President Obama!


Its all good.
I have to wonder how many of those records were the results of circumstances inherited from his predecessor which were beyond his control. It's not as though things were all sunshine and rainbows on 1/20/09.

BTW, the debt and unemployment numbers have been steadily decreasing while the GDP has been steadily increasing during the Obama presidency.
Unemployment numbers have been dropping because the people who have exhausted unemployment benefits and are still unemployed have dropped off the roles. They still are unemployed but are no longer counted. If they were still counted, unemployment would be 12% or higher. Dig a little and you find out the details the government wants to keep hidden.

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Its all good.
Some people seem to have their candidate and/or political party on such a pedestal that they are unwilling to look at anything that contradicts their view of them as being great. Face it, they all make mistakes and if we don't hold their feet to the fire to correct these mistakes, they will take it as a license to do whatever they want. They are only people after all, nothing more, nothing less.

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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Unemployment numbers have been dropping because the people who have exhausted unemployment benefits and are still unemployed have dropped off the roles. They still are unemployed but are no longer counted. If they were still counted, unemployment would be 12% or higher. Dig a little and you find out the details the government wants to keep hidden.

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Don't forget about the government's method for figuring out inflation. What a fantasy land they live in.

Tired Driver

Sisyphus had it easy.


Inordinately Right
So you don't think people who work over 40 hours a week should get paid overtime?
It isn't about all people who work over 40 hours a week like your post implied.
I didn't imply that at all, you incorrectly inferred it. Part time supervisors and lower management at places like Dollar General and even UPS are people. So my question remains: Do you think people should be paid overtime after 40 hours?

Corporations abuse lowest level "management"(especially those with very little supervisory responsibilities) by making them salaried employees, which exempts them from overtime laws. As usual, U.S. laws are written to benefit corporations and no one else.


golden ticket member
In typical shady fashion, they changed the rule late Friday afternoon to avoid this making the news.

Via Fox News:

John Q. Public got his pockets picked last weekend by ObamaCare bureaucrats.

In a sneaky and illegal maneuver after close of business Friday, the Obama administration proposed a new rule increasing bailout protection for insurance companies that sell ObamaCare exchange plans. The rule –using taxpayer money, of course — is designed to protect the companies from losses.

It’s illegal, because no president, including Obama, has the constitutional authority to rewrite the laws. The president’s sworn duty is to “take care that laws are faithfully executed.”

The Affordable Care Act, as written and enacted in 2010, contains a bailout provision, Section 1342. It makes insurers whole for losses they were certain to incur by virtue of offering “affordable” plans.

Such losses were inevitable, because ObamaCare rules make it impossible for an insurance company to offer “affordable” plans and still cover costs. The premiums have to cover a long list of mandatory benefits, as well as $100 billion in taxes that the law imposes on insurers over the decade. Most significantly, the premiums have to cover the cost of caring for seriously ill people for the same price as healthy people.

Every state that tried this community rating scheme (including New York ) has seen premiums soar as the healthy, unwilling to foot the bill, stop buying insurance.

The bailout provision was inserted in the law by design to encourage insurers to set premiums too low. That helps the law, and its Democratic backers, look good. It was deception from the start, and a real effort to make a fatally flawed scheme appear as if it is providing affordable health plans.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
In typical shady fashion, they changed the rule late Friday afternoon to avoid this making the news.

Via Fox News:

blah blah blah ad nauseum

You quoted an entire article from weaselwhatever without giving credit. That is a violation of the TOS. I think you should be put in the queue for you constant violations of the TOS:ban:

Just kidding, you can post whatever tripe you want. I suppose it's your raison d'etre.


golden ticket member
The executive branch is suppose to govern and execute the laws of the country.
Obama needs to re-open his Funk & Wagnalls and look up the other meaning of 'execute'.