President Obama!


Inordinately Right
It figures the Obama administration would wait for a three-day weekend to announce its latest executive rule change to Obamacare
Just because the examiner jumped all over a NY Times story published this weekend, doesn't mean the administration waited for a three day weekend.

Employers have to provide health insurance under ACA, I'm not sure this "executive rule change" is much of a change at all. Some companies thought they could dump employees onto the exchange and the government would pick up the bill through the exchange subsidies. They were wrong.
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Inordinately Right
My point was clear. The exact opposite of what you posted is true.

Was your post but according to the governments own website....

Even in the first sentence.....
So as I expected, your post was nitpicking at my wording as a complete derail from the topic at hand.

We all know about the 50 employee threshold and the option to pay a fine, try to stay on topic.


Inordinately Right
What about Obama administration waiting until a weekend as usual (holiday weekend in this case) to make that announcement?
Link me to that "announcement"..... the only thing I can find is Fox News and Breitbart linking to an Examiner article quoting a NY times article that links to an IRS website that was last updated May 13th.
"The ruling this month, by the Internal Revenue Service, blocks any wholesale move by employers to dump employees into the exchanges......
But the Obama administration raised objections, contained in an authoritative question-and-answer document released by the Internal Revenue Service, in consultation with other agencies.

Not saying you're necessarily wrong just saying that there are a lot of facts left out by these tag along news media outlets. It's all he said she said by the time you read it on Breitbart.
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nowhere special
Link me to that "announcement"..... the only thing I can find is Fox News and Breitbart linking to an Examiner article quoting a NY times article that links to an IRS website that was last updated May 13th.
"The ruling this month, by the Internal Revenue Service, blocks any wholesale move by employers to dump employees into the exchanges."

Not saying you're necessarily wrong just saying that there are a lot of facts left out by these tag along news media outlets. It's all he said she said by the time you read it on Breitbart.

Your link is a May 25 NY Times article. Which goes against your claim of something only on Fox and Breitbart referring to a May 13 NY Times article. Its a new announcement from Obama administration.


Well-Known Member
So as I expected, your post was nitpicking at my wording as a complete derail from the topic at hand.

We all know about the 50 employee threshold and the option to pay a fine, try to stay on topic.

If you knew the law didn't require what you claimed that it did why did you make the claim?


Well-Known Member
Your link is a May 25 NY Times article. Which goes against your claim of something only on Fox and Breitbart referring to a May 13 NY Times article. Its a new announcement from Obama administration.

I'm beginning to think that he doesn't know anything about the law he supports.


Inordinately Right
Your link is a May 25 NY Times article. Which goes against your claim of something only on Fox and Breitbart referring to a May 13 NY Times article. Its a new announcement from Obama administration.
I understand, it's tough to follow when you start at breitbart.

Breitbart and Fox News are quoting the examiner article which is quoting the new york times article from the 25th. If you actually read that NY times article you'll find this:
"The ruling this month, by the Internal Revenue Service, blocks any wholesale move by employers to dump employees into the exchanges.
But the Obama administration raised objections, contained in an authoritative question-and-answer document released by the Internal Revenue Service, in consultation with other agencies."

Follow the link the NY times provided and you'll see at the bottom of the page the last time that website was updated was May 13th 2014.
This is the problem with getting your news from Breitbart.


nowhere special
I understand, it's tough to follow when you start at breitbart.

Breitbart and Fox News are quoting the examiner article which is quoting the new york times article from the 25th. If you actually read that NY times article you'll find this:
"The ruling this month, by the Internal Revenue Service, blocks any wholesale move by employers to dump employees into the exchanges.
But the Obama administration raised objections, contained in an authoritative question-and-answer document released by the Internal Revenue Service, in consultation with other agencies."

Follow the link the NY times provided and you'll see at the bottom of the page the last time that website was updated was May 13th 2014.
This is the problem with getting your news from Breitbart.

I'm sorry all news sources don't report only the facts that you agree with.


Inordinately Right
I'm beginning to think that he doesn't know anything about the law he supports.
I don't support it, I just have a problem with misinformation.
If you knew the law didn't require what you claimed that it did why did you make the claim?
I didn't claim that, I just assumed you wouldn't be too dense to infer the obvious. Apparently I was wrong.

Employers with 50 or more employees have to provide health insurance or make an Employer Shared Responsibility Payment under ACA, I'm not sure this "executive rule change" is much of a change at all. Some companies thought they could dump employees onto the exchange and the government would pick up the bill through the exchange subsidies. They were wrong.
There, fixed it, happy? Good lord your constant attempts to derail are exhausting.
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Inordinately Right
I'm sorry all news sources don't report only the facts that you agree with.
What are you not understanding.... show me an announcement from the Obama administration this weekend. All I did was follow the link YOU provided, YOUR source, and and it leads to an IRS website that was last updated MAY 13th 2014.


nowhere special
What are you not understanding.... show me an announcement from the Obama administration this weekend. All I did was follow the links YOU provided, YOUR sources, and they lead to an IRS website that was last updated MAY 13th 2014.
This one is a doozy. The implications are so far-reaching that the official White House newspaper, the New York Times, buried the story by Robert Pear on page A12 of the New York edition.


Inordinately Right
This one is a doozy. The implications are so far-reaching that the official White House newspaper, the New York Times, buried the story by Robert Pear on page A12 of the New York edition.
Just click the link to the the New York Times article you just posted, read the article. It's source takes you to an IRS website last updated MAY 13th:

"But the Obama administration raised objections, contained in an authoritative question-and-answer document released by the Internal Revenue Service, in consultation with other agencies."
Click on the words "question-and-answer document". Scroll to the bottom of the page and read the date.

Not sure how to to explain this to you any clearer.