President Obama!


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

[h=1]White House Lies to Public on Senate Budget Rules[/h]There simply is no other way to explain the statements of White House Chief of Staff Jacob Lew this morning on CNN’s State of the Union. Lew was asked by Candy Crawley about a recent statement by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid indicating he would not be bringing a vote on the budget to the Senate floor.
CROWLEY: “I want to read for our viewers something that Sen. Harry Reid, the Democrat Majority Leader in the U.S. Senate, who said, ‘We do not need to bring a budget to the floor this year. It’s done, we don’t need to do it.’”
LEW: “He’s not saying that they shouldn’t pass a budget. But we also need to be honest. You can’t pass a budget in the Senate of the United States without 60 votes and you can’t get 60 votes without bipartisan support. So unless… unless Republicans are willing to work with Democrats in the Senate, Harry Reid is not going to be able to get a budget passed.”
This is patently false.
You can’t filibuster the budget. The Congressional Budget Act of 1974 stipulates that debate is automatically cut off after 50 hours of debate. At that point, a budget can be passed by a simple majority, 51 votes. Democrats currently hold 53 seats in the Senate. They can pass a budget on a simple party-line vote.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Obama will give his budget tomorrow. I doubt there's any real cuts in it.......just imaginary ones for when he's out of office for 20 years.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

from Charles Schwab.....
Does tapping into retirement mean like when the social security funds were tapped into?
Obama renews call to end Saturday mail delivery
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Monday, February 13, 2012 at 17:09 EST[/FONT]

* W.House budget renews call for five-day mail, rate hikes
* Obama previously proposed similar USPS changes last year
By Emily Stephenson
WASHINGTON, Feb 13 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's proposed 2013 budget repeated a call to allow the U.S. Postal Service to end Saturday mail delivery and tap into a retirement-fund surplus, as lawmakers hash out the details of postal legislation....


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

I have heard this president in his speeches for the last few months talking about everybody "paying their fair share".
I haven't read this new budget but is the 47% who pay no taxes now, going to pay their share?
Just asking.

Also, slowing an increase is not a cut!


golden ticket member
People who helped design this bill are just now getting to the part where once fraud is stopped the resulting rescue of funds will actaully pay for a big portion of healthcare. Oopsie! The guy who fashioned it says it's not nearly the amount they had been planning on. Who the hell was in charge of actually reading this piece of crap??


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics


Not putting words into your mouth --they were my words-On a recent post on this thread I mentioned that I will fight any tax increase until the government stops wasting our money. With the slow economy and many Americans hurting --including union firemen, teachers etc --Our President wants to take 800 BILLION DOLLARS and give it to the Arab Spring Countries ???? Again you want the Bush TAX cuts to be done away for all of us because you said we cannot afford them. Obama will take our hard earned money and give it to the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD ???

You would say the tea party people are crazy ???


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

It's awfully evident after 3 1/2 years that Buck is about all things Muslim and has little regard for Jews and Christian beliefs. He's not hiding it anymore!!


Strength through joy
Why is it always the military budgets slashed first ?
Why not the Dept of Education, after all they spend billions on staff and no one actually teaches ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Why is it always the military budgets slashed first ?
Why not the Dept of Education, after all they spend billions on staff and no one actually teaches ?

Simple answer. The defense department spents trillions of dollars on useless equiptment and buildings and officers. Too many redundancies. ASk Ron Paul. He will agree with me and he's a conservative.

The department of education keeps our citizens informed and moving forward. The right wing would rather do away with the department of education in order to keep its populace ignorant in order to remain in charge.

The richest people in the country asking the poorest people not to learn. Gee, I wonder what that would do to the power structure of this country?

Oh yeah, no more black presidents.




golden ticket member
Simple answer. The defense department spents trillions of dollars on useless equiptment and buildings and officers. Too many redundancies. ASk Ron Paul. He will agree with me and he's a conservative.

The department of education keeps our citizens informed and moving forward. The right wing would rather do away with the department of education in order to keep its populace ignorant in order to remain in charge.

The richest people in the country asking the poorest people not to learn. Gee, I wonder what that would do to the power structure of this country?

Oh yeah, no more black presidents.


3 teachers in one school plus enablers sexually assaulting little children.....gee, does that fall under the Dept of Education ? That's a lot of learning for those kids.

Maybe the military could be stationed in our elementary schools to protect the kids.


Well-Known Member
As I have stated numerous times before --close all 650 military bases and bring all the troops home. Rebuild America's infrastructure and create a state of the art military for our defense.

Unlike TOS , I do not believe that everything in the Deparment of Education is fine and peachy. It is obviously failing.

The liberals stanchly claim the Unions hold of Education is not the problem --although many teachers do not teach and many, many pupils do not learn. Pouring more money into a broken system that has not worked.

Also time for some personal responsability. In the world of TOS -students disrepect teachers,disrupt, act like thugs and clowns because the Right wants them to fail. The students are free to "drop out" on their own --but it is the fault of the right ???

A recent discussion I had with a neice is a microcosm of what I just described.
A minority female from a broken home , drug abuse and welfare state environment at home.
She turns down a full sholarship to the University Of Miami ---gets pregnant from her boyfriend that walks out on her and is now planning to live off the "system" cry about the unfairness to minorities and wonder why the right is so evil and the system is so unfair !!! From what I can see --she has also condemned the next generation to the same cycle of poverty.

When will some people look in the mirror ???? It broke my heart when her 15 year old brother whom I was buying clothes for and feeding them in a restaurant stated that his mother had told him that I am the problem --the rich white uncle.