President Obama!


Well-Known Member
All great things for career politician & kool aid drinkers. Not so much for the millions and millions still unemployed. And the S hasn't even hit the fan yet.
The Stuff hit the fan when Dubya was president!!!
remember: 9/11,Invasion of Iraq,Housing Crises and the worst Financial Meltdown since the depression?

those of you who voted for that Clown not once but TWICE really should stop posting.....................srsly!

Again, and again and again....(some people just refuse to face reality)

GW Bush did NOTHING that Pelosi and Reid didn't first agree to. At least Pelosi for shoved to the back of the room, and now "whoa! Look how wonderful everything is!"

Pfft, snap out of it :/


All Trash No Trailer
Again, and again and again....(some people just refuse to face reality)

GW Bush did NOTHING that Pelosi and Reid didn't first agree to. At least Pelosi for shoved to the back of the room, and now "whoa! Look how wonderful everything is!"

Pfft, snap out of it :/
yup,just brush away 9/11 with as sweep of your hand, forget about the Great Recession................drink some more Kool was all Clinton;s fault


nowhere special
1. Obamacare. Say no more
2. Stimulus. pissed money into the wind. No useful difference other than wasting tax dollars
3.Wall Street reform is a good idea but I doubt it made much real world difference
4.Moved troops from Iraq to Afghanistan
5. Started to draw down troops after he increased them. The peak (2011) When did Obama take office? 2009
6.Bin Laden was killed using information collected under Bush. And Obama was reluctant to order it done ( he didn't the first couple of chances)
7.Auto Industry. Can you say Detroit?
8.Banks. Probably was a good move
9.Don't ask, don't tell. Questionable whether repealing it was a good move.
10. Gaddafi. OK, but no follow up strategy led to anarchy and the debacle at Benghazi.
11. Mubarak out and supported Morsi and Muslim Brotherhood. Overall negative
12.He didn't reverse Bush torture policies. He expanded them.
13.He made America look foolish to the rest of the world.
14.Student loans are still a disaster.
15.No significant difference on education other than wasting tax dollars
16. Boosted fuel efficiency requirements beyond current practical technology, then fined companies for not achieving the impossible
17.He wasted money overseas.
18.More wasteful spending.
19.lip service with no practical result.
20. Good idea but made almost no difference in how veterans are treated.
21.Iran laughed at Obama.
22.Killed coal to appease his green supporters (after he previously claimed he wouldn't).
23. Credit card changes were a good thing.
24. Little practical difference.
25.Protect 2 liberal seats on Supreme Court? The law is supposed to be above politics.
26.Improve food safety would be good but he wanted more done with not enough people. All talk and no real difference.
27.START treaty was completely foolish. Russia is under the limit and can continue to build nore nukes while US is required to decrease . And no mention of new rogue nuke states like N Korea.
28.waste of tax dollars.
29.Preservationist strategy that is intended to make public lands only open to a few (who are Obama supporters).
30.Not sure what difference FDA will make will this.
31. Push for green. All politics.
32.Crack vs cocaine change was a good move. They should be legally the same for criminal purposes.
33. debateable whether cutting money on missile defense was a good idea with the rogue nuclear states.
34.another questionable decision. Cut troops and spend more money on electronic spying.
35.Privatization of space industry and killing NASA is a bad idea.
36. Waste of money, just done to please Obama's green base. tests that are politically correct and don't reflect leaning. Very bad idea.
38.cracking down on for profit colleges that are usually just degree mills was a good thing.
39.School nutrition is a good idea but this plan was poorly conceived and a waste of money. Michelle is no nutritionist either.
40.Hate crime extension has been abused in ways that were not originally intended.
41.nothing but scandals.
42.victims in Gulf were still waiting for money when big companies got paid. Especially fishing industry got hosed. More lip service that didn't really help those who deserved it.
43.Stimulus spending was just pissing money down a hole, Creating inspectors afterwards is just political cover your butt.
44.where is my free broadband?
45.more hot air.
46.waste of money and impossible to make any meaningful difference. More pandering to his base.
47.stem cell research is very controversial and could be viewed as either good or bad.
48.pandering to his base and a racist move.What about white farmers that got cheated?
49. helped South Sudan achieve independence then left them hanging with no support while millions were killed.
50.friend-22 program shouldn't have been killed. In the future the US will wish they had those planes.


Well-Known Member
Again, and again and again....(some people just refuse to face reality)

GW Bush did NOTHING that Pelosi and Reid didn't first agree to. At least Pelosi for shoved to the back of the room, and now "whoa! Look how wonderful everything is!"

