President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Did you ever ask yourself why the president can't tell you whether he's for or against gay marriage until after Nov. 2012 ??

He's had 3 1/2 years already to consider his position. He's a coward!!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

The real estate market is on an upswing right now, especially in Arizona. We are finding that homes below $400K are getting multiple offers and the inventory is decreasing. December is supposed to be a slow month but not here in Sedona or Phoenix for that matter. January was a banner month for closings. The best since 2005 and some realtors insist it was the best January in 15 years.

I believe that investors are taking money out of the stock market and buying real estate. Our buyers are either close to retirement or retired. Investors are clearing out the inventory in Phoenix. Interest rates are at historical low levels right now.

Here is where Obamanomics comes into play...
IMO people feel that there will be a change in leadership come November and they want to cash in now while the market is at the bottom. It is my belief that come August the market will stagnate for the same reason (the election). It will not improve until after the election but then it should move very strongly in an upward direction once BO is out.

Here is the blog Sedona Real Estate - Sheri Sperry


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

It's been reported alrerady that housing sales have been up for almost a year now. So has employment.

But, I sure like your twist on things and blaming that on Obama.
As if all those citizens( buyers), think he'll not be re-elected ! LOL


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

It's been reported alrerady that housing sales have been up for almost a year now. So has employment.

But, I sure like your twist on things and blaming that on Obama.
As if all those citizens( buyers), think he'll not be re-elected ! LOL

Housing prices in general have been down for 5 months in a row!

Of the 20 major U.S. metropolitan markets, 16 reported prices were lower in January than during December. Miami, Phoenix and Washington, D.C., were the only areas to report growth month-to-month. That would explain Lifer's scenario.

Most places housing is NOT UP !!! At least in the US. Canada's a whole different animal. So NO, it hasn't been reported that housing prices are up.....quite the contrary Mr. K.

If someone buys a house, that doesn't mean they are an Obama supporter.......It means they wanted a place to live and they can afford it!! Quit making stuff up!!

S&P Case-Shiller Shows Home Prices Fell In January | Fox Business


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Well, you can also read more about Canadians buying up most of those homes in Phoenix.
I don't read about Canadians buying homes in AZ. Apparently they are bright enough to know they gotta get out of Canada!
When you don't have a leg to stand on, you just change the subject. Learn that at the TOS Trade School?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Well, you can also read more about Canadians buying up most of those homes in Phoenix.

I do marketing for my wife. I am targeting Canadians because of the favorable monetary exchange. One of the main reasons there is a favorable monetary exchange is because of your buddy Barry!! Our dollar is suffering because of good ole Barry and that helps the Canucks.

Enjoy it while you can and buy American! Come November, your buddy is out on his can and the American $ will begin to strengthen in the next year.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

Under Bush our Dollar was at $1.12 per US buck ! And way before the recession, in 2005 ! Now, it's just over par. So, how do you figure that ?


Well-Known Member
I thought this site was about people stating their own opinions on issues that effect them personally. Seems like all the right wingers can do is copy and paste. then call it their own thoughts.


Staff member
I thought this site was about people stating their own opinions on issues that effect them personally. Seems like all the right wingers can do is copy and paste. then call it their own thoughts.
Moreluck doesn't have her own opinions. The "hammer hubby" tells her what to cut and paste.


RON PAUL 2012. if any one you upsers, would know anything about politics and the system? you would know that obama just like bush and romney are all puppets controlled by powerful lobbyst and the CFR council on foreign relations. Ron paul is a honest man and not a lier like obama. Obama just like bush lied about everything he would do. im done with this, if ron paul is not elected president, expect the US dollar collapse within 12-36 months. Hyperinflation will come from the FED who will just print money, until economic collapse. Your 401 k stocks ect will be 60 % 80% wiped out. Gold and silver is best option if you want to have purchasing power left. Wake up before its too late for all of us.


golden ticket member
Moreluck doesn't have her own opinions. The "hammer hubby" tells her what to cut and paste.

I think my hubby has posted on B.C. 2 times in 12 you can leave him out of it!

You try posting a picture on Bowncafe without cut & paste. You talk like it's a mortal sin to cut and paste......... !!!

I'm not shy about giving my opinion and have tons of posts wih my thoughts on subjects.

People cut & paste expect them to waste the time to re-type them?? You'd starve!! Photo of the day ??? I guess the poster could just describe the picture in their own words, but it wouldn't be the same.

It's amazing, I'll be thinking of some thing dumb about Obama and, voila, there's a news stoy with exactly what I was thinking.

Cut and paste is a tool, not a crutch......and the people that complain the most about it usually can't do it.