never before limited access to a drug based upon cost considerations. Yet there are some within the agency that are intent on breaking new ground to justify a rationing regime designed to drive down the cost of health care. Avastin is the test case.

In essence, the Avastin decision is the first battle in ObamaCare.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

What ever happened to the 5 day waiting period between when bills are passed and barry would sign them, you know his promise .


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

got any cartoons about the fact that every beach barry vacations at is closed due to the spillage of raw sewerage ?


Strength through joy
Obama Returns to End-of-Life Plan That Caused Stir

When a proposal to encourage end-of-life planning touched off a political storm over “death panels,” Democrats dropped it from legislation to overhaul the health care system. But the Obama administration will achieve the same goal by regulation, starting Jan. 1.
Under the new policy, outlined in a Medicare regulation, the government will pay doctors who advise patients on options for end-of-life care, which may include advance directives to forgo aggressive life-sustaining treatment.