President Obama!


golden ticket member
So if it is Bush's fault why hasn't the present administration corrected those mistakes by now ?
Seems to me that should have been their first mission .
He's still trying to find the keys to Gitmo so he can close it and lock it !! (that's the first promise that I recall)


Well-Known Member
Today is the 4th anniversary of Obamacare. The latest poll shows 53% disapprove while only 41% approve. Registration numbers have been steadily increasing.


Why does the Administration keep telling us that registration continues to go up --but refuses to tell us how many have even paid their first premium ?

How come the Administration does not tell us how many signed up for Medicaid or 100% free Obamacare ?

How come the Administration will not tell us how many young and healthy people have registered ?

How come the Administration does not tell us that many of those who registered --were the responsible people who already had Healthcare and Doctors they were happy with along with Premiums and deductibles they could afford --but because of Obamacare they were giving no choice --thrown off their plans -forced to pay for coverage they do not need at higher Premiums and deductibles to pay for the takers ??

How come the Obamacare Premiums and deductibles are not 2500 Dollars cheaper than what people had before --as promised ??

Obamacare claims to cover Pre-existing conditions --many Obamacare patients are finding out "Cancer" is covered --the drugs and treatment for Cancer are not covered !!!

How come the Administration continues to put off painful Mandates until after the elections --four year after passage ?? Not letting "CONGRESS" re-write the laws --the King doing it with his pen and phone. If he calls himself for a third term and signs it --do not be surprised.

How come many people on here do not realize that when the exemptions are taken away or expire for all -including the Unions ---It is them who will face the Hell of Obamacare ???

P.S. These Questions are not directed to you ---Just to Obama-Kool Aid drinkers --the ones that support a community organizer trying to be President --even during the Debates Romney schooled him on Russia --but of course the most educated and Intelligent man in the world knew better .

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
The estimate is that only 1 million people have signed up who didn't have insurance before. The other 4 million or so are people who lost their previous plans because of the Unaffordable No Care Act.

So we destroyed our health care system so that 1 million people could buy overpriced insurance.
That's .003% of the population.


nowhere special


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
How large is Matt's company? Is there any tax due, even for 2014, payable in 2015?

Don't post an individual tax form for a company tax return. You already appear to be a low information poster, don't double down.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
He won't accept the IRS as a valid source.

How is a link to an individual tax form relevant to a corporate tax return? If Matt Drudge wants to post his income from all sources publicly, then we can have at it. Given the information made public, he's full of crap.


nowhere special

How is a link to an individual tax form relevant to a corporate tax return? If Matt Drudge wants to post his income from all sources publicly, then we can have at it. Given the information made public, he's full of crap.

as my previous post pointed out:
The IRS requires self-employed business owners to file annual returns and pay estimated quarterly taxes. When entrepreneurs like Mr. Drudge file their 2014 first quarter taxes, they have to pay the individual health care mandate if they are not getting Obamacare coverage.

Read more:


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
That link does not apply to the almighty Drudge. Is he a self employed busuiness owner or does he employ more than 100 people?

Calling Drudge an 'entrepreneur' is like calling Barnum & Bailey investment specialists.

Overpaying your taxes is for suckers. Mitt said that himself ;)

Here's the latest:

Update, Saturday: Matt Drudge responded to criticisms over his tweet late Friday by clarifying that he'd "paid '14 1st QTR tax estimates." Originally Drudge tweeted that "small businesses" are now paying their quarterly taxes, though his business is likely too small to be affected by the employer mandate. Self-employed individuals file taxes early as well.

Update, Saturday: The Wire reached out to the H&R Block Tax Institute, which said you’re free to over pay your tax obligation on your quarterly estimated tax form, but the IRS has “no way to designate it as penalty prepayment.” The line item for “other taxes owed” doesn’t mention the health law penalty, and the IRS still needs to offer guidance over several aspects of the penalty, the company said in an email.

“When the return is filed (in 2015) the overpayment of the estimated taxes likely would get netted against all taxes due and cover the penalty,” according to H&R Block. The actual estimated tax form states the mandate should be paid with the 2014 return next year, though “you may want to consider this when figuring your ‘Other taxes’” owed.