Pfft, snap out of it :/
yup,just brush away 9/11 with as sweep of your hand, forget about the Great Recession................drink some more Kool was all Clinton;s fault

Naa, W did what he had to do with those he had to work with. Likewise for Barry. And you sing his praises with more people on food stamps and welfare than ever in US history. Ya, makes perfect sense.


All Trash No Trailer
1. Obamacare. Say no more- it would have been Romney Care. SSDD
2. Stimulus. pissed money into the wind. No useful difference other than wasting tax dollars-thats rubbish.The current booming economy is living proof his stimulus and over all economic plans are working
3.Wall Street reform is a good idea but I doubt it made much real world difference-wrong again. More accountability from the banks is now enforced
4.Moved troops from Iraq to Afghanistan-and thats bad HOW??????? The Taliban are the true enemy.Obama's winding down the Iraqi war is quite the accomplishment
5. Started to draw down troops after he increased them. The peak (2011) When did Obama take office? 2009
6.Bin Laden was killed using information collected under Bush. And Obama was reluctant to order it done ( he didn't the first couple of chances)- that's just WRONG. Bush is on record saying he didnt know where Obama was and that Obama wasnt important. The reluctance stems from OBL being housed by a Bush made Ally that under the Dubya Administration had recieved BILLIONS of dollars from,no strings attached.
7.Auto Industry. Can you say Detroit?- The Bailout of the auto Industry SAVED the nation from a Second Recession
8.Banks. Probably was a good move-this makes no sense at all
9.Don't ask, don't tell. Questionable whether repealing it was a good move.
10. Gaddafi. OK, but no follow up strategy led to anarchy and the debacle at Benghazi.- Where is the Republican Outrage over 4500 soldiers Killed in Iraq? The diplomats knew going in Benghazi was a dangerous Volunteer Only assignment
11. Mubarak out and supported Morsi and Muslim Brotherhood. Overall negative
12.He didn't reverse Bush torture policies. He expanded them.-wrong wrong wrong. Lies and Rubbish.
13.He made America look foolish to the rest of the world.-no that was DUBYA that did that. Obama is the most respected president world wide since JFK
14.Student loans are still a disaster.
15.No significant difference on education other than wasting tax dollars- explain this please??
16. Boosted fuel efficiency requirements beyond current practical technology, then fined companies for not achieving the impossible
17.He wasted money overseas.-explain please????
18.More wasteful spending.-need examples and facts thanx
19.lip service with no practical result.-examples please??
20. Good idea but made almost no difference in how veterans are treated.-makes no sense
21.Iran laughed at Obama.-um no they didnt. The Iranians consider him MUCH more dangerus than DUBYA
22.Killed coal to appease his green supporters (after he previously claimed he wouldn't).
23. Credit card changes were a good thing.=explain?
24. Little practical difference.-???????
25.Protect 2 liberal seats on Supreme Court? The law is supposed to be above politics.-???? explain please
26.Improve food safety would be good but he wanted more done with not enough people. All talk and no real difference.
27.START treaty was completely foolish. Russia is under the limit and can continue to build nore nukes while US is required to decrease . And no mention of new rogue nuke states like N Korea=wrong.
28.waste of tax dollars.-???????
29.Preservationist strategy that is intended to make public lands only open to a few (who are Obama supporters).-examples please
30.Not sure what difference FDA will make will this.-??? makes no sense
31. Push for green. All politics.-rubbish
32.Crack vs cocaine change was a good move. They should be legally the same for criminal purposes.-????
33. debateable whether cutting money on missile defense was a good idea with the rogue nuclear states.-explain please?
34.another questionable decision. Cut troops and spend more money on electronic spying.-VERY smart move! why endanger US lives when Drone Strikes can kill the enemy????
35.Privatization of space industry and killing NASA is a bad idea.-explain please
36. Waste of money, just done to please Obama's green base- again this makes NO sense. tests that are politically correct and don't reflect leaning. Very bad idea.- explain please???
38.cracking down on for profit colleges that are usually just degree mills was a good thing.-ALL colleges are For Profit Instituions
39.School nutrition is a good idea but this plan was poorly conceived and a waste of money. Michelle is no nutritionist either.- rubbish! getting children to eat healthy is GOOD!
40.Hate crime extension has been abused in ways that were not originally intended.-how?????
41.nothing but scandals.-explain please
42.victims in Gulf were still waiting for money when big companies got paid. Especially fishing industry got hosed. More lip service that didn't really help those who deserved it.-examples please
43.Stimulus spending was just pissing money down a hole, Creating inspectors afterwards is just political cover your butt.-examples please?
44.where is my free broadband? -there is no fre lunch. I dont remember free internet being in the Democratic Platform
45.more hot air.
46.waste of money and impossible to make any meaningful difference. More pandering to his base.
47.stem cell research is very controversial and could be viewed as either good or bad.
48.pandering to his base and a racist move.What about white farmers that got cheated?
49. helped South Sudan achieve independence then left them hanging with no support while millions were killed.
50.friend-22 program shouldn't have been killed. In the future the US will wish they had those planes.


Well-Known Member
Sorry 728, but anyone that puts Obummercare in the success column is clearly too biased to think rationally. Sure W was an aloof doofus to watch sometimes but at least he never apologized for the work and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform. At least his wife has always been proud of her country not just because it voted for someone based on ones color. At least when animals brought the war to us he took it back to their sorry @sses agree or not. And yes, he probably was only a two term president because the other option was no better. But I personally don't have to wonder why Barry is a two term president what with half the country standing there with their hand out. Hardly worthy of a pat on the back.


All Trash No Trailer
Sorry 728, but anyone that puts Obummercare in the success column is clearly too biased to think rationally. Sure W was an aloof doofus to watch sometimes but at least he never apologized for the work and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform. At least his wife has always been proud of her country not just because it voted for someone based on ones color. At least when animals brought the war to us he took it back to their sorry @sses agree or not. And yes, he probably was only a two term president because the other option was no better. But I personally don't have to wonder why Barry is a two term president what with half the country standing there with their hand out. Hardly worthy of a pat on the back.
I cannot for the life of me understand why people who denounce 'Obamacare' would have praised 'Romneycare' to the very heavens. This is a concept that is Bipartisian,(as it directly benefits the upper 3%, $$$$ trumps political leanings on both sides) and was going to be passed regardless of which party controlled the Office of President.


Well-Known Member
Sorry 728, but anyone that puts Obummercare in the success column is clearly too biased to think rationally. Sure W was an aloof doofus to watch sometimes but at least he never apologized for the work and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform. At least his wife has always been proud of her country not just because it voted for someone based on ones color. At least when animals brought the war to us he took it back to their sorry @sses agree or not. And yes, he probably was only a two term president because the other option was no better. But I personally don't have to wonder why Barry is a two term president what with half the country standing there with their hand out. Hardly worthy of a pat on the back.
I cannot for the life of me understand why people who denounce 'Obamacare' would have praised 'Romneycare' to the very heavens. This is a concept that is Bipartisian,(as it directly benefits the upper 3%, $$$$ trumps political leanings on both sides) and was going to be passed regardless of which party controlled the Office of President.

On that I agree. With the first part anyway. Come Nov 2014 I pray it will be the beginning of repealing socialized take a number and hope you don't die waiting healthcare. This bs was rammed through congress completely against the will of the majority of Americans. Legal ones. :/ good grief.


Staff member
So why not let it go completely into effect, be a complete and utter failure, and let the Republicans reap the political windfall? Or are the Republicans afraid it will succeed and the nation will embrace what the Republicans spend precious congressional time trying to repeal?


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
So why not let it go completely into effect, be a complete and utter failure, and let the Republicans reap the political windfall? Or are the Republicans afraid it will succeed and the nation will embrace what the Republicans spend precious congressional time trying to repeal?


All Trash No Trailer
Instead of your costs being $2500 cheaper as promised.......they'll be $2500 higher. Yeah, enact that sucker !!!! Let it completely go into effect? Irresponsible !!


Staff member
Instead of your costs being $2500 cheaper as promised.......they'll be $2500 higher. Yeah, enact that sucker !!!! Let it completely go into effect? Irresponsible !!

The Republican party has no way to stop it. Even of they take the Senate, they won't have enough votes to beat a presidential veto.


All Trash No Trailer


Well-Known Member
So why not let it go completely into effect, be a complete and utter failure, and let the Republicans reap the political windfall? Or are the Republicans afraid it will succeed and the nation will embrace what the Republicans spend precious congressional time trying to repeal?

"The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program." - Ronald Reagan


Staff member
The people will be too stupid to know they want it repealed once fully implemented? C'mon mule. It's going to be popular and the Republicans know it. If they even came close to repealing it, the insurance companies would tar and feather the Republicans. They know this is a winner.


The Nim
So why not let it go completely into effect, be a complete and utter failure, and let the Republicans reap the political windfall? Or are the Republicans afraid it will succeed and the nation will embrace what the Republicans spend precious congressional time trying to repeal?

Well the Republicans only control the House, and they've been wasting their ability, have only voted to repeal fully knowing the senate won't vote in the same way (or vote at all.) If the Republican leadership actually wanted to hamstring Obamacare they'd simply not fund it since the House has that power.