President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

An economic recovery with business leading the way:

President Obama was led --did not lead -kicking and screaming to extend the Bush Tax Cuts. He was told that this would create jobs in the private sector when business knew what taxes they would pay and could invest.

Now that this is happening --the liberals are crowing and claiming the stimulous from three years ago worked even though the money ran out and most of those public sector people were again laid off.

Now -liberal thinking --this is the time to RAISE taxes on Business, stifle them with onerous regulations and keep demanding more and more "free" items in healthcare coverage---which will again stop this very slow investing and job growth.

Would it not make more sense to create a BUDGET --fix the tax system once and for all --for stability---hold back on regulations and mandates until unemployment is once again at the 5% level and take President Obama's bipartisan recommendations --his own committee and revise and strengthen entitlements ( love that word entitlements ) You owe me ???

Open the Canadian pipeline, develop ALL nrg sources , bring troops home from ALL foreign countries, Secure our borders, re-build our infrastructure, eliminate all foreign aid until every American child is fed and educated etc,etc,etc.

It is the lunatics on both sides of the aisle --that protect themselves ,are interested in their parties and their own power.

Will America WAKE UP in time ????? -----that is a very real question !!!!

P.s --I did not mention anything about ISOLATIONISM ----Just taking care of our own while participating actively in a global economy -as a partner--not a parent or a policeman !!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics


The recovery began June 2009. Those tax cuts were stilll in place back then too!! He agreed to extend them (in order to get the blockaders in the repub party to allow other legislation to be voted on) dec 2010. Those extended tax cuts added nothing but more debt to the taxpayers.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

This president can't put his wife on a budget......putting the whole country on a budget is beyond his ability.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics


The recovery began June 2009. Those tax cuts were stilll in place back then too!! He agreed to extend them (in order to get the blockaders in the repub party to allow other legislation to be voted on) dec 2010. Those extended tax cuts added nothing but more debt to the taxpayers.


Continue for Hope in your Obama land ----VERY temporaty government jobs that could never SUSTAIN recovery moved a few numbers --whats the use --I an sure you have never dealt with payrolls , budgets or business plans. It is really common sense ---do EVERYTHING to grow and promote PRIVATE sector jobs that will producte tax revenue for government jobs --it does not work vice-versa --except for temporary gains. Private sector job growth started to take hold --while the evil Bush tax cuts were still in effect and than were extended.

If the Bush TAX cuts are the problem --here we are --4th year --Obama could have changed them day one with Reed and Pelosi --The Republican blocking is ludicrous--tell that to the many uninformed.

Obama had two full years of complete control. Look at the great tax policy we have, the working budget and the control of entitlements and spending. This CANNOT go on --it is unsustainable --How about some action and LEADERSHIP -- Obama-Look at YOUR own committees recomendations !!--Makes fun of RYAN'S budget proposal --but leads and offers NOTHING !!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Picture this in any normal American Household ---day to day--week week by week month to month we are spending WAY more than we are making.

The solution for the next four years is to spend more and do not put a budget in place .

Maybe that is "Liberal common sense"


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics


Continue for Hope in your Obama land ----VERY temporaty government jobs that could never SUSTAIN recovery moved a few numbers --whats the use --I an sure you have never dealt with payrolls , budgets or business plans. It is really common sense ---do EVERYTHING to grow and promote PRIVATE sector jobs that will producte tax revenue for government jobs --it does not work vice-versa --except for temporary gains. Private sector job growth started to take hold --while the evil Bush tax cuts were still in effect and than were extended.

If the Bush TAX cuts are the problem --here we are --4th year --Obama could have changed them day one with Reed and Pelosi --The Republican blocking is ludicrous--tell that to the many uninformed.

Obama had two full years of complete control. Look at the great tax policy we have, the working budget and the control of entitlements and spending. This CANNOT go on --it is unsustainable --How about some action and LEADERSHIP -- Obama-Look at YOUR own committees recomendations !!--Makes fun of RYAN'S budget proposal --but leads and offers NOTHING !!

Those same bush tax cuts were in place the whole time!! During the weakest "recovery and expansion" since the great depression (nov 2001-dec 07), those tax cuts were in place. Remember when the economy was shedding 750,000 jobs a month, what were those cuts doing?? Nothing.

Tax cuts solve nothing. This economy needs more demand not tax cuts!!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Those same bush tax cuts were in place the whole time!! During the weakest "recovery and expansion" since the great depression (nov 2001-dec 07), those tax cuts were in place. Remember when the economy was shedding 750,000 jobs a month, what were those cuts doing?? Nothing.

Tax cuts solve nothing. This economy needs more demand not tax cuts!!

Then why is Obama pushing Congress right this minute for the tax cuts?????? Is Obama wrong???


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Picture this in any normal American Household ---day to day--week week by week month to month we are spending WAY more than we are making.

The solution for the next four years is to spend more and do not put a budget in place .

Maybe that is "Liberal common sense"

You cant compare the two. First, our govt has lived with debt since 1776. Even most businesses cannot live without debt. Secondly, i dont know any household that is able to spend by creditting bank deposits and reserves as our govt does or by issuing more money (as it has done for a long time). Plus a household cannot raise taxes if it needs revenue. One can get another job but there is a limit to how many extra jobs you can keep. Finally, the govt is the spender/employer/hirer of last resort. When the private sector cannot or will not create jobs, it is the responsibility of the govt to prime the pump and get things going again (keynesian economics). It is the only thing that has kept us from falling into a real depression again. During the great depression, millions of jobs were created solely by the creation of the govt. That is common sense.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Then why is Obama pushing Congress right this minute for the tax cuts?????? Is Obama wrong???

Those pay roll cuts are I guess helpful becausethey directly put extra money in regualr people's pocket basically without them knowing it. They will just sspend it anyway where as a tax cut is usually seen and put aside or used to pay off debt and not stimulate the economy. However, I do think that all of the bush taxcuts should be allowed to expire even for middle class people; we cant afford them!!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

You cant compare the two. First, our govt has lived with debt since 1776. Even most businesses cannot live without debt. Secondly, i dont know any household that is able to spend by creditting bank deposits and reserves as our govt does or by issuing more money (as it has done for a long time). Plus a household cannot raise taxes if it needs revenue. One can get another job but there is a limit to how many extra jobs you can keep. Finally, the govt is the spender/employer/hirer of last resort. When the private sector cannot or will not create jobs, it is the responsibility of the govt to prime the pump and get things going again (keynesian economics). It is the only thing that has kept us from falling into a real depression again. During the great depression, millions of jobs were created solely by the creation of the govt. That is common sense.
Everything I do in a household can be applied (in a bigger way) to a country's budget. You'll never convince me otherwise.
The country got a downgrade by the SEC.........My credit score is high and hasn't been downgraded. I pay all the bills on time. We live within our means. We have 3 cars and they are paid for. We own 4 properties. We shop sales like it's a personal challenge. I love finding a $2-2.50 whole chicken. I clip's free money! I just got a coupon for $20 to spend at Ralph's....that's because I slide my customer card with every purchase and earn it.

The world, The country, the state, the city, and all individuals can be on a budget and benefit !!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Everything I do in a household can be applied (in a bigger way) to a country's budget. You'll never convince me otherwise.
The country got a downgrade by the SEC.........My credit score is high and hasn't been downgraded. I pay all the bills on time. We live within our means. We have 3 cars and they are paid for. We own 4 properties. We shop sales like it's a personal challenge. I love finding a $2-2.50 whole chicken. I clip's free money! I just got a coupon for $20 to spend at Ralph's....that's because I slide my customer card with every purchase and earn it.

The world, The country, the state, the city, and all individuals can be on a budget and benefit !!

First, the SEC didnt down grade the us economy;the privately owned ratings agencies did (who cares). Secondly, our bills would have been paid on time but one party decided it didnt want to; sort of like an ex wife or separated spouse who refuses to pay ones' bills and then you find out your credit is shot.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

First, the SEC didnt down grade the us economy;the privately owned ratings agencies did (who cares). Secondly, our bills would have been paid on time but one party decided it didnt want to; sort of like an ex wife or separated spouse who refuses to pay ones' bills and then you find out your credit is shot.

It was only a matter of time before our credit got downgraded--the delay simply expedited the process.

Whomever is in the White House in 2013 needs to make the economy priority #1.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Those pay roll cuts are I guess helpful becausethey directly put extra money in regualr people's pocket basically without them knowing it. They will just sspend it anyway where as a tax cut is usually seen and put aside or used to pay off debt and not stimulate the economy. However, I do think that all of the bush taxcuts should be allowed to expire even for middle class people; we cant afford them!!


I am not being rude but you are blinded by your "left" beliefs --the same as many on the "right" are blinded.

I may be wasting my time -but I will take another shot. Any Job at UPS is very hard and demanding --part time-fulltime --management --whomever.
If you noticed Cheryls latest news posting --National UPS H.R. manager retires. Normally in a good moving economy the next Hr candidate would be promoted.
What did UPS do ?? The Manager -McDivitt is already in charrge of all ups related labor --contracts, panels, arbitrations etc etc. He was also given all resposability for Transportation --Air, ALL hubs, ALL feeder movements all rail. Instead of promoting a high priced HR manager --He was also told that he is now responsible for all of HR--hiring,safety, lawsuits-etc, etc.
As you know UPS makes a profit.

In a tough economy -you claim to be a big UNION guy --while union firemen,teachers etc are being laid off --government is expanding.
Harry Reid stands in front of the Senate and demands millions of taxpayer money for a Nevada Cowboy Festival --other politicians want money to examine the sex habits of fruit flies ???

We have a President --He has a Cabinet with cabinet member that have hundreds of people working in their deparments. -Enough Right ? No President Obama appoint 19 CZARS--each making big money each having hundreds of people reporting to them --Now he does not even meet with the cabinet on a regular basis --ONE OR THE OTHER --I am tired for paying for all the cushy political paybacks.

When you point out all the waste like the twelve dollar donuts at a recent breakfast --why do we even buy them b'fast ?? You are called a tea party nut.

Our Politicians Left and Right --blow through money because they TAKE it off of hard working people like you. They do not EARN it .

It is just pure nonsense to tell me that they take in two and a half-trillion dollars , spend three and a half trillion and your solution is to eliminate the Bush tax cuts for all of us ---if you have extra thousands of dollars to send to our "royalty" --you send it ---I say enough waste--close all 650 foreign military bases to start along with firing all the czars, their staffs and 50% of the staffs of ALL senators and Reps.

In the county I live in --The Ups district Manager Drives his own car to work----The county "executive" has a lincoln town car with a chaueffer ???? More of our hard earned money for these people ????

Each President claims new Hope and Change ???? OWS has the wrong target ----Its all government ---If they did not stick their dopey noses into housing --the collapse would not have happened.

I will gladly pay more taxes when we have RESPONSIBLE people running our government.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Excellent; I believe this sums up the political discourse in this country.

Let the debate begin!

For it to be fair you have to mention what it is that I won't be convinced of.......and it was referring to a budget. Apparently you think families, businesses, cities and countries can operate without one.

That's just foolish.