President Obama!


Well-Known Member
I made a point, you chose to nitpick at my wording in regards to an unrelated topic. You are the king of derailing.

I already fixed my post for you.... Move on man.

So when you claimed that the ACA required companies to provide health insurance and I linked to the governments site that disagreed with you and you then questioned if I had even read it, what you really meant was that the ACA doesn't require companies to provide insurance and I was correct but you just want to attack me for it?

That's strange thing without a doubt but you're the one who claims he doesn't like misinformation. Hmmmm


Inordinately Right
Employers with 50 or more employees have to provide health insurance or make an Employer Shared Responsibility Payment under ACA, I'm not sure this "executive rule change" is much of a change at all. Some companies thought they could dump employees onto the exchange and the government would pick up the bill through the exchange subsidies. They were wrong.
There, fixed it, happy? Good lord your constant attempts to derail are exhausting.
I made a point, you chose to nitpick at my wording in regards to an unrelated topic. You are the king of derailing.

I already fixed my post for you.... Move on man.
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Well-Known Member

By adding your "or pay a fine line" then your point makes no sense. You said they think they cannot dump people into government system and they can. The difference now is that if the employers gave money to purchase health insurance instead of purchasing it themselves it will be taxed on both ends instead of being tax free on the employees end.

Your entire point was that employers are forced to purchase health insurance for employees(before you added the unless they don't part). Your point was misinformation which you claim to dislike and we must assume that is also incorrect based on your posts here.


Inordinately Right
By adding your "or pay a fine line" then your point makes no sense. You said they think they cannot dump people into government system and they can. The difference now is that if the employers gave money to purchase health insurance instead of purchasing it themselves it will be taxed on both ends instead of being tax free on the employees end.

Your entire point was that employers are forced to purchase health insurance for employees(before you added the unless they don't part). Your point was misinformation which you claim to dislike and we must assume that is also incorrect based on your posts here.
You're like a broken record.


Well-Known Member
So to your libertarian senses, which one represents government intrusion? Forcing companies to provide insurance or not forcing them to do so? Welcome aboard.:)

Remember when you were a kid and they told you there was no such thing as a dumb question? Well that wasn't true.


Well-Known Member
I've always seen AV8 as libertarian in the same way that Rand Paul is!

The bad thing about some libertarians is they tend to be very judgmental of anyone who even slightly opposes one of their views. With that in mind I understand the Rand Paul position of being a little more tolerant and a little more inclusive.