President Obama!


golden ticket member
You don't get it.

By law we are suppose to have a budget. (Congressional Budget Act of '74)

Obama says "I'm bigger than the law and I don't have to" so he submits something that not ONE Democrat voted to OK.
What a stooge he is and makes light of the rules. I, for one, think that Obama thinks he doesn't have to follow the Constitution....he's above it and wants to be a monarch. Well, he can be a monarch butterfly and fly his little butt out of DC.

Then you want to tell me about the rest of the world.........I don't care about a Dubai budget or a Viet Nam budget, or a Mexico budget. I don't live in those places.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

WOW!! Did you say 80 million?? what a TON of cash wasted! Whats OBAMA thinking? The american taxpayers should be outraged! Who in there right mind would want to spend 80 million dollars on an embassy???

Thats just plain crazy!! What a wasteful idea...... oh wait, give me a minute...... its coming back to me now.....

How about the 700 million now approching 1 billion dollar US EMBASSY BUSH built in IRAQ???

Thats right, close to 1 billion dollars for an embassy larger than the VATICAN! Talk about waste.

Who do you think is still trying to pay for this GINORMOUS WASTE OF MONEY in the IRAQI desert???? THATS RIGHT YOU!!!!

NO outrage there eh? If I recall, When I spoke of this GINORMOUS waste of money back then, YOU defended it along with the other BUSH supporters of the Iraq war.

NOW, you want to complain about 80 million?




Strength through joy
[h=2]George Will: “If you struck from Barack Obama’s vocabulary the first-person singular pronoun, he would fall silent”[/h]Look, self-absorption’s part of the occupational hazard of politics and it’s also part of the job description of being president. All that said, try to imagine Dwight Eisenhower talking about D Day, saying, “I did this, I decided this, I did this, and then I did that” — it’s inconceivable. If you struck from Barack Obama’s vocabulary the first-person singular pronoun he would fall silent, which would be a mercy to us and a service to him actually, because he has been so incontinent in his speechmaking for the last three years that you wind up with, as you said, an Ohio State University, empty seats.


Well-Known Member
I was also one who bought into the "Hope and Change"

Obama has been a completely opposite from what he promised. No special interest groups, a different tone in Washington, transparancy, no bill signed by him unless American people read it first, close Gitmo first year, comprehensive Immigration plan first term, stimulous shovel jobs--laughed no shovel ready jobs, gave tax money to former fund raisers to open businesses that failed on our dime, promised to reduce the debt, ETC,ETC,ETC,

I am not willing to vote for Obama for four more years of this nonsense and deceit.

If Romney breaks all of his promises --four years from now I will vote to get him out. Time for American's to demand that politicians at least TRY to keep their words.

Upstate if you are concerned about your childrens futures --check out the debt and check out the enormous increase in regulations that stiflel growth, jobs and the economy. With no budget or plan to change things. Two years with COMPLETE CONTROL.

I am more that willing to put a successful businessman in office not stick with an idealogue.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
My vow was that I wouldn't comment on your post count.
And shortly after that, maybe a week or two, you said you would put me in the same category as Menotyou and totally have nothing to do with me.

Menotyou saw the post too because she knows I was pleased with it.

Haven't been able to find it..........but it exists and it proves you break your vows.....just like when you said you were leaving BC and then you popped back. Reneger and drama Queen Nancy!!