President Obama!


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself


golden ticket member
Turns out it probably would have been cheaper to just pay for insurance for all those uninsured folks.........this Obamacare is turning out to be one expensive mother.


Nine Lives

What is also amazing about this ---the way the law is written --if the young and healthy do not sign up for their own health care ---obamacare fails ---sounds like a forced single payer plan !!!
That has been the expressed goal of most of the leadership of the Democrats for the last 25 years.

Study Hillary-care back in 1993 and the players in the background who felt it was a first step to a single-payer health plan.
The essence of a single-payer health plan is that the US National government defines and controls that system making the populace dependent on a strong centralized National government funding healthcare.

That can be accomplished whether it is single-payer or as defined in Hillarycare or Obamacare.

Single-payer health care is a system in which the government, rather than private insurers, pays for all health care costs.


Nine Lives
Vermont recently adopted the single payer plan.
A good thing? I don't know.

I have expressed several times in the past that my biggest disappointment with Obamacare is that it was not a Universal healthcare system.
I think the best system is one that provides healthcare free of charge to all citizens but ... allows a completely separate healthcare system (presumably a much better healthcare system) for those willing and able to pay from their own pocketbook.

This is the advantage of being a libertarian (small "l") ... one does not have to be consistent or toe the political party line.


Well-Known Member
From the Huff Post 05 Dec 2013 (Not Fox)
Nasty Surprise May Await People Who Thought They Enrolled In Obamacare

Unresolved technical problems on could lead to a rude surprise at the doctor's office
next month for patients who think they successfully used the website to sign up for health insurance.

They may find they're not insured after all.

The result could be an untold number of consumers remaining uninsured despite completing the
enrollment process -- another embarrassing chapter in the rollout of the
Affordable Care Act, Obama's signature health care reform law.|main5|dl4|sec1_lnk3&pLid=415000