President Obama!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamabastic !!

I would tell the U.N. "great idea, we'll start with that little piece of manhattan your building is sitting upon. Let's give that back to the Indians first."

For some reason, I think the U.N. will rethink the advice.

DID either of you read the story??

First of all, it used the word "SOME", not ALL. Big difference. The land in question is land promised by TREATIES and violated by the federal goverment.

"At Rosebud, that's a situation where indigenous people have seen over time encroachment on to their land and they've lost vast territories and there have been clear instances of broken treaty promises. It's undisputed that the Black Hills was guaranteed them by treaty and that treaty was just outright violated by the United States in the 1900s. That has been recognised by the United States supreme court," he said.

There is plenty to read in the article, including some serious issues.

Why not learning to have some compassion for the indians. Maybe if you actually gave a crap about other human beings, you may understand whats at stake for them. Why not take a ride through the grand canyon for instance and see how the navajo indians live in the middle of nowhere, with nothing. Crappy land, no running water, no electricity, no natural gas, no concrete, no cement, just dirt.

Goverment trailers litter the landscape and the people live like the flintstones because thats where the white man put them.

Maybe if you could actually see this, and the horrible conditions to which they live, you may think a bit differently.




golden ticket member
| Friday, May 4, 2012 @ 9:46 pm | |

Pics: President Obama Continues to Make the Best Use of His Time Since He Pretty Much Spent Us Into Oblivion


Strength through joy
Re: Obamabastic !!

Close to a million people live on the US's 310 Native American reservations.
James A, the UN special rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, said that in nearly two weeks of visiting Indian reservations, indigenous communities in Alaska and Hawaii, and Native Americans now living in cities, he encountered people who suffered a history of dispossession of their lands and resources, the breakdown of their societies and "numerous instances of outright brutality, all grounded on racial discrimination".


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

So, you want to give land back to the Indians? Do you also want to put all the black people in boats and return them to Africa because the white man took them from their land.??? It sounds the same to me.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Unless he is with TOTUS and a prepared script of softball questions, he just fumbles around.
So it is good news that he has broken another long standing tradition .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamabastic !!

So, you want to give land back to the Indians? Do you also want to put all the black people in boats and return them to Africa because the white man took them from their land.??? It sounds the same to me.

I just love how we went from INDIANS to blacks in 2 secs flat. What a transition. What the author was talking about in the article was LAND to be given back that was promised in TREATIES, not generousity.

If you can show us a TREATY that promised Blacks a boat ride home, then you have a case. Until then, you slipped.

The American Indian has been a race that WHITE america chose to discard over the years. Some suffer like cave people and others do better. ALL americans should be helped and not ignored.




Staff member

I understand how so many were fooled into voting for Obama the first time.
But if you vote for the "Do nothing" President again, you really are a fool!

It boggles my mind how anyone could vote for him again.


Well-Known Member
I understand how so many were fooled into voting for Obama the first time.
But if you vote for the "Do nothing" President again, you really are a fool!

It boggles my mind how anyone could vote for him again.

Warren Buffett was on CNN this morning and was asked who he would be voting for in November. He said President Obama. When asked why he said that he felt that the economy will have a strong second half of the year.

I was one of the fools you speak. I was drawn in to the rhetoric and swallowed the whole "hope and change" thing hook, line and sinker. To say I am disillusioned would be putting it mildly; however, until the GOP or a third party comes up with a viable alternative, I will once again vote for Obama. I do think he is turn things around (ever so slowly) and that the economy is picking up steam.

My disappoint is for my daughter and son-in-law, both college graduates, both underemployed. My son graduates in December--I think he has a better chance as his major (Supply Chain Solutions--Logistics) is in demand.


Staff member
Warren Buffett was on CNN this morning and was asked who he would be voting for in November. He said President Obama. When asked why he said that he felt that the economy will have a strong second half of the year.

I was one of the fools you speak. I was drawn in to the rhetoric and swallowed the whole "hope and change" thing hook, line and sinker. To say I am disillusioned would be putting it mildly; however, until the GOP or a third party comes up with a viable alternative, I will once again vote for Obama. I do think he is turn things around (ever so slowly) and that the economy is picking up steam.

My disappoint is for my daughter and son-in-law, both college graduates, both underemployed. My son graduates in December--I think he has a better chance as his major (Supply Chain Solutions--Logistics) is in demand.
That's really what the election will hinge on. Obama didn't win last time because people got all caught up in his rhetoric, he won because the economy had tanked and people were profoundly unhappy with Bush and the republicans and I don't expect that the dynamics of this election will be much different. If the economy really does pick up steam Obama will win easily, if it tanks again then he's in big trouble. If it kinda keeps going along in a weak recovery like it has been then he has an advantage but it's not a lock and he'll have to campaign pretty hard.


golden ticket member
I pay attention to all the #'s. The numbers have always been adjusted upward or downward a month after a report of being 'sort of good'. Why don't they just report the accurate number a month late.

Always adjusting it seems like they were trying to show "O" in a good light, when in reality it was bad.

I want a businessman who understands how the economy works to run things. Obama wasn't a businessman, ever!! He thinks if you 'hug a tree, you're a good pres........look what happened to the Nt'l Xmas tree. Hug too hard & you smother things!!