President Obama!


golden ticket member
Wait, didn’t he say rates would go down?

INDIANAPOLIS – As a result of the federal Affordable Care Act, individual health insurance rates in Indiana will increase by an average of 72% in 2014 according to Logan Harrison, Chief Deputy Commissioner at the Indiana Department of Insurance. Small group rates will increase by 8%.

Harrison commented, “This new data regrettably confirms the negative impact of the Affordable Care Act on the insurance market in Indiana. The Affordable Care Act requires many Hoosiers to purchase more comprehensive and more expensive health insurance than they may want or need. These rates call into question just how affordable health insurance will really be for many Hoosiers.”

Harrison noted that the State’s actuary predicted this substantial rate increase in 2010, after passage of the Affordable Care Act. He also mentioned that other states being highlighted as benefitting from the Affordable Care Act have already seen exorbitant health insurance rate increases in past years as a result of similar failed policy initiatives. Many of these states have more onerous insurance market regulations than even under the Affordable Care Act.


Well-Known Member

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, serif]It was an “extraordinary decline” that “demonstrates the profound promise” of Obamacare, said one supporter of the law.[/FONT]

And we're supposed to naively believe the pro-big gov bureaucrats? The ones infamous for taking a government for the people and by the people and ruining it? The ones to thank for swelling our government into the bloated monster it has become over the last several decades, while those who know better have tried to do their best to prevent it, while being labelled obstructionists or "American Taliban" members?

"Bush lied people died" even though the efforts of our brave men and women are hardly for naught!

This group of Marxist's LIE DAILY and our lives are being slowly RUINED for the sake of their own political hides, but thats just fine and dandy for the sake of the particular social agenda of your choice? Thank you Pelosi and Reid. Thank you President OBUMMER for continually lying to the naive and gullible willfully clueless voter in America. Now well into your second term, with no fear of re-election, you've managed to become the worst, most corrupt, mistrusted batch of lying thieves, race baiting, power hungry, scandal ridden administration in world history. Thanks for waking up the lazy fools that sit home on election days. See you all at the polls in November.


Staff member
Well are we supposed to blindly believe those who said the opposite would happen? Something positive is going on when the constant increase in cost for the last three decades has not only leveled but is now decreasing. C'mon people. As hard as it is to do, give credit where it's due.


Well-Known Member
Bigger more bloated bureaucracy is never credit worthy. Never has been never will be. Why should we wait till we have to take a number, and die while we wait for whatever illness we have? Will the leftist elitist be effected by this great new bill? Hell no. They'll be free'er to receive the best medical treatment money can buy, while the sheeple wait in line for government healthcare.

No thanks.


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
ObamaCare’s failures are impossible to deny.The bloated federal bureaucracy simply cannot implement its provisions on time, and now the Obama Administration has decided to favor corporations over individuals by delaying the employer insurance mandate while enforcing the individual mandate and the abortion-pill mandate.This is fundamentally unfair.Even worse, the Obama Administration now intends to bust the federal budget by potentially providing subsidies to millions of Americans who don’t qualify.Momentum is building in Washington, and even liberals are frustrated. Now is the time to act. ​Sign Petition to Delay, Defund, and Defeat ObamaCare

Dear President Obama and Members of Congress,ObamaCare isn’t working. The federal government can’t meet deadlines, can’t protect against fraud, is forcing Americans to violate their faith, and now is treating corporations better than individuals. Delay the individual mandate, do not fund programs vulnerable to fraud, and defeat the takeover of our health care system by a federal government that keeps proving its incompetence and corruption.

Delay, Defund, and Defeat ObamaCare | ObamaCare, American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ


golden ticket member
Even though the real unemployment rate is 14.3%?

Via Washington Examiner:

President Obama explained that the U.S. economy was back, during an address to his former campaign operation turned into a non-profit – Organizing for Action.
Obama reminded them that when he took office “the bottom had fallen out” of the national economy – citing rising inequality and middle class struggles.

“Now, the good news is over the last five years, we fought alongside people like Nancy Pelosi. But most importantly, because of the grit and resilience and determination of the American people, we’ve been able to clear away the rubble and get back to where we were,” Obama explained.

Obama added that the economy was the most important item on his agenda – even though he noted that climate change, women’s rights, civil rights, and gun violence were still important.


golden ticket member
Phony scandals ?? Like those 4 phony dead guys in Benghazi ?

First it was Pfeiffer, then Carney, and now Obama. We officially have a new talking point.

GALESBURG, Ill. (AP) — President Barack Obama said Wednesday that Washington has “taken its eye off the ball” as he pledged a stronger second-term commitment to tackling the economic woes that strain many in the middle class nearly five years after the country plunged into a recession.

Obama returned to the college campus where he gave his first major economic address as a U.S. senator, and he chided Congress for being less concerned about the economy and more about “an endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony scandals.”

“I am here to say this needs to stop,” Obama said in a speech at Knox College. “This moment does not require short term thinking. It does not require having the same old stale debates.”

The president’s attempt to refocus on the economy comes amid some hopeful signs of improvement, with the unemployment rate falling and consumer confidence on the rise. But looming spending and budget deadlines this fall could upend that progress if Washington spirals into contentious fiscal fights like those that plagued Obama’s first term.


golden ticket member
Adding insult to injury.

CHICAGO (AP) — It will make you stronger. It will give you peace of mind and make you feel like a winner. Health insurance is what the whole country has been talking about, so don’t be left out.

Sound like a sales pitch? Get ready for a lot more. As President Barack Obama’s health care law moves from theory to reality in the coming months, its success may hinge on whether the best minds in advertising can reach one of the hardest-to-find parts of the population: people without health coverage.

The campaign won’t come cheap: The total amount to be spent nationally on publicity, marketing and advertising will be at least $684 million, according to data compiled The Associated Press from federal and state sources.

About 16 percent of Americans are uninsured, but despite years of political debate and media attention, more than three-quarters of them still know little about the law known as “Obamacare,” according to recent surveys.

“It’s not sugar cereal, beer and detergent,” said Brooke Foley, chief executive officer of the Chicago-based Jayne Agency, one of the advertising firms crafting messages to reach the uninsured.


Well-Known Member
Where are all the cheers for this outstanding display of leadership? You know.....the drones that began singing praises 737 pages ago? Shhhhhhh!


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
OBAMA’S LATEST STUNT: Blowing $700 Million to Promote Obamacare – In Swing States (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Why does he need to spend tax payer money to convince us how great Obamacare is now? Oh, yeah. He needs to get more young people to sign up. But one feature of Obamacare is children can use parents insurance until they are 26. Didn't Obama see the problem with the math in that situation? Stupid question. The math NEVER added up.

Swing Solyndra... they will come back to bite him in the @ss come Nov 2014, that's why.