President Obama!


Well-Known Member
On a more positive note, the NYS Teamsters Council Health and Hospital Fund announced that they will be extending benefits to dependents up to the age of 26 effective the first of the year. We got the letter in the mail yesterday and have to fill out an eligibility form for each dependent. The definition of "dependent" for the purposes of this coverage is not the same as for income tax purposes. For example, my son will be eligible for this coverage but I cannot claim him as a dependent on my tax return.


Staff member
On a more positive note, the NYS Teamsters Council Health and Hospital Fund announced that they will be extending benefits to dependents up to the age of 26 effective the first of the year. We got the letter in the mail yesterday and have to fill out an eligibility form for each dependent. The definition of "dependent" for the purposes of this coverage is not the same as for income tax purposes. For example, my son will be eligible for this coverage but I cannot claim him as a dependent on my tax return.
Still a pretty good deal?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

OK, I just heard that there's a bill that's suppose to come to Obama's desk that will outlaw cupcakes in public schools......

OMG, that's sooooo important !!! NOT!!!!

So glad the congress (opposite of progress) is addressing our most pressing problems.



Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

OK, I just heard that there's a bill that's suppose to come to Obama's desk that will outlaw cupcakes in public schools......

OMG, that's sooooo important !!! NOT!!!!

So glad the congress (opposite of progress) is addressing our most pressing problems.


Not in and of itself but what is does do is grant the USDA to write new regulations and the legislation language is so broad that school bake sales could be outlawed as well as front yard lemonade stands by your kids. As for the lemonade stand, you might be surprised most may already be illegal just based on local business as well as local zoning laws. Also it's been said under the broad language on the USDA bill that regs could be written to limit, regulate and restrict even a backyard vegetable garden. Will all this happen when the rules writting function of the USDA gets in gear is anybodies guess but in the case of backyard gardens and the control that big agri and other big farm function have over the USDA, anything is possible. I'm at least looking for a 2 step forward, test the waters and one step back if it gets choppy!

Looking at the lengths the US gov't has gone with the surveil state in light of so-called rights, I'd hope for the best but be prepared for the worst!


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

OK, I just heard that there's a bill that's suppose to come to Obama's desk that will outlaw cupcakes in public schools......

OMG, that's sooooo important !!! NOT!!!!

So glad the congress (opposite of progress) is addressing our most pressing problems.

Does that mean the end of the " when was the last time the military had a bake sale to buy a bomber " bumper stickers ?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

The language is a little "salty" .......




Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

:sad-little:It is very obvious and very sad Obama is in way over his head .
Obama surrounded himself with non business advisors , all liberal lunatics.
While he golfed,plays basketball,parties in the White House and travels around the world the U.S is collapsing.
Now his own party has seen how incompetant he his. He negotiates a deal with the Republicans leaving out Reid and Pelosi then holds a press conference and rips the deal he agreed to . Just look into his face , he has no concept of what he is doing nor what he should be doing.
Do not be surprised if he announces sometime in the next two years trhat he will not seek a second term in office.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

I didn't see it all, but Obama had Bill Clinton at the podium explaining that the bill was a good one and then Obama says, "I've been keeping Michelle waiting for 30 mins., so I'll leave you all in capable hands...." and off he went.

He should be as afraid of the American people's reactions as he is of Michelle's. pusillanimous-whipped pup!